Saturday, 28 September 2019

The Council Complaint Dept Reply Mr Vine

Hello Mr Vine, Everybody

Well here it is Mr Vine.

Dear Mr Gabriel                   25th September 2019

Your Complaint About Cardiff Council

Thank you for your correspondence dated 22nd August, titled Cardiff County Council v Tenants with Mental Health Issues.

I would like to take the opportunity to address the pertinent issues raised in your correspondence.

Annual Gas Safety check

The details of the gas check have been discussed with Mr Colley, the manager of the Responsive Repairs Unit (RRU) 

Mr Colley has advised that the original order to carry out the gas check was rescheduled from the 23rd July to the 8th August. The appointment was changed due to operative leave.

Unfortunately, no telephone contact details were held for you to advise of the change of date.

In future, if no customer contact details are held the original appointment will be honoured. Mr Colley has offered his most sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused.

According to records held, the gas engineer called at approximately 13.34 on the 8th August.

The operative’s instruction would be to call to the property, call the tenant (if telephone number available) then leave a calling card. Copies of the calling cards should be kept by the operative for proof.

Due to the legislative requirements of these gas checks and the amount that the Authority have to complete it is essential that we comply.

I do apologise for any offence caused by the wording of the correspondence dated 15th August. Unfortunately, there are tenants who deliberately avoid providing access for the Gas checks and a charge was introduced to reduce this.

Your dissatisfaction with the conduct of a certain operative has been noted. Mr Colley will ensure that the operative’s line manager is made aware of this and that the operative is spoken to about his behaviour.

Mr Colley again apologises for the failure in service. 

Electrical testing

You have also raised the subject of the Electrical Testing.  The Repairs system shows that a sub-contractor carried out a test and identified some issues that required a number of repairs.  A further repair order was raised to replace the consumer unit and carry out other remedial works but there was no access.

A new order was raised for an alternative sub-contractor to attend, however, when contractor Starlight attended to pre-inspect for remedial works , you made it clear that they were not welcome and the contractor left site.

For this reason I must advise that it has been necessary to escalate the matter of access to Tenancy Management to resolve.

Electrical testing is now carried out at our properties on a 5 year cycle, having previously been a 10 year cycle.

Mental Health Issues

It is disappointing that you consider that Cardiff Council shows no regard for tenants with Mental Health Issues.

As a service provider, we have a responsibility to meet the needs of a diverse range of people. We run open and inclusive services that are as flexible and dynamic as the communities we serve.

We realise that everyone has different needs and this is reflected in the service that we deliver.

Anti-Social Behaviour

It is concerning that you have mentioned you have suffered with harassment and verbal abuse on the street. Our Anti-Social Behaviour team can investigate such incidents if you are aware that neighbouring tenants are the alleged perpetrators of such abuse.


I have noted that you have already contacted the Ombudsman, although it isn’t clear when. If you are dissatisfied with this response you can contact them again, the details can be found below.

Closing Comments

I do hope the response provided is satisfactory, and again, on behalf of the Council, apologise sincerely where there has been a failure in service.  

This represents the Council’s response to your complaint. However, if you remain dissatisfied, you are free to contact the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales about your complaint using the following details:

§  website: 
§  phone: 0300 790 0203
§  writing to: Public Services Ombudsman for Wales, 1 Ffordd yr Hen Gae, Pencoed, CF35 5LJ. 
Yours sincerely
J Muston
Complaints & Communications Officer

Looks like they don't get any training in dealing with mental health suffering tenants Mr Vine. If you read between the lines. Just a friendly 'Well done son' behind the scenes I guess.

Don't know if J Muston is male or female Mr Vine. I think it best you read this blog post JM I asked them simply if they were honourable men or scabs. They choose to be honourable men. Had they not been. They would have met the art works I created to remind them of their history. Posted on that blog.

So lets deal with the why I had the picket line. I asked at my latest WCA this question.

What time do you go to bed 22.00hrs or 00.00hrs ?
22.00hrs was the reply. I asked 'How would you feel if 2hrs after going to bed. You had to be up to prepare for workmen to arrive at 0100hrs? Would you be happy'

'No I would not' was the reply. Well neither am I JM. Because they will want a 0900hrs start time. And I don't go to bed until 0600hrs or there about. I am habituated to it. Do you want to know the reason WHY JM ? Of course you don't. But I will tell you anyway. 

It gives me 5 hrs where the Scumbag who lives above me sleeps. Shame he isn't an 8 or 9 hr dude like myself. But 5hrs where his insidious presence in my life is abated somewhat. Is better than none. Sleeping underneath him in my bedroom has become and anathema to me. This is an act of Self-Love on my part.

This property stresses mental health conditions JM it doesn't alleviate them. Not that my past GP's have give a tuppenny stuff about that either. Or for that matter the Ombudsman.

The Ombudsman cant even forward a Freedom Of Information Request regarding 'How many garden fences have the Council erected for tenants since 2002?'. When I first made my request for one. Which is still outstanding.

But then I made this banner JM and they discriminate against me for it.

This banner is as true today as it was way back in 24.11.2004. They have had the fencing complaint in various formats. All of which they have studiously ignored.

Yet nobody holds them or The Council to account over it JM. Heaven forbid any outside organisation. Asking serious questions about the configuration of the property in terms of sound insulation. So neither tenants right to the peaceful enjoyment of their home is violated.

Not that Scumbag cares. Water off a ducks back my intruding into his privacy. I guess The Council can give a sigh of relief that the Ombudsman covers their backside on this and many other issues. When it comes to complaints from Crazydave.

I wonder if the tenancy management team are working on a new way. To constructively evict me once again JM ? If Mr Phelps is fine with them turning up at 1400hrs to do the works. Finishing at what ever time. I will not object if it goes on until 2200hrs I will have no problem. And ain't Karma a bitch to the guy above.

As for the anti-social behaviour. I will deal with it personally if or when it occurs again. Because your anti-social behaviour team did sweet FA following this meeting. Way back
when. (video upload 10.9.2009).


While your at it JM. You can watch this and ask yourself why was nothing done to stop that man? Given the Welsh Assembly Government were made aware of the existence of this video. As was your Anti-Social behaviour team. It's not like the cops gave a damn. 19.3.2007 upload date.


The same as nobody but nobody gave a damn about this video either. One of Mr Watkins many lodgers threatening me with physical violence. Not that the cops cared about that either.

7th june 2009 upload date.


I've written about that encounter in a previous blogpost JM. 

I am still waiting for answers. As to why given this small sample of what I have had to put up with here. A) nothing what so ever was done to stop it. and B) Why was nothing ever done to extricate me from it ? Are you eager to know the answers to those questions Mr Vine ?

Oh and nothing in your reply about. The return of the electric boiler. And the taking out of the Gas combi boiler. To save me the £130pa Gas service charge. Money I could well do with to heat my home in the winter. If anyone anywhere in Government or Council really really care about heating v eating for vulnerable adults

All I really use it for is hot water to wash clothes/bedding. I might just might close my contract with my Gas provider and have the meter removed. In order to make future tests redundant at this property. Although I would prefer to wash them here rather than in a launderette. As I have previously stated. 'I rue the day I let them take the electric boiler out'.

If those questions could be addressed. I'd be grateful. I will ask Mr Phelps myself regarding the start finish time. I will seriously object to any 0900hrs start time for the reasons given above. If you could let the tenancy management team know. Because they have blocked my email address. For what ever reason. You might care to comment on that part of the complaint also.

I haven't the time to re-read the blogpost. To highlight any other business you may have inadvertently missed. Consciously or otherwise.

The refusal of the Welsh Assembly Government to intervene in any of the issues I've raised. From the configuration of the property. To the hate crime I've experienced. Lead me to painting this banner.

As far as I am concerned the Welsh Assembly Government have aided n abetted hate crime towards me here. Time after time that it's occurred. As have The Council and The Ombudsman. But lets not forget the cops in that regard either. 

Why did the Anti-Social behaviour people want to see me Mr Vine? Because I turned this. Upload date 28/4/2009

Into this a total deconstruction of the beauty it had taken me 10 yrs to create. Uploaded 2/8/2009


And still they refused to rehouse me Mr Vine ? And JM says get in touch with the Anti-Social Behaviour Team. As Far as I am concerned. They aided n abetted Hate Crime against me here.


Hi JM, Everybody

On Tues the 1/10/2019 I rang Starlight and arranged with Emma an appointment for Friday the 4th between 14.00hrs and 15.00hrs.

To my surprise JM on said Friday I had this in my post. From Tenancy Management.

Dear Mr Gabriel

Appointment on Thursday 10th October between 10am - 12pm

I write reagrding essential repairs to the property.

As agreed I can visit you at the following time:

Thursday 1oth October between 10am -12pm.

If this appointment is not convenient for you, please contact me to arrange another time on 029 2053 7501. You can leave a message for me which I will pick up on my return if I'm not in the office when you call.

I look forward to seeing you.

Yours Sincerely 

Jenny Coralie
Tenancy Officer

Starlight electrical turned up with a Council employee called Joe. I showed Joe the letter saying that 'I have agreed to nothing with Ms Coralie'. But again the Council records will look as though I have.

Later I asked Joe if he could tell Ms Coralie. That her services would not be required on Thursday. I had also told him that 'As far as I am concerned She and her Department have aided and abetted hate crime to me here'.

There are only 3 conditions I would ever chat to Ms Coralie or any Tenancy Management personnel in future. 

1) If I had a lawyer present with me.
2) If I had a recording device enabled throughout the conversation.
3) For all the money in China.

Again the Ombudsman has let me and thousands of other vulnerable adults down. By refusing point blank to make a judgement. 'That if vulnerable adults deem it necessary for their protection. To record meetings with mendacious council employees. Then they are free to do so'.

That successive First Minister at the Welsh Assembly. Like to make pretend there is not an issue here. With the Ombudsman and the manner they handle legitimate complaints. In what ever format they receive them. Is damnable in and of itself.

Ms Coralie and her department know full well my sleep pattern. Her 10 -12 appointment time is just another sign of the contempt for me as a person.

So will I be having an apology letter from Tenancy Management JM. To balance out the lie of this letter on my record?

Just like I ought to be getting one from Mr Colley. But I doubt I ever will.

Again I cannot use email to contact TM. Cos they will make pretend they 'Never received it' So I shall have to ask on twitter can they forward the link to this blog to Ms Cora-lies.(Yep an apt name).

From the meeting on the Friday. It looked like Joe was there to insure that all my 'Scab' artworks were not on display. Before the gent from Starlight entered. Fortunately for me I had already taken them down.

What is annoying is that now my home will give birth to an array of trunking. Here there and every bleeding where. Just to satisfy some jobsworths definition of safety. But that sucker wont be living in a spaghetti junction of trunking. I bet Her Majesty's £369M home upgrade wont be bespoiled by trunking. Will it Mr Vine. Oh no all those wires chased into the walls for Her Royal Highness.

Ah life on the other side of the tracks eh Mr Vine. Cheap and nasty rules the day here. Any aesthetic sensibilities ridden roughshod over. In the cause of expediency and BS regulations.

End of update.  

UPDATE 10/10/2019 

I finally sent the update email to JM, Mr Drakeford and Mr Vine. I tried another email account for Mr Drakeford. Seeing as the others are a tad iffy. From the WAG's own website. Here's how it reads.; 

Hi JM, Mr Drakeford, Mr Vine

I've updated my blog post following Tenancy Management getting in touch. Here is the link
You might take some of the points on board.

Like the letters of apology so they go on my record with the Council. But I doubt if any will. The Ombudsman sucks Mr Drakeford.
Something should have been done about that organisation many many moons ago. Not just for me, but all those other isolated individuals. Feeling hard pressed, by those with power over them. But will you sir? I doubt that also.

Yours resigned to being shafted
David Gabriel

Lets just hope we don't get rudely awakened at 10.00hrs. Because the twitter people haven't replied to yesterdays message. And will Joe have passed the message on? I don't seem to be getting those confirmation emails any more Mr Vine. Have I been blocked?

The tweets 'Just to remind you' as Alanis might say.

Just so nobody can give it the 'I didn't know' BS excuse. Either you are incompetent on twitter usage. Or you are complicit. Clint wants to know 'Well which is it punk?'

UPDATE 19/11/2019

I guess it's complicit cos I've heard nothing from any of them. No reply to the email. Does JM figure their work is done Mr Vine? Over a month ago since the email was sent. So we are outside of any time scale for replies. These people like to claim is reasonable.

This tweet has been pinned to my profile since October the 18th. 

Yet they will claim they 'Care' about Vulnerable Adults. When asked by the BBC. But you and I know the truth don't we Mr Vine. They don't give a damn. Well at least not when it's Mr Gabriel raising issues.





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