Sunday, 22 September 2019

The Scabs Are Coming Jeremy Vine. The Scabs Are Coming

Hi Mr Vine, Everybody

The last post was getting way to long. Who needs all that scrolling. So Mr Phelps got back to me Mr Vine. His email.

Hello Mr Gabriel.

Thank you for your e-mail and in information within .

We have now been in contact with Cardiff City Council and you are 100% correct that the property has indeed already been tested.

But unfortunately the property failed the test and the property requires a re-wire.

We would like to book a day and time convenient with yourself for when we can visit you at the property to talk through the works that are required to be undertaken .

Would you be so kind and e-mail or call us on 02920888606 to book a convenient day and time for us to visit ?


Mr James Phelps

Starlight Electrical Services Ltd

I know when I'm beaten Mr Vine. So I sent Mr Phelps this.

Hello Mr Phelps

I see you have me by the balls and are squeezing. I will call Rolant and arrange the time.

One day I hope the anguish this matter has caused me so far. Is visited upon you. Let alone the anguish the aftermath will also cause me.

But what do you care of those things you're making coin. I can but pray the scales get balanced eventually.

Yours David Gabriel

As ever inspiration struck me Mr Vine. The following are my views on these enforced works. You see it's gone from changing an old fuse box to a complete rewire. This is supposed to teach me not to mess with council employees. Much like when I complained about Dweebfoliant man. And for my troubles had a list of things they wanted me to do in the garden. With nothing said to him at all. If that's not discrimination I don't know what is.

                         ''You gotta fight for the right to say NO!'' 

I've shot a video of the entire show. But unfortunately my computer is to old for youtubes studio editing. And I will have to go to an internet cafe. To edit all the clips to one video. It will be online soon and added here.

I arranged an appoint with Rolant (Not Rolland as I thought I heard it). And a Mr White will be visiting me Monday. I shall ask Mr White to read the above. Before asking him the question. ''Tell me Mr White are ye an Honourable man or are ye a Scab?''

My money is on him being a Scab Mr Vine. So I've made a few other artworks to convey my feelings on these matters. Like this.

This is a relief sculpture I have in my kitchen. Buddha dude wants to get in on the action. But Scabs don't care to heed wisdom. All they are interested in is coin.

For those who don't know what Karma is. Well it's a bit like the Christian saying ''As you do unto others. So also shall it be done unto you. Yea verily pressed down and running over''. In this instance the violation of ones home. By unwanted intruders.

After the Kitchen we move into the lounge Mr Vine. Where these works have covered my other art works. You will see the before and after in the video.

How very true. We have no desire to speak with any Scabs Mr Vine. Well would you? After Gollum they will encounter Oliver Reed. In this work.

We really don't want them in here Mr Vine. A tenant ought to have input into these things. It's not as if it's an emergency is it? And this coming week is not good at all Mr Vine. Yet another WCA because the DWP like to play games with peoples lives. You will hear more on that soon.

After they see Mr Reed. They will be confronted by the history of Scabs. And how they have been viewed in Wales in the past.

Am I being harsh Mr Vine. I don't think so. I've used Mr Bevan's words as he described Tories. Scabs and Tories go hand in hand after all. And then Alice through the looking glass gets transformed to this.

The lament of Scabs and Jobsworths the world over Mr Vine. ''I was only doing my job''. People with power over others Mr Vine. They usually get away with abusing that power. And tenants really should have the right. To refuse unwanted intrusions into their home life by Landlords. Enshrined in Law.

So moving from the lounge we go into the bedroom. .Where this has been displayed to greet the Scabs

How are they even allowed to threaten it Mr Vine. The Council might own the properties. But these are our homes. And we ought to have a say in what occurs inside of them. These are Non-Emergency works. 

This is really really not a good time for me to be dealing with this. The DWP are my main concern at this time. With my future at stake. All because they refuse to accept that Regulation 29(2)(b) is there to protect people like me from their excesses.

So then its into the bathroom. Where they will meet this.

After all they deserve none. Do they Mr Vine. If they were a unionised workforce. I'd be letting their union know about this. Asking 'Are your members allowed to cross Picket Lines?' I'd hope their guidance would be 'No they are not'.

In the video I point out this pipe. It's the main gas intake pipe for the combi boiler. 

Do you ever go back to the past and change it Mr Vine. I do. In this case the Gas Engineer asks the same question. 'Where's the gas meter'. I stroll over to where he is standing by the combi boiler and ask. 'Where's the main gas intake pipe chief?' He points to the pipe where the red arrow is pointing. 'By there' he says. I say 'Well where do you imagine the meter is'' He says pointing behind the wall. 'Out there!' I say 'Got it in one pal'. 

You see Mr Vine he knew where it was all the time.

I guess Mr Drakeford will ignore all notifications about this blog. That he will ignore all emails. Just like the ones he's ignored about the previous blog post. 

I express myself in the common tongue Mr Vine. And get discriminated against for my troubles. That is unlawful under EU Law. Not that anyone will uphold my complaint on that score either.

I will let you know if Mr White is an honourable man or not. I very much doubt that he will be though. You see the Wales Cerys Mathews paints such a rosy picture of. It's not the Wales I know. And I've been here over a decade longer than she has. Truth versus perception. It must vary from individual to individual.

The name of the man in Cardiff Council dealing with this is a Mr Joseph Hobbs. His email is If you fancy sending him an email Mr Vine. Asking how can you happily burgle peoples homes. He will BS you about the imperative of gaining access etc etc.

Now I have to change the spelling on the sign 'Burgal'. I should have spell checked before hand. But hey we are fonetic in our spellin'.

Time to tweet.

UPDATE 24/9/2019 I Met Two Honourable Men Yesterday.

Hi Mr Vine,

Maybe the subtitle should be 'Well that went well'.

Mr White and a colleague turned up bang on time. I asked them to read the sign. Then asked them the question. 'Are you Honourable men or are you Scabs ?'' I must say they handled what must have been an unusual situation with great tact and diplomacy.

Being a credit to themselves. Their company and no doubt viewed with great pride by their parents. I congratulate Mr Phelps on his choice of employee.

They respected the Picket Line. Taking a photo so as to explain better. To Mr Phelps and Mr Hobbs what had greeted them. No doubt I shall be hearing more about it soon. But for now I have a little respite.

My Valleys Boy sub-personality later in the day summed it up like this. ''Fair doo's Crazydave they respected the picket line. Dew nice to know there are still honourable men in Wales. Init!'' He said it with a glowing pride Mr Vine. Which of course flowed through me.

Apparently I fibbed about Mr Drakeford not getting back to me. I hadn't checked my email during the creative frenzy. here's what the First Minister Office have to say. Email arrival date Fri 20/9/2019.

Dear David,

Thank you for your email of 30 August to the First Minister, Mark Drakeford AM, regarding the matters you have raised with Cardiff County Council. I have been asked to reply on his behalf.

I am sorry you feel the difficulties you are experiencing have not been dealt with satisfactorily and continue to affect your health and well-being. The Welsh Government is unable to intervene in individual cases, how ever I hope you find the following suggestions and information useful.

You have specifically asked for the First Minister to help you take out an injunction, preventing the annual gas service being undertaken on your home. The Council, as landlord for your property, is legally responsible for ensuring the safety of tenants and visitors to its properties. It is extremely important for the gas service to be carried out annually to ensure your safety from gas leaks and carbon monoxide poisoning.The frequency of servicing allows for any faults to be identified and rectified as quickly as possible. For these reasons, by law, it would not be possible for the Council to stop undertaking these important checks. 

I acknowledge you have liaised with the Council about other issues previously. However, if you continue to be unhappy with any of the services they provide, including your recent gas service, you can make a formal complaint to the Council through their complaints procedure. The procedure is outlined in the link below, or you can contact them on 029 2087 2087 

I also understand from your correspondence that you are pursuing the issues you are unhappy with through the route of the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales. I hope you will receive a satisfactory response in due course. Shelter Cymru provide independent advice on housing rights and housing issues in general, and may be able to help, contacting any appropriate agencies in connection with your situation. Their telephone number is 0345 075 5005, or you can contact them through their website: https:/// I hope you find a resolution to your situation.

Yours sincerely Kathryn Murphy
Housing Policy Officer 

Is it just me Mr Vine ? Or would you find that reply unsatisfactory also? I guess Kathryn missed the bit about using the Councils twitter feed to put in a complaint. Or the part where, the Ombudsman fob me off with the online complaint forms BS.

Or the part where my usage of the gas is so minimal. That my getting Carbon Monoxide poisoning from it is about 0.1%. Even with a faulty boiler!

Sometimes I wonder Mr Vine if these people. Are being paid £20K a year to much.  Nothing what so ever about ''Achem! Can I 'ave me old electric boiler back dear.'' My Cockney Granny sub-personality would like to know.

I do despair at times Mr Vine. The disconnect between the have's and the have not's. Especially when it comes from organisations that should be aware of the issues. Those in the heating v eating debate have. And how they might be mitigated against.

The £130 a year saving by not having the gas system in place. Would cover any additional electric heating cost through the winter, and then some! Me and Mr Tiddles would be snug, as bugs in a rug. With that money to spread over a few winter months. ''Yessum! Bwana'' Chimes in my African American slave sub-personality.

So I guess it's same old same old once again. With nobody in power really hearing what is being said here.

Time to tweet Mr Vine. 






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