Monday, 18 November 2019

Where Is The First Minister When You Need Him . . . Eh Mr Vine ?

Hey Mr Vine, Mr Drakeford, Everybody

I had a letter from Tenancy Management today Monday 18/11/2019. It was unsigned and unnamed with no reference numbers. Just the date 15/11/2019.

It reads as follows.

Dear Mr Gabriel

It has brought to our attention that you have a blog which displays details of several Council employees.

Whilst you are within your rights to blog about your opinions, I request that you please remove all personal details of Council Officers, to include names and job titles from your blogs.

Yours sincerely

Tenancy Management

Not audacious enough to place their name to this missive. (I don't want to be a Grammar Nazi but you missed a 'been' out) I want to know what the First Minister of the Welsh Assembly thinks of this. Don'tchew Mr Vine ?

'As if dey didn't already know about ya blog fer years Crazyduhwave' Says 'The Kid'.

The information I share in my blogs. Ought in a just world. Be found quite easily on the Councils website. In a country where much is made of 'Transparency' in government. It would appear that Tenancy Management pay lip service to that notion. As they appear to regarding 'Whistle-blowers Charter'.

Do you think JM will be able to find out who sent it Mr Vine? Mr Drakeford? Or is it just another Clown at Cardiff County Council having some fun at my expense?

Me. I'm holding the head of the department accountable for it Mr Vine. They got a video of mine taken down from Youtube. The Ombudsman connived with them by not upholding my complaint. That such an action by the Council was and still is Unlawful.

This latest gambit to cover up wrong doing by members of staff at Tenancy Management. By this unnamed person. Is I suggest as equally Unlawful. Not that the Ombudsman will investigate following this blog post. Because this complaint is not in a form he finds acceptable? That also I suggest is criminal on his part. Isn't it Mr Bennett? Isn't it Mr Drakeford First Minister of this banana republic of Wales?

So what I want to know JM is what happens when I send them a copy of this blog post. With the Bart Simpson quote 'Eat my shorts'. Will they bellyache to blogger? Will they seek further reasons to constructively evict me? Will they go to court? With all the resources a large County Council has at its disposal?

So I wrote a song today. I love the E chord on the guitar Mr Vine. I like to play the base n treble note separately. But rhythmically to the phrasing of the lyrics. The lyrics were simple.

They're trying to cover up their lies again
Their lies again
Their lies again
They're trying to cove up their lies again
Tell me Lord will it ever end
Will it ever end
Will it ever end

And then it's ad lib playing to the phrasing. Before returning to the lyrics once again and ad-libbing those.

Mind you one thing I did note on this letter. They actually had the email address on it. Wonders will never cease. (You would have to have read previous blogs to understand the nuance of that remark)

Anyways I've done a clean up for this re-wire. No fixed date yet? I thought to keep the Black and Gold theme going and give my Modiglianesque sculpture the treatment. Have you ever wanted to own a famous sculptors work Mr Vine. But just didn't have the necessary funds. I do and a Modigliani was one. So I made this. It's been white plaster for 2 decades. So it had the black treatment before a gold spray and placed in situ.

Art and politics all in one blog post. I do spoil you Mr Vine even if I think you are as complicit as Mr Drakeford and his predecessors . I mean Mr Drakeford hasn't got back to me to say.'Yes all GP's in Wales have been made aware of Regulation 29(2)(b). And the aid they can give their patients to be exempt from all further testing by the DWP'. Enjoy the sculpture.

It's a nice feature in the bathroom.

How many shades of wrong is their letter Mr Vine? 50 a 100 ? Maybe if they didn't do underhand things they wouldn't get 'Called Out' over them.

And I bet if I were praising them and putting up their details. They would be all cock-a-hoop and wanting fotos taken of us together. Wouldn't they Mr Vine. Just like you do with your guests. Heck they'd be tweeting about it or putting articles in the BS Tenant Times.

Is this letter of theirs a Unlawful request? This attempt at a cover up Chief Constable? Is the Ombudsman refusal to act on my behalf a Unlawful on Mr Bennett's part Chief Constable?

You know not asking about 'How many garden fences has the Council erected for tenants since 2002?' You know the discrimination by Cardiff County Council towards Mr Gabriel complaint.

Or upholding tenants rights to video meetings with Council Employees. So they cant lie about events that transpired?  Well Mr Drakeford ? I bet your happy that MSM don't ask you searching questions. About the contents of these blog of mine aren't you!

I can only hope that if our roles were reversed Mr Drakeford. Where I was First Minister and you petitioned me about these issues. That I would have been on the phone to the Ombudsman immediately asking.

'WTF is going on here?' Followed by a 'You make the judgement that Council Tenants (Any Tenants) have the right not only to record such meetings. But in the public interest. They are allowed to share them on Social Media' Followed by 'I want you to contact Youtube and tell them to re-upload the video they had taken down at Cardiff County Council behest. As it was unlawful of them to demand it to be taken down'. Followed by 'I want your resignation on my desk first thing in the morning. Because you have seriously let this man down'.

To hard ball for Mr Drakeford, Mr Vine ? Seems like. Council Employees wasting more of my precious time Mr Vine. 

Time to tweet. Time to once again see. Just how corrupt the UK media really is. I mean I've been blogging to you since April 2016 Mr Vine. 

And yet . . . Not a whisper 
Not a sound 
Not a ripple in the airwaves. 

Bad karma is accruing
Says I.

Just like they never ever ever broadcast this display of banners down the #Senedd. When I did my bit at raising awareness for 2 yrs. 2004/6 This video is from 2009 I fished the banners out from their hiding place. To display for Her Majesty when she came to give her assent to yet another intake of AM's.


Had the banner below been acted upon way back when Mr Vine. The £130 Service charge for my gas would be £65. A House charge divided by 2 in this instance. By 8 by 10 in others. But then they have their 'Right to the peaceful enjoyment of their homes' violated even more than I do here. While being creamed by Uncle Tom Cobley n All. 

The worst offender being The not so good BBC. I really should take out that injunction against TV Licensing ever contacting me again Mr Vine. I haven't watched TV for 20yrs now. Nor do I intend watching it ever again. But they harass me with monthly letters. Even though I've informed them of my situation and intent.

An interesting Freedom of Information Request would be. 'How much has been paid in consultancy fees. To combat poverty in Wales?' Because none of them came up with the 'Solution' above. Did they Mr Drakeford ? 

Want to know the real reason why not Mr Vine. My best guess is. That they don't want the loss of all that VAT revenue. So lets keep the poverty instead.

As you know I didn't get around to tweeting yesterday. But here's to Wednesday's eh.



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