Hi Mr Vine/Everybody
Do they have protocols for dealing with tenants with mental Health issues Mr Vine? Cos it sure don't look like. I wonder when they have meetings with Mind Charity and the likes. Do they ever discuss issues their client group might have. With the Councils demands or the language they use in correspondence?
The annual Gas Service Check time has come around again Mr Vine. As usual they sent me a 'Morning Appointment'. How many times have I mentioned in these blogs of mine. My request that my account has an 'Afternoon only' appointment time Mr Ombudsman? ''Way too many times Crazydave'' Is the right reply.
Anyway I changed it via @cardiffcouncil twitter feed DM'ed 'em Mr Vine. The response rate is most excellent I have to say. And so the appointment was changed. For the same day Tuesday 23/7/2019 but in the afternoon from 12.30 to 16.00hrs. I also always add 'No trainees and not Colin'
I have my reasons for asking these little things Mr Vine. One of those reasons is my mental health issues include having ZERO trust in Human Beings anymore. I mean given that I'm still blogging and nothing has changed. Do you blame me?
One person to keep my beady eye on. Is way easier than having two running around here. As for Colin he is not welcome in my home, and I will leave it at that.
The day duly arrived and I was up at 1100hrs in order to prepare myself. At 13.38 hrs I was writing in my Journal waiting on the Gas Test. With further notes on my letter to the DWP. Which I had completed the previous night early hours of the morning. And which you might well have a blog post on Mr Vine. In the not to distant future.
I had also stuck this notice on the front door. Both front windows were open. Given that it was the hottest day of the year so far. Plus the smell of damp makes me a tad embarrassed of callers. So it helps freshen the air up. ''And well puck me someone must be home the windows are all open''. Oh and the duck tape on the door knocker to dampen the heavy handed bangers. That I removed from it after the door entry system was installed. For louder knocking. Given anyone for Mr Peeping Tom above would use that and not knock.
When 16.00hrs had come and gone. I fished out a previous gas check card from 3.2.2011 with this number to ring on it (029)20537501. I duly rang said number and was suprised when the fella said it was the 'Tenancy Management Office'. I made the complaint that 'Nobody showed up to do the test'. He got shirty with the tone of my voice. One of the reasons I dislike ringing people. 'Of course I was here!' Do you ever get annoyed at stupid questions Mr Vine. Do you get even further annoyed. When the person asking the stupid question. Get's annoyed at you for your abrupt reply?
Foolishly of me it would seem. I expected the Tenancy Management person to contact the Gas Service Check one. To tell them of the complaint. It would appear from the letter that has prompted this blog. That they did not. Today 22/8/2019 I rang said number again. Spoke with Debbie this time. Asked if that call had been logged. It had not. Asked if this one could be please. Because well we shall see a little further down.
I heard nothing further until 12.30 Thursday the 8/8/2019 when there was the lightest of tapping on the front door. It happened twice. Like a mouse scratching at a skirting board. If I hadn't been in the bedroom slowly coming to full consciousness from my slumber. I would not have heard it in the lounge of my flat. Needless to say I was not expecting anyone. So their knocking at my door was to serve their purposes not mine. But later 13.30hrs I went and checked the post box. Lo and behold a reminder card from Gas Servicing. No date or time on it, So I did that myself. Does the phrase viewing by appointment only ring any bells Mr Vine. Well it's the motto I run my life by since the longest of times.
On the 13/8/2019 I rang Gas Servicing on the number on the card. 029 20537355 Option 2. It's a different number to the letters they send out. It's why I looked for a card in my files. The one on the letters is 029 20872087 with Option 2 again. The card number always seems to get answered more rapidly?
I arranged for the next visit. It's in a few days time. I also asked for a letter of apology for the 'no show' on the 23rd. The operator was unwilling to process that request. So I said never mind I will do it via twitter. Unfortunately Mr Damon Colley Responsive manager for Gas servicing letter. Beat me to it.
This is Mr Colley's version of events. his letter is dated 15/8/2019 received by me 19/8/2019.
''Blah blah . . . A Gas Engineer has attended on the date provided but was unable to gain entry to carry out the work, and to date you have failed to contact us, despite a card being left. blah blah . . . A 2nd appointment for a Gas Engineer has been arranged for Blah blah between 12.30 and 16.00''
It's the final paragraph in these letter that really I find most irksome. It reads.
''If you do not keep this appointment you will be charged a minimum of £50. If you do not allow us to carry out this annual gas safety check we will serve a legal notice on you. We will apply to the Court for a warrant to force entry into your home to carry out this work, by force if necessary. If we have to force entry you will be charged over £127.67 for the cost of gaining entry and changing locks.''
What I am wondering Mr Vine is are they trying to scam me ? With this pack of lies?
No card was left on the 23rd. I have contacted Cardiff County Council twice before Mr Colley's letter was ever typed. I have proof of the date and time called. The numbers listed above.
Ever since the combi boiler system was fitted and the old electric boiler taken away. I have rued the day I let them take it out. Not only did it provide me with hot water Mr Vine. I used it as an auxiliary heating system in the winter.
Now that I use tea lights to heat my home and an electric fan heater for a booster. I am paying £120 a year in service charges for a gas system I very seldom use. And believe me when I say that I would have the gas switched off if the boiler was still here. And then all this BS would be ended. No more gas service checks required, thank you very pucking muchly.
I'm wondering if Huw Thomas (The new head of C.C.C) is any more responsive to bloggers. Than Phil Bale ever was or any other previous leader of Cardiff County Council. Since I first moved here 20yrs ago and started asking the kind of questions. They do not like being asked.
It is self evident to me that Mark Drakeford (First Minister of the Welsh Assembly) is as bad as Carwyn Jones and Rhodri Morgan. In not responding to issues of Council Tenants. They might have their Mental Health Awareness weeks Mr Vine. But they sure don't anything. To deal with real issues those with MH problems come across. Or point out to them.
What I also have to find out is when did Electrical Testing become an annual event Mr Thomas? Because I've also had this week. A letter from another contractor for Cardiff County Council demanding entry or else. Those self same threats. They call them periodical test in their letter. Well I had it done last year thank you.
The first in the then 19yrs I'd lived here. Two young fellas running around with mobile phones in their hands. I felt like demanding they switch those fekkers off. Or asking ''Are you videoing in here?''
I found out from Debbie today. That they are every 5 yrs now. Well given I had mine tested last year. I'd like to give this a miss if you don't mind. So I rang the contractor spoke with Rowland. Asked him to contact the people at CCC. That they are liaising with and tell them ''I don't want it done''.
Last year they wanted to upgrade the fuse box. There is Sweet FA wrong with the fuse box Mr Vine. They just wanted to upgrade it so the company could make a few more shekels out of the contract. But before they could do that. They wanted some other gezzer to do a feeking asbestos test. Do you remember this banner Mr Vine.
Well this asbestos test felt just like that. Let's milk the contract for all we can get. With me being the every available conduit for their wealth generation. I refused said asbestos test because it was a 'piss take'. They refused to do the upgrade until the asbestos test was done. My feelings on hearing that was ''Thank you Lawd'' No unnecessary disruption. No unwanted workmen carrying out unnecessary work. No kids running around with mobile phones in my home.
I just wish I had the money to waltz into court and get an injunction taken out against Cardiff County Council. Any time I felt like it Mr Vine. But I don't.
So did they attend on the 23rd. Did they do a sneaky up the path. Lightly tap a forefinger on the front door. 'Oh I knocked' They say 'Cept very very lightly. Teehee !' Given the 8/8/2019 modus operandi. No door bashing this time Mr Vine. You do remember the door bashing from previous blogs don'tchew? Oh I forgot you make pretend these blogs don't exist. Cept for having a laugh at my spellin' n gramma.
Usually my first intimation that they have arrived. Are their vans blaring out ''Warning vehicle reversing'' as they jostle to park in the cul-de-sac . I heard no such on the 23rd.
I'm still waiting for someone to point out ''You got yer math wrong on the £1.1Bn being ripped off Council tenants rents by the Treasury in Wales Crazydave, It should be £110Million a year'' But I guess I write to much for anybody to consider ever reading. Or checking the Math.
Tell me Mr Vine how many properties a year would that kind of money build or buy? For new readers check 'The Great Rent Revenue Account Swindle' blog http://bit.ly/1MhpPag there.
And think 'What if' Council had had the same restrictions on Rent Monies that Housing Associations have. I tell you this Mr Vine there would be no homeless in the UK. There would be a drastic reduction of Housing Benefit going to private landlords per annum. I'd really love to know how much Alan Sugars AMSprop get paid per year in Housing Benefit payments from the Treasury. Anyone care to do a FOIR on that? I'd just get messed around.
I suppose I really ought to ask for 'Retrospective approval' For the fence I made out front this year. The Universe in it's munificence gifted me the materials for its construction this summer Mr Vine. For which I gave great thanks.
It's construction is rather unique. I drilled into the concrete dividing post that were already there. No easy feat. Two worn out drill bits and a nearly worn drill for my efforts. ''Oh for diamond tipped drill bits''. I muttered to myself while drilling. A nifty solution if I may say so. Utilising pallet wood for the uprights. And planks found in a skip. They were heading for landfill. Oh how much we waste in this society. It cost money in paint and fittings. Time in making because each section differed in size from the next. But very very pleased with the result. Only I didn't ask permission. How naughty of me.
Would you class it as an upgrade Mr Vine. Will I have Tenancy Management giving me grief over it. We cant have tenants upgrading things without permission can we. Like they did over the Lean2 ? ''Conservatory Duhwave it's a conservatory'' says my inner child. It hides the dilapidated state of the next door neighbours fence. And saves me from another dog invasion.
I very much doubt CCC will heap any praise on me for doing it. Not that I need any. But it does raise the question once again Mr Ombudsman. How many wooden fences have CCC put in place since I first requested one in 2002 ? You guessed it Mr Vine they still haven't bothered to supply me with one for the back. 17 years later. Care to do a FOIR on that one for me Mr Vine?
What should happen to employees who make up lies Mr Vine? What should happen to public servants. Who look like they are running an extortion racket? What kind of people threaten to break into your home. Cos they wanna make some coin. All with a judges approval? How are they allowed to even threaten it Mr Vine ?
Where the heck is the form I can sign that says ''I take full responsibility for any carbon monoxide poisoning I might get. From not having my gas service checked annually. And absolve the Council from any neglect '' because I'd sign that in an instant were it offered. ''Once every 10 yrs is good for me buddy. You just show up if anything goes wrong ok''.
I haven't even covered the rituals those with Mental Health issues have to go through. Just to let these employees into their homes. Nor the effects dealing with out right liars such as Mr Colley have. I haven't eaten properly in 2 days Mr Vine. Because of the upset these lies told by Mr Colley have on me. I guess when he reads this. He will be rubbing his hands together in glee.
They like to label me a vexatious complainant Mr Vine. I'll call Cardiff County Council a Corporation in Denial. A corporation that shows scant regard for tenants with Mental Health Issues. Probably scant regard for all of its tenants if truth be told.
I feel like saying ''You want to gain access from now on? Well it's gonna cost you £50 cash. And no receipts'' Especially if they push this electrical test. ''Hello Judge I want to submit this blog post in my defence. Along with all the others. And I'd like an independent body to check the configuration of this property. Because I've had my privacy invaded for way way toooooo Looong by Mr No Self Worth and his cronies''.
Anyone with any semblance of decency would tell you as it is. ''It's a disgrace'' Don't get me wrong Mr Vine. I give thanks for a roof over my head. But this is wrong. Housing people this way is wrong pure and simple. Let alone those with Mental Health issues.
I'm wondering whether to re-title this 'Alice through the looking glass' Mr Vine. Rather than 'Self Portrait Week In Art Skool''
I will leave you for now with this affirmation from Louise L Hay Mr Vine. ''I am deserving. I deserve all good. Not some not a little bit. But all good''. And so it is.
UPDATE 30/8/2109
Another vexatious Gas Service check later. They receive no training in dealing with adults with mental health issues do they Mr Colley, Mr Drakeford, Mr Thomas. These gas service engineers.
The sign was on the door at noon yesterday Mr Vine. I saw him coming up the path. There was no 'Warning Vehicle Reversing' blaring out. He just pulled right on up. But luckily I saw him going past the front window. There was a banging on the front door. There was no footsteps towards the rear entrance. When I opened up he was still waiting at the front door. Like hell would freeze over if he was going to 'Give a shout out back' Wrightie.
We've since labelled that error 1.
Error 2 occurred when I let him pass and he asked 'How I was' and I did not reply. To which he responded 'Oh like that is it'. Not in the 'You having a bad day' way. But in the 'Oh you're going to be an awkward fker are you' Kind of way.
Maybe I should have replied with 'You really don't want to pucking know pal' Because I've been livid since Tuesday evening Mr Vine. But I try not to dump my issues on people.
Error 3 was when he got shirty with my abrupt reply. To 'Where is the meter?' and I abruptly replied 'Out there!' He ticked me off for that. I really feel like saying. 'Where the puck are they normally in these sub-divided properties pal?'
From there we went into stony silence. Him with his umbrage me with 'I really don't need this bullshit today'.
Error 4 How many times did we have to go put the padlock over the hasp. Because we have a thing about it. Was it 6 times or 7 Crazydave. After 5 I gave up counting. Every time he went out he had to unhook it again. How many times is he going to give us the middle finger on replacing the padlock Crazydave.
Maybe I should have started there. When he first walked in. ''See this padlock I like it replaced every time you come back in OK!'' It was an obvious need on mine. Trampled on time after time.
Error 5 When he'd done and dusted and was heading on his way. He decided to give me a lecture on manners. How he was only doing his job no need to be like that. Still upset at the 'Out there' reply.
Well that was the straw Mr Vine. 'Excuse me when have I been rude to you?' Yep it was the 'Out there' reply. I had been abrupt but I had not ever been rude. Up until I was lectured on manners. By someone who couldn't be arsed to slide a padlock on a hinge. When the nutter is so oh so obviously pedantic over it.
So I told him 'I am sick and tired of people projecting their BS on me' With further 'You chose to be offended'. Call me a toxic person if you like Mr Vine. I don't care I've been called worse.
Like last Tuesday night. I had another neighbour on this street harassing and verbally abusing me. How many times does someones 'Hello' not being replied to. Does it take for them to take the hint Mr Vine? Well this cracker not being satisfied with being ignored once again. Yells at me. I carry on walking saying fk all. And then its the abuse time. 'Ignorant fker'.
Either next time I see him. Or maybe because of this blog. Someone in authority will knock on his door and say. 'We would like you to desist from harassing Mr Gabriel. We would also like you to stop verbally abusing him as well'.
Because if I have to deal with it Mr Vine it will be this. 'You ever harass me again. Or verbally abuse me. I will be asking plod to have a word in your shell like. To butt the fk out of my life'.
Am I expecting a warning letter about my manners. Well what are the probabilities of that occurring Mr Vine. ''Oh 99% in your case Crazydave''.
They obviously have no training in dealing with anti-social types like myself. Do they Mr Vine? People who suffer high anxiety levels. Or people having a bad day in a bad week in a bad year preceded by 2 bad decades.
So Mr Drakeford can you help me to take out an injunction on annual Gas Service test. Because they really aren't helping me with my health issues. My Anti-Social Personality Disorder. Or stopping what to me seem downright abuse by Council employees.
We need protecting from the so called 'Well adjusted' We need protection from their neediness. Their demands that we conform to their view of socially acceptable behaviour. While they ride rough shod over our needs.
I guess in future rather than remain silent. I should just say 'Butt the fk outta my life' Mr Vine. Unfortunately that is liable to cause even more abuse from them than silence.
Seeing as there is never any reply via twitter from Mr Drakeford etc. I shall have to email my blog link. Oh and Mr Ombudsman will you be ignoring this blog post like you have all the others. Without any censure from the Welsh Assembly isn't that right Mr Vine. Tuttery tuttery tut tut Mr Drakeford. Just to refresh your memory Mr Drakeford. Have a read of this blog post if you have any spare time. http://bit.ly/1Sigamb When Mr Bennett meets Mr Vine.
People thrown in prison for blog post. Yet Mr Bennett ''Oh we cant deal with issues raised in those. You need to go through official channels'' Erm Why is that exactly? Maybe it's because you are a non-person Crazydave.
My email to these addresses:
Hello Everybody
Here is the link to my latest blog post. There are a number of issues raised. Can someone in Tenancy Management get in touch with Mr Colley. To make him aware of this blog post. I trust I might get the advise I require Mr Drakeford. On injunctions or special measures for a 10 yr Gas Test. That or can I go back to the electric boiler system and I will have the Gas cut off completely. Read the blog you will understand why. As for you Mr Bennett yet another Council employee tellin' porky pies about me. That you will probably wash your hands of once again.
Yours David Gabriel
Now all that remains is to tweet Mr Vine. What are the odds the only person censured here will be me Mr Vine? A probability of 80/20 for that outcome. Has Mr Colley already penned his missive to me. Cept today I beat him to it? Shame he doesn't put an email address on his letters. That's another Crazydave suggestion nobody has seen fit to implement at Cardiff County Council. Isn't it Mr Bennett?
Ever seeking aid I also sent this to Mind Charity. People like Mr Bennett listen to them more than they ever do. To nutters like chew init Crazydave. Indeed.
UPDATE 4/9/2019
Here is what Huw Thomas automatic email reply said:
Thank you for writing to Mark Drakeford AM in his capacity as Assembly Member for Cardiff West. This mailbox is only able to deal with constituency enquiries and is not related to Mark Drakeford's role as First Minister.
If you wish to contact Mark Drakeford AM in his role as First Minister, please write to Correspondence.FM@gov.wales. We are unable to respond to ministerial enquiries received through this mailbox.
You would think they would just forward it to his First Ministers email account. But no easier if we let you do it. Saves staff time Crazydave. I just wish they would update their websites.
Nothing from Tenancy Management so far. I guess I shall have to ring them. The old ''Please confirm email receipt and log this call.'' routine. Yep well worth the £50 and no receipt malarky this rigmarole Mr Vine. ''I'd add a couple of zeros after that if I were you Crazydave'' says my inner Lawyer sub-personality. I jest back ''How about 5 more''. He smiles.
As for the Ombudsman Mr Vine . . . well you know the form.
Dear Mr Gabriel
Thank you for contacting the Ombudsman’s office. However, I am afraid that the Ombudsman does not act on copy emails.
The Ombudsman normally expects you to have raised your complaint with the body concerned, and given them a reasonable opportunity to investigate and respond, before you come to him. Many complaints can be settled in this way.
If you remain dissatisfied on receipt of the Council’s response to your complaint, you may escalate your complaint to the Ombudsman by completing the online complaint form available at: http://www.ombudsman.wales/
I hope this information is helpful.
I guess they are failing to see a pattern here Mr Vine. ''Oh he's just a vexatious complainant. Forget about it.'' Not ''Don'tchew think it's about time we helped this fella''. And stepped in with some injunction support.
''Never in a million years Crazydave'' says my inner Del Boy. ''Thick as thieves the lot of 'em'' He continues puffing on his cigar.
Enough for one day. Both email accounts forwarded the original email. (Now what has happened to the fonts here?)(Oooh I discovered how to remove formatting. Marvelous).
UPDATE THURS 5/9/2019 The BS continues . . .
Rang tenancy management on 2011 card number. Ended up speaking to Jenny. They have no record of my email. It's not in their junk folder and she couldn't tell me if it had been blocked.
They illegally blocked a previous email account of mine Mr Vine. Violating another article of the Human Rights Act. Discrimination against my Freedom of Expression rights.
The Ombudsman gets included in the Copy Correspondence that they 'Refuse to deal with' because of such instances. You get the email the rest get the email but the tenancy management don't. Care to forward your copy to them Mr Vine? How about the Ombudsman try it as well hmmm?
She also thought I was better off sending it to the Complaints Department of the Council. Me I am all about 'Raising Awareness' Mr Vine. I think they need to be made aware at Tenancy Management of these issues. Worrabout'chew?
So I will try doing it via Cardiff Councils twitter account. To get a copy of the link to this blog post. Sent to Gas Servicings Mr Damon Colley, Tenancy Management and Corporate Complaints. Asking each to firstly confirm receipt asap. Via the email account I sent the original email. And see what happens via that route.
All this is once again eating into my valuable time. These blog post the notifying the phone calls. Jenny asked could I do a bullet proof of the points this blog raises. I've done that before for Mr Bennett. Do you recall? What a waste of my precious time that was. I wont be doing it again thank you very muchly. If they cant work out what those might be. I feel very sorry for them. Plus they is getting handsomely paid and I ain't.
Not all is doom and gloom though Mr Vine. I've been up to creative stuff.
Turning this I found in a skip . . .

Into this . . .

We are calling him Rabboni now. Odd what some colour will do for a sculpture. Isn't it?
There has also been a vermin issue in the area. So I've enlarged the catch trays for my suet feeders. First this design . . .
The birds are always wary of changes. But since I've added the apple branch perches. They are back happily feeding. I always praise them for their wariness. Well who can blame them the way humans treat wild animals.
And the second design. Slightly larger with holes for the Robin and what not to hop in and get the droppings. I also learned that its a good thing to soak the plastic in very hot water before cutting. Saves on it cracking. I haven't spray painted this one. I wanted to see inside first . . . Once again using apple tree branches as perches . . .
I make prototypes Mr Vine. I recycle in imaginative ways. As my inner child likes to say ''Creatawiverty is our middle name Duhwave''
Time to send the DM tweet to the Council.
UPDATE 7/9/2019 Do they aid n abet the Council Mr Vine?
You know the Ombudsman with their strictures. Their rules of engagement. Anyway after posting the above as you know I sent the Ombudsman another email. With you and Mr Drakeford as Copy Correspondee's.
Hi Beth
The reasons for cc my emails to you and others are many and varied. One of them is because of things like this. My latest blogpost update 5/9/2019 Where CCC Tenancy Management claim they have not received the email ? I have since been told via DM from their Twitter account. That the blog link has now been sent to Mr Colley and the Complaints Team. I again asked it be sent to their TMteam. Because as I say in my blog. I am all about 'Raising Awareness'
So you don't have to scroll I have copy pasted here for your convenience. Although you will miss out on the creative stuff I have been upta if you don't click here http://bit.ly/327vrNx I doubt it will change any policy by the Ombudsman. But I thought you oughtta know the games they play at ccc. Isn't that right Mr Drakeford Mr Vine.
UPDATE THURS 5/9/2019 The BS continues . . .
And the said update copy pasted. Down to where the images start. This is the reply I received for my trouble. Curious when Government talk about transparency. Government depts can have confidentiality clauses in email? Odd that Mr Drakeford don'tcha think?
Dear Mr Gabriel
I acknowledge receipt of your email.
I understand that my colleague, Beth Owen, has previously explained that we do not act on copied correspondence.
Complaints Assessment Team
Tel: 01656 641150
Nice tone eh Mr Vine. I guess Ms Westmoreland is having a bad day at the office. But this as a footer ?
This email is subject to the conditions on Confidentiality,
What exactly does that mean Mr Vine, Mr Drakeford? Anyway as the email to Beth said. @cardiffcouncil on twitter has confirmed yesterday that the Tenancy Management Team. Have now received the blog link. With the request to confirm asap. Corporate Complaints has. We are waiting on Mr Colley.
Oh and the DWP have refuse to grant me exemption from further ESA testing under Regulation 29(2)(b). Even though I meet the criteria set out by Mind.orgs pdf on the winvisible blog.
'Dey ain't very nice paweeple at dat wombudsman office is dey Duhwave' says my inner child. 'Seems that way kid' I reply.
Just trying to raise awareness with this tweet:
But it's like tweeting to you Mr Vine. A seeming waste of my time. But we persevere cos you never knows.
UPDATE 16/9/2019 Oh Hum Mr Vine . . .
The buffoonery never ends Mr Vine . . . Another weekend ruined by incompetence. Or is it 'Baiting' Mr Vine hmmm?
But on Saturday 14/9/2019 I had a letter in my post from Starlight Electrical. The new contractor for CCC periodic electrical testing.
Paragraph 1 reads 'Blah blah blah . . . As you have not contacted ourselves to arrange an appointment, we have arranged an appointment for you.'
Paragraph 5 reads 'If you do not keep this appointment, you will be charged a minimum of £50. If you do not allow us to carry out the Electrical safety check, we will serve a legal notice on you. We will apply to the Court for an injunction to gain access to your home to carry out this work'.
So this morning it's now 0253hrs I sent Mr James Phelps director of Starlight Electrical this email. You have a copy of it Mr Vine in your email account at the Jeremy Show.
contact@starlight-electirical.co.uk; starlightelec@sky.com; tenancymanagement@cardiff.gov.uk; correspondence.mark.drakeford@gov.wales; Jeremy.Vine.Show@bbc.co.uk
Hello Mr Phelps
Your ref: (I've hidden the number so numbnuts can't play games Mr Vine)
Counter to the assertion made in your 12th September letter to me. I have contacted your company previously on the 22/8/2019. And spoke with a gentleman calling himself Rowland. Informing him 'That I have had my periodic testing done last year. And I would not be required to have it this year.' I asked him to contact the person you liaise with at CCC. Informing them of this and that 'Testing this year is not required'.
It appears from this letter of yours. That this has not been done.
Your letter goes on to say you have made an appointment for the 19th of Sept. 2019 at 0900hrs . I would like that cancelled please.
I would also like you to provide me via this email address of : The name of the Council employee you Liaise with. Their telephone number and their email address. So that I can send them a copy of this and ask 'What the hell is going on here?'
My next periodic test. According to information received from Tenancy Management. Would be in the year 2023. Although I don't recall signing any contract requiring me to open my home for periodic electrical testing 20 yrs ago.
Last years test was the first in the 19yrs I'd then lived here.
I dislike letters that threaten me with court injunctions Mr Phelps. But if you insist. I'd be more than happy to have a chat with the Judge. On this matter.
Where I would supply to the court. A copy of my blog post as evidence. Cardiff County Council v. Tenants With Mental Health Issues found here http://bit.ly/327vrNx You will find that Rowland gets a mention. In the initial blog posted on the 23/8/2019.
I trust you are now very clear on my position here. And I have evidence of contacting you yet again. I have used two emails for contacting you. The sky email on the letter. And the contact address from your website. Not knowing which you look at first. I hope you will get back to me by the end. Today Monday the 16th Sept 2019.
Yours (I could really do with out this harassment bub)
David Gabriel.
I had a delivery failure notice for the Website contact email address. So Mr Phelps might want to look at updating that Mr Vine. But it looks like the letter email address got through.
Yes incompetence or baiting is the big question Mr Vine.
'I wonder your Honour. In view of all that is written here. Will you provide me with an injunction against CCC. On the matters outlined so far. And one for Starlight Electrical from bothering me ever again? If it pleases the court'.
All is not doom and gloom though Mr Vine. I've made an upgraded version of 'The Catch Tray' Wot'cha think Hmmmm?
For all the pure of hearts out there Mr Vine. I've come to know the Wisdom in Lao Tzu words. 'One must be frugal in order to be generous'.
Saying which. I had a notification from British Gas that my annual Gas Service charge is going up to £130 per annum. Sure would be nice to be rid of that bill. And free from another mendacious Council department Mr Vine.
Time to tweet . . .
UPDATE TUES 17/9/2019
Wots'abody gorra do ta get some service Mr Vine? Looked in my email and Mr Phelps obviously feels it's not urgent. Is he trying to scam £50 off me Mr Vine? My feelings are. If they knock my door Thursday morning. That will be harassment. Well wouldn't chew.
So I sent you this Mr Vine. Just ta let ya know. If twitter allowed editing. I'd amend it to read. 'get back to me TODAY!' Cos that was the request was it not? 'But'chew not a bloody playing clustomer Clayziduwave' says my inner Chinese sub-personality. He's always on the money Mr Vine.
Do they have protocols for dealing with tenants with mental Health issues Mr Vine? Cos it sure don't look like. I wonder when they have meetings with Mind Charity and the likes. Do they ever discuss issues their client group might have. With the Councils demands or the language they use in correspondence?
The annual Gas Service Check time has come around again Mr Vine. As usual they sent me a 'Morning Appointment'. How many times have I mentioned in these blogs of mine. My request that my account has an 'Afternoon only' appointment time Mr Ombudsman? ''Way too many times Crazydave'' Is the right reply.
Anyway I changed it via @cardiffcouncil twitter feed DM'ed 'em Mr Vine. The response rate is most excellent I have to say. And so the appointment was changed. For the same day Tuesday 23/7/2019 but in the afternoon from 12.30 to 16.00hrs. I also always add 'No trainees and not Colin'
I have my reasons for asking these little things Mr Vine. One of those reasons is my mental health issues include having ZERO trust in Human Beings anymore. I mean given that I'm still blogging and nothing has changed. Do you blame me?
One person to keep my beady eye on. Is way easier than having two running around here. As for Colin he is not welcome in my home, and I will leave it at that.
The day duly arrived and I was up at 1100hrs in order to prepare myself. At 13.38 hrs I was writing in my Journal waiting on the Gas Test. With further notes on my letter to the DWP. Which I had completed the previous night early hours of the morning. And which you might well have a blog post on Mr Vine. In the not to distant future.
I had also stuck this notice on the front door. Both front windows were open. Given that it was the hottest day of the year so far. Plus the smell of damp makes me a tad embarrassed of callers. So it helps freshen the air up. ''And well puck me someone must be home the windows are all open''. Oh and the duck tape on the door knocker to dampen the heavy handed bangers. That I removed from it after the door entry system was installed. For louder knocking. Given anyone for Mr Peeping Tom above would use that and not knock.
When 16.00hrs had come and gone. I fished out a previous gas check card from 3.2.2011 with this number to ring on it (029)20537501. I duly rang said number and was suprised when the fella said it was the 'Tenancy Management Office'. I made the complaint that 'Nobody showed up to do the test'. He got shirty with the tone of my voice. One of the reasons I dislike ringing people. 'Of course I was here!' Do you ever get annoyed at stupid questions Mr Vine. Do you get even further annoyed. When the person asking the stupid question. Get's annoyed at you for your abrupt reply?
Foolishly of me it would seem. I expected the Tenancy Management person to contact the Gas Service Check one. To tell them of the complaint. It would appear from the letter that has prompted this blog. That they did not. Today 22/8/2019 I rang said number again. Spoke with Debbie this time. Asked if that call had been logged. It had not. Asked if this one could be please. Because well we shall see a little further down.
I heard nothing further until 12.30 Thursday the 8/8/2019 when there was the lightest of tapping on the front door. It happened twice. Like a mouse scratching at a skirting board. If I hadn't been in the bedroom slowly coming to full consciousness from my slumber. I would not have heard it in the lounge of my flat. Needless to say I was not expecting anyone. So their knocking at my door was to serve their purposes not mine. But later 13.30hrs I went and checked the post box. Lo and behold a reminder card from Gas Servicing. No date or time on it, So I did that myself. Does the phrase viewing by appointment only ring any bells Mr Vine. Well it's the motto I run my life by since the longest of times.
On the 13/8/2019 I rang Gas Servicing on the number on the card. 029 20537355 Option 2. It's a different number to the letters they send out. It's why I looked for a card in my files. The one on the letters is 029 20872087 with Option 2 again. The card number always seems to get answered more rapidly?
I arranged for the next visit. It's in a few days time. I also asked for a letter of apology for the 'no show' on the 23rd. The operator was unwilling to process that request. So I said never mind I will do it via twitter. Unfortunately Mr Damon Colley Responsive manager for Gas servicing letter. Beat me to it.
This is Mr Colley's version of events. his letter is dated 15/8/2019 received by me 19/8/2019.
''Blah blah . . . A Gas Engineer has attended on the date provided but was unable to gain entry to carry out the work, and to date you have failed to contact us, despite a card being left. blah blah . . . A 2nd appointment for a Gas Engineer has been arranged for Blah blah between 12.30 and 16.00''
It's the final paragraph in these letter that really I find most irksome. It reads.
''If you do not keep this appointment you will be charged a minimum of £50. If you do not allow us to carry out this annual gas safety check we will serve a legal notice on you. We will apply to the Court for a warrant to force entry into your home to carry out this work, by force if necessary. If we have to force entry you will be charged over £127.67 for the cost of gaining entry and changing locks.''
What I am wondering Mr Vine is are they trying to scam me ? With this pack of lies?
No card was left on the 23rd. I have contacted Cardiff County Council twice before Mr Colley's letter was ever typed. I have proof of the date and time called. The numbers listed above.
Ever since the combi boiler system was fitted and the old electric boiler taken away. I have rued the day I let them take it out. Not only did it provide me with hot water Mr Vine. I used it as an auxiliary heating system in the winter.
Now that I use tea lights to heat my home and an electric fan heater for a booster. I am paying £120 a year in service charges for a gas system I very seldom use. And believe me when I say that I would have the gas switched off if the boiler was still here. And then all this BS would be ended. No more gas service checks required, thank you very pucking muchly.
I'm wondering if Huw Thomas (The new head of C.C.C) is any more responsive to bloggers. Than Phil Bale ever was or any other previous leader of Cardiff County Council. Since I first moved here 20yrs ago and started asking the kind of questions. They do not like being asked.
It is self evident to me that Mark Drakeford (First Minister of the Welsh Assembly) is as bad as Carwyn Jones and Rhodri Morgan. In not responding to issues of Council Tenants. They might have their Mental Health Awareness weeks Mr Vine. But they sure don't anything. To deal with real issues those with MH problems come across. Or point out to them.
What I also have to find out is when did Electrical Testing become an annual event Mr Thomas? Because I've also had this week. A letter from another contractor for Cardiff County Council demanding entry or else. Those self same threats. They call them periodical test in their letter. Well I had it done last year thank you.
The first in the then 19yrs I'd lived here. Two young fellas running around with mobile phones in their hands. I felt like demanding they switch those fekkers off. Or asking ''Are you videoing in here?''
I found out from Debbie today. That they are every 5 yrs now. Well given I had mine tested last year. I'd like to give this a miss if you don't mind. So I rang the contractor spoke with Rowland. Asked him to contact the people at CCC. That they are liaising with and tell them ''I don't want it done''.
Last year they wanted to upgrade the fuse box. There is Sweet FA wrong with the fuse box Mr Vine. They just wanted to upgrade it so the company could make a few more shekels out of the contract. But before they could do that. They wanted some other gezzer to do a feeking asbestos test. Do you remember this banner Mr Vine.
Well this asbestos test felt just like that. Let's milk the contract for all we can get. With me being the every available conduit for their wealth generation. I refused said asbestos test because it was a 'piss take'. They refused to do the upgrade until the asbestos test was done. My feelings on hearing that was ''Thank you Lawd'' No unnecessary disruption. No unwanted workmen carrying out unnecessary work. No kids running around with mobile phones in my home.
I just wish I had the money to waltz into court and get an injunction taken out against Cardiff County Council. Any time I felt like it Mr Vine. But I don't.
So did they attend on the 23rd. Did they do a sneaky up the path. Lightly tap a forefinger on the front door. 'Oh I knocked' They say 'Cept very very lightly. Teehee !' Given the 8/8/2019 modus operandi. No door bashing this time Mr Vine. You do remember the door bashing from previous blogs don'tchew? Oh I forgot you make pretend these blogs don't exist. Cept for having a laugh at my spellin' n gramma.
Usually my first intimation that they have arrived. Are their vans blaring out ''Warning vehicle reversing'' as they jostle to park in the cul-de-sac . I heard no such on the 23rd.
I'm still waiting for someone to point out ''You got yer math wrong on the £1.1Bn being ripped off Council tenants rents by the Treasury in Wales Crazydave, It should be £110Million a year'' But I guess I write to much for anybody to consider ever reading. Or checking the Math.
Tell me Mr Vine how many properties a year would that kind of money build or buy? For new readers check 'The Great Rent Revenue Account Swindle' blog http://bit.ly/1MhpPag there.
And think 'What if' Council had had the same restrictions on Rent Monies that Housing Associations have. I tell you this Mr Vine there would be no homeless in the UK. There would be a drastic reduction of Housing Benefit going to private landlords per annum. I'd really love to know how much Alan Sugars AMSprop get paid per year in Housing Benefit payments from the Treasury. Anyone care to do a FOIR on that? I'd just get messed around.
I suppose I really ought to ask for 'Retrospective approval' For the fence I made out front this year. The Universe in it's munificence gifted me the materials for its construction this summer Mr Vine. For which I gave great thanks.
It's construction is rather unique. I drilled into the concrete dividing post that were already there. No easy feat. Two worn out drill bits and a nearly worn drill for my efforts. ''Oh for diamond tipped drill bits''. I muttered to myself while drilling. A nifty solution if I may say so. Utilising pallet wood for the uprights. And planks found in a skip. They were heading for landfill. Oh how much we waste in this society. It cost money in paint and fittings. Time in making because each section differed in size from the next. But very very pleased with the result. Only I didn't ask permission. How naughty of me.
Would you class it as an upgrade Mr Vine. Will I have Tenancy Management giving me grief over it. We cant have tenants upgrading things without permission can we. Like they did over the Lean2 ? ''Conservatory Duhwave it's a conservatory'' says my inner child. It hides the dilapidated state of the next door neighbours fence. And saves me from another dog invasion.
I very much doubt CCC will heap any praise on me for doing it. Not that I need any. But it does raise the question once again Mr Ombudsman. How many wooden fences have CCC put in place since I first requested one in 2002 ? You guessed it Mr Vine they still haven't bothered to supply me with one for the back. 17 years later. Care to do a FOIR on that one for me Mr Vine?
What should happen to employees who make up lies Mr Vine? What should happen to public servants. Who look like they are running an extortion racket? What kind of people threaten to break into your home. Cos they wanna make some coin. All with a judges approval? How are they allowed to even threaten it Mr Vine ?
Where the heck is the form I can sign that says ''I take full responsibility for any carbon monoxide poisoning I might get. From not having my gas service checked annually. And absolve the Council from any neglect '' because I'd sign that in an instant were it offered. ''Once every 10 yrs is good for me buddy. You just show up if anything goes wrong ok''.
I haven't even covered the rituals those with Mental Health issues have to go through. Just to let these employees into their homes. Nor the effects dealing with out right liars such as Mr Colley have. I haven't eaten properly in 2 days Mr Vine. Because of the upset these lies told by Mr Colley have on me. I guess when he reads this. He will be rubbing his hands together in glee.
They like to label me a vexatious complainant Mr Vine. I'll call Cardiff County Council a Corporation in Denial. A corporation that shows scant regard for tenants with Mental Health Issues. Probably scant regard for all of its tenants if truth be told.
I feel like saying ''You want to gain access from now on? Well it's gonna cost you £50 cash. And no receipts'' Especially if they push this electrical test. ''Hello Judge I want to submit this blog post in my defence. Along with all the others. And I'd like an independent body to check the configuration of this property. Because I've had my privacy invaded for way way toooooo Looong by Mr No Self Worth and his cronies''.
Anyone with any semblance of decency would tell you as it is. ''It's a disgrace'' Don't get me wrong Mr Vine. I give thanks for a roof over my head. But this is wrong. Housing people this way is wrong pure and simple. Let alone those with Mental Health issues.
I'm wondering whether to re-title this 'Alice through the looking glass' Mr Vine. Rather than 'Self Portrait Week In Art Skool''
I will leave you for now with this affirmation from Louise L Hay Mr Vine. ''I am deserving. I deserve all good. Not some not a little bit. But all good''. And so it is.
Sent on the 23rd. Along with this 'Regulation 29(2)(b)' What the DWP don't want you to know.@theJeremyVine My latest blog post #r2vine. Its gas check time again. Will @fmwales take any notice? I doubt it based on past experience. https://t.co/6Boy56ozpn @bbcradio2 #senedd #bbcradio2 Or the leader of #CardiffCouncil #MH #SocilHousing #CouncilHousing— david gabriel (@david_o_gabriel) August 23, 2019
@thejeremyvine I found this link very helpful for ESA it also has a pip section. The DWP don't tell people about Regulation 29(2)(b) Exemption from further testing #r2vine And GP's don't know about it either. https://t.co/0jwORCUBND I've made a moment of it to share #bbcradio2— david gabriel (@david_o_gabriel) August 23, 2019
UPDATE 30/8/2109
Another vexatious Gas Service check later. They receive no training in dealing with adults with mental health issues do they Mr Colley, Mr Drakeford, Mr Thomas. These gas service engineers.
The sign was on the door at noon yesterday Mr Vine. I saw him coming up the path. There was no 'Warning Vehicle Reversing' blaring out. He just pulled right on up. But luckily I saw him going past the front window. There was a banging on the front door. There was no footsteps towards the rear entrance. When I opened up he was still waiting at the front door. Like hell would freeze over if he was going to 'Give a shout out back' Wrightie.
We've since labelled that error 1.
Error 2 occurred when I let him pass and he asked 'How I was' and I did not reply. To which he responded 'Oh like that is it'. Not in the 'You having a bad day' way. But in the 'Oh you're going to be an awkward fker are you' Kind of way.
Maybe I should have replied with 'You really don't want to pucking know pal' Because I've been livid since Tuesday evening Mr Vine. But I try not to dump my issues on people.
Error 3 was when he got shirty with my abrupt reply. To 'Where is the meter?' and I abruptly replied 'Out there!' He ticked me off for that. I really feel like saying. 'Where the puck are they normally in these sub-divided properties pal?'
From there we went into stony silence. Him with his umbrage me with 'I really don't need this bullshit today'.
Error 4 How many times did we have to go put the padlock over the hasp. Because we have a thing about it. Was it 6 times or 7 Crazydave. After 5 I gave up counting. Every time he went out he had to unhook it again. How many times is he going to give us the middle finger on replacing the padlock Crazydave.
Maybe I should have started there. When he first walked in. ''See this padlock I like it replaced every time you come back in OK!'' It was an obvious need on mine. Trampled on time after time.
Error 5 When he'd done and dusted and was heading on his way. He decided to give me a lecture on manners. How he was only doing his job no need to be like that. Still upset at the 'Out there' reply.
Well that was the straw Mr Vine. 'Excuse me when have I been rude to you?' Yep it was the 'Out there' reply. I had been abrupt but I had not ever been rude. Up until I was lectured on manners. By someone who couldn't be arsed to slide a padlock on a hinge. When the nutter is so oh so obviously pedantic over it.
So I told him 'I am sick and tired of people projecting their BS on me' With further 'You chose to be offended'. Call me a toxic person if you like Mr Vine. I don't care I've been called worse.
Like last Tuesday night. I had another neighbour on this street harassing and verbally abusing me. How many times does someones 'Hello' not being replied to. Does it take for them to take the hint Mr Vine? Well this cracker not being satisfied with being ignored once again. Yells at me. I carry on walking saying fk all. And then its the abuse time. 'Ignorant fker'.
Either next time I see him. Or maybe because of this blog. Someone in authority will knock on his door and say. 'We would like you to desist from harassing Mr Gabriel. We would also like you to stop verbally abusing him as well'.
Because if I have to deal with it Mr Vine it will be this. 'You ever harass me again. Or verbally abuse me. I will be asking plod to have a word in your shell like. To butt the fk out of my life'.
Am I expecting a warning letter about my manners. Well what are the probabilities of that occurring Mr Vine. ''Oh 99% in your case Crazydave''.
They obviously have no training in dealing with anti-social types like myself. Do they Mr Vine? People who suffer high anxiety levels. Or people having a bad day in a bad week in a bad year preceded by 2 bad decades.
So Mr Drakeford can you help me to take out an injunction on annual Gas Service test. Because they really aren't helping me with my health issues. My Anti-Social Personality Disorder. Or stopping what to me seem downright abuse by Council employees.
We need protecting from the so called 'Well adjusted' We need protection from their neediness. Their demands that we conform to their view of socially acceptable behaviour. While they ride rough shod over our needs.
I guess in future rather than remain silent. I should just say 'Butt the fk outta my life' Mr Vine. Unfortunately that is liable to cause even more abuse from them than silence.
Seeing as there is never any reply via twitter from Mr Drakeford etc. I shall have to email my blog link. Oh and Mr Ombudsman will you be ignoring this blog post like you have all the others. Without any censure from the Welsh Assembly isn't that right Mr Vine. Tuttery tuttery tut tut Mr Drakeford. Just to refresh your memory Mr Drakeford. Have a read of this blog post if you have any spare time. http://bit.ly/1Sigamb When Mr Bennett meets Mr Vine.
People thrown in prison for blog post. Yet Mr Bennett ''Oh we cant deal with issues raised in those. You need to go through official channels'' Erm Why is that exactly? Maybe it's because you are a non-person Crazydave.
My email to these addresses:
Hello Everybody
Here is the link to my latest blog post. There are a number of issues raised. Can someone in Tenancy Management get in touch with Mr Colley. To make him aware of this blog post. I trust I might get the advise I require Mr Drakeford. On injunctions or special measures for a 10 yr Gas Test. That or can I go back to the electric boiler system and I will have the Gas cut off completely. Read the blog you will understand why. As for you Mr Bennett yet another Council employee tellin' porky pies about me. That you will probably wash your hands of once again.
Yours David Gabriel
Now all that remains is to tweet Mr Vine. What are the odds the only person censured here will be me Mr Vine? A probability of 80/20 for that outcome. Has Mr Colley already penned his missive to me. Cept today I beat him to it? Shame he doesn't put an email address on his letters. That's another Crazydave suggestion nobody has seen fit to implement at Cardiff County Council. Isn't it Mr Bennett?
'Well that didn't go well did it Crazydave' https://t.co/6Boy56ozpn My blogs latest update @theJeremyVine @fmwales Not that @OmbudsmanWales Will do anything to help. Training they need training. #r2vine @BBCRadio2 #BBCRadio2 And I need protection. #Senedd— david gabriel (@david_o_gabriel) August 30, 2019
Ever seeking aid I also sent this to Mind Charity. People like Mr Bennett listen to them more than they ever do. To nutters like chew init Crazydave. Indeed.
@MindCharity you might find food for thought in this blog post of mine. Councils and tenants with Mental Health issues. https://t.co/6Boy56ozpn These employees obviously have no training.— david gabriel (@david_o_gabriel) August 30, 2019
UPDATE 4/9/2019
Here is what Huw Thomas automatic email reply said:
I am currently out of the office on a period of Annual and Paternity leave. I will not be picking up emails routinely during my absence, although my office will still monitor for casework and diary matters. Urgent or important items should be send directly to DSaid@cardiff.gov.uk in the first instance.
Thank you
And Mr Drakefords automatic reply said this:Thank you for writing to Mark Drakeford AM in his capacity as Assembly Member for Cardiff West. This mailbox is only able to deal with constituency enquiries and is not related to Mark Drakeford's role as First Minister.
If you wish to contact Mark Drakeford AM in his role as First Minister, please write to Correspondence.FM@gov.wales. We are unable to respond to ministerial enquiries received through this mailbox.
You would think they would just forward it to his First Ministers email account. But no easier if we let you do it. Saves staff time Crazydave. I just wish they would update their websites.
Nothing from Tenancy Management so far. I guess I shall have to ring them. The old ''Please confirm email receipt and log this call.'' routine. Yep well worth the £50 and no receipt malarky this rigmarole Mr Vine. ''I'd add a couple of zeros after that if I were you Crazydave'' says my inner Lawyer sub-personality. I jest back ''How about 5 more''. He smiles.
As for the Ombudsman Mr Vine . . . well you know the form.
Dear Mr Gabriel
Thank you for contacting the Ombudsman’s office. However, I am afraid that the Ombudsman does not act on copy emails.
The Ombudsman normally expects you to have raised your complaint with the body concerned, and given them a reasonable opportunity to investigate and respond, before you come to him. Many complaints can be settled in this way.
If you remain dissatisfied on receipt of the Council’s response to your complaint, you may escalate your complaint to the Ombudsman by completing the online complaint form available at: http://www.ombudsman.wales/
I hope this information is helpful.
I guess they are failing to see a pattern here Mr Vine. ''Oh he's just a vexatious complainant. Forget about it.'' Not ''Don'tchew think it's about time we helped this fella''. And stepped in with some injunction support.
''Never in a million years Crazydave'' says my inner Del Boy. ''Thick as thieves the lot of 'em'' He continues puffing on his cigar.
Enough for one day. Both email accounts forwarded the original email. (Now what has happened to the fonts here?)(Oooh I discovered how to remove formatting. Marvelous).
UPDATE THURS 5/9/2019 The BS continues . . .
Rang tenancy management on 2011 card number. Ended up speaking to Jenny. They have no record of my email. It's not in their junk folder and she couldn't tell me if it had been blocked.
They illegally blocked a previous email account of mine Mr Vine. Violating another article of the Human Rights Act. Discrimination against my Freedom of Expression rights.
The Ombudsman gets included in the Copy Correspondence that they 'Refuse to deal with' because of such instances. You get the email the rest get the email but the tenancy management don't. Care to forward your copy to them Mr Vine? How about the Ombudsman try it as well hmmm?
She also thought I was better off sending it to the Complaints Department of the Council. Me I am all about 'Raising Awareness' Mr Vine. I think they need to be made aware at Tenancy Management of these issues. Worrabout'chew?
So I will try doing it via Cardiff Councils twitter account. To get a copy of the link to this blog post. Sent to Gas Servicings Mr Damon Colley, Tenancy Management and Corporate Complaints. Asking each to firstly confirm receipt asap. Via the email account I sent the original email. And see what happens via that route.
All this is once again eating into my valuable time. These blog post the notifying the phone calls. Jenny asked could I do a bullet proof of the points this blog raises. I've done that before for Mr Bennett. Do you recall? What a waste of my precious time that was. I wont be doing it again thank you very muchly. If they cant work out what those might be. I feel very sorry for them. Plus they is getting handsomely paid and I ain't.
Not all is doom and gloom though Mr Vine. I've been up to creative stuff.
Turning this I found in a skip . . .

Into this . . .

We are calling him Rabboni now. Odd what some colour will do for a sculpture. Isn't it?
There has also been a vermin issue in the area. So I've enlarged the catch trays for my suet feeders. First this design . . .
The birds are always wary of changes. But since I've added the apple branch perches. They are back happily feeding. I always praise them for their wariness. Well who can blame them the way humans treat wild animals.
And the second design. Slightly larger with holes for the Robin and what not to hop in and get the droppings. I also learned that its a good thing to soak the plastic in very hot water before cutting. Saves on it cracking. I haven't spray painted this one. I wanted to see inside first . . . Once again using apple tree branches as perches . . .
I make prototypes Mr Vine. I recycle in imaginative ways. As my inner child likes to say ''Creatawiverty is our middle name Duhwave''
Time to send the DM tweet to the Council.
@theJeremyVine Hey #r2vine This is why I send my emails copy correspondence to @OmbudsmanWales proof of sending https://t.co/6Boy56ozpn Latest blogpost update #bbcradio2 Plus some creative ideas stuff @fmwales #Senedd #birdfeeder 5/9/2019 pic.twitter.com/4H8HGMQmIB— david gabriel (@david_o_gabriel) September 5, 2019
UPDATE 7/9/2019 Do they aid n abet the Council Mr Vine?
You know the Ombudsman with their strictures. Their rules of engagement. Anyway after posting the above as you know I sent the Ombudsman another email. With you and Mr Drakeford as Copy Correspondee's.
Hi Beth
The reasons for cc my emails to you and others are many and varied. One of them is because of things like this. My latest blogpost update 5/9/2019 Where CCC Tenancy Management claim they have not received the email ? I have since been told via DM from their Twitter account. That the blog link has now been sent to Mr Colley and the Complaints Team. I again asked it be sent to their TMteam. Because as I say in my blog. I am all about 'Raising Awareness'
So you don't have to scroll I have copy pasted here for your convenience. Although you will miss out on the creative stuff I have been upta if you don't click here http://bit.ly/327vrNx I doubt it will change any policy by the Ombudsman. But I thought you oughtta know the games they play at ccc. Isn't that right Mr Drakeford Mr Vine.
UPDATE THURS 5/9/2019 The BS continues . . .
And the said update copy pasted. Down to where the images start. This is the reply I received for my trouble. Curious when Government talk about transparency. Government depts can have confidentiality clauses in email? Odd that Mr Drakeford don'tcha think?
I acknowledge receipt of your email.
I understand that my colleague, Beth Owen, has previously explained that we do not act on copied correspondence.
I would like to confirm that no action is being taken in response to your email and further copied correspondence about this matter will be deleted and not acknowledged.
If you wish to make a complaint about this matter you can do so. Details can be found at the following link
Yours sincerely
Ms C Westmoreland
Casework OfficerComplaints Assessment Team
Tel: 01656 641150
Nice tone eh Mr Vine. I guess Ms Westmoreland is having a bad day at the office. But this as a footer ?
This email is subject to the conditions on Confidentiality,
What exactly does that mean Mr Vine, Mr Drakeford? Anyway as the email to Beth said. @cardiffcouncil on twitter has confirmed yesterday that the Tenancy Management Team. Have now received the blog link. With the request to confirm asap. Corporate Complaints has. We are waiting on Mr Colley.
Oh and the DWP have refuse to grant me exemption from further ESA testing under Regulation 29(2)(b). Even though I meet the criteria set out by Mind.orgs pdf on the winvisible blog.
'Dey ain't very nice paweeple at dat wombudsman office is dey Duhwave' says my inner child. 'Seems that way kid' I reply.
Just trying to raise awareness with this tweet:
Meanwhile in #Wales this is going down https://t.co/6Boy56GagV #MentalHealthAwareness Yeah you like to talk about it Mr D. But that's about all isn't it? Oh and do you know about Regulation29(2)(b) Seems like GP's in Wales don't. #DWP conscious cruelty. @WalesOnline #Senedd— david gabriel (@david_o_gabriel) September 10, 2019
But it's like tweeting to you Mr Vine. A seeming waste of my time. But we persevere cos you never knows.
UPDATE 16/9/2019 Oh Hum Mr Vine . . .
The buffoonery never ends Mr Vine . . . Another weekend ruined by incompetence. Or is it 'Baiting' Mr Vine hmmm?
But on Saturday 14/9/2019 I had a letter in my post from Starlight Electrical. The new contractor for CCC periodic electrical testing.
Paragraph 1 reads 'Blah blah blah . . . As you have not contacted ourselves to arrange an appointment, we have arranged an appointment for you.'
Paragraph 5 reads 'If you do not keep this appointment, you will be charged a minimum of £50. If you do not allow us to carry out the Electrical safety check, we will serve a legal notice on you. We will apply to the Court for an injunction to gain access to your home to carry out this work'.
So this morning it's now 0253hrs I sent Mr James Phelps director of Starlight Electrical this email. You have a copy of it Mr Vine in your email account at the Jeremy Show.
contact@starlight-electirical.co.uk; starlightelec@sky.com; tenancymanagement@cardiff.gov.uk; correspondence.mark.drakeford@gov.wales; Jeremy.Vine.Show@bbc.co.uk
Hello Mr Phelps
Your ref: (I've hidden the number so numbnuts can't play games Mr Vine)
Counter to the assertion made in your 12th September letter to me. I have contacted your company previously on the 22/8/2019. And spoke with a gentleman calling himself Rowland. Informing him 'That I have had my periodic testing done last year. And I would not be required to have it this year.' I asked him to contact the person you liaise with at CCC. Informing them of this and that 'Testing this year is not required'.
It appears from this letter of yours. That this has not been done.
Your letter goes on to say you have made an appointment for the 19th of Sept. 2019 at 0900hrs . I would like that cancelled please.
I would also like you to provide me via this email address of : The name of the Council employee you Liaise with. Their telephone number and their email address. So that I can send them a copy of this and ask 'What the hell is going on here?'
My next periodic test. According to information received from Tenancy Management. Would be in the year 2023. Although I don't recall signing any contract requiring me to open my home for periodic electrical testing 20 yrs ago.
Last years test was the first in the 19yrs I'd then lived here.
I dislike letters that threaten me with court injunctions Mr Phelps. But if you insist. I'd be more than happy to have a chat with the Judge. On this matter.
Where I would supply to the court. A copy of my blog post as evidence. Cardiff County Council v. Tenants With Mental Health Issues found here http://bit.ly/327vrNx You will find that Rowland gets a mention. In the initial blog posted on the 23/8/2019.
I trust you are now very clear on my position here. And I have evidence of contacting you yet again. I have used two emails for contacting you. The sky email on the letter. And the contact address from your website. Not knowing which you look at first. I hope you will get back to me by the end. Today Monday the 16th Sept 2019.
Yours (I could really do with out this harassment bub)
David Gabriel.
I had a delivery failure notice for the Website contact email address. So Mr Phelps might want to look at updating that Mr Vine. But it looks like the letter email address got through.
Yes incompetence or baiting is the big question Mr Vine.
'I wonder your Honour. In view of all that is written here. Will you provide me with an injunction against CCC. On the matters outlined so far. And one for Starlight Electrical from bothering me ever again? If it pleases the court'.
All is not doom and gloom though Mr Vine. I've made an upgraded version of 'The Catch Tray' Wot'cha think Hmmmm?
For all the pure of hearts out there Mr Vine. I've come to know the Wisdom in Lao Tzu words. 'One must be frugal in order to be generous'.
Saying which. I had a notification from British Gas that my annual Gas Service charge is going up to £130 per annum. Sure would be nice to be rid of that bill. And free from another mendacious Council department Mr Vine.
Time to tweet . . .
@theJeremyVine Wots'abody gorra do #r2vine Blog post update. https://t.co/6Boy56ozpn Will the harassment ever end @BBCRadio2 #BBCRadio2 Plus a spray painted catch tray. Hey @fmwales pull ya finger out mate #Senedd #WalesOnline @WalesOnline pic.twitter.com/XIdZ7TEknq— david gabriel (@david_o_gabriel) September 16, 2019
UPDATE TUES 17/9/2019
Wots'abody gorra do ta get some service Mr Vine? Looked in my email and Mr Phelps obviously feels it's not urgent. Is he trying to scam £50 off me Mr Vine? My feelings are. If they knock my door Thursday morning. That will be harassment. Well wouldn't chew.
So I sent you this Mr Vine. Just ta let ya know. If twitter allowed editing. I'd amend it to read. 'get back to me TODAY!' Cos that was the request was it not? 'But'chew not a bloody playing clustomer Clayziduwave' says my inner Chinese sub-personality. He's always on the money Mr Vine.
@theJeremyVine Hey guess wot #r2vine Mr Phelps couldn't be arsed ta get back ta me. Oh hum! Where is that @fmwales Mark Drakeford hmmm? #senedd #Wales #welshlabour https://t.co/6Boy56GagV 16/9/2019 update. 'Why duh @OmbudsmanWales 'ates us Duhwave' @BBCRadio2 #BBCRadio2 pic.twitter.com/zjO8a4y7YZ— david gabriel (@david_o_gabriel) September 17, 2019