Monday, 13 July 2020

July 13th 2020 The Eve Of The Attempted Gagging Order Mr Vine

I post this on facebook tonight 13th July 2020

Hey The Jeremy Vine I've tried making the understanding of these accounts real simple. So even Welsh Labour or Plaid Cymru can comprehend what I have been saying for Oh so many years. 

If you or I owned these 17,500 properties Jeremy. We wouldn't have any £30+Million in rent rebates to worry about. Neither would we have any Housing Revenue Account Subsidy to concern us. So let's delete those and see what we have left shall we. 

Well in the first year pre-tax profit would be £11.875 Million post 25% Tax we'd have £8.906 Million. 

In the second year pre-tax profit £11.818 Million post 25% tax on profits £8.863 Million. And our balance going carried forward would be £17.769 Million. 

Enough for us to invest in a whole lot more properties . . . And that Jeremy should have been the story of Social Housing in Wales. 

A Society where people weren't sanctioned by the DWP when they've been living on £75 quid a week. Or one where private landlords are being paid £1,000 per month for renting a 3 bedroom  house no questions asked no sanctions given. For renting to zero hours contract tenants. 

Isn't that right Mr Drakeford. I hope this makes it easier for you all to understand we've been conned. With this designed to fail BS set of accounting systems and funding.

Being a litigate in person is no fun at all Mr Vine. I am hoping after tomorrows hearing I will be free to post my defence freely online with no bullshit from anyone.

Oh and for those who havent seen any of my latest art works here's some I've posted on twitter.
Here are some of the drawing as well as the first of my 'Blue period' paintings. The title: Look Dada's here. 


I also like to pass on the things I have had to learn when dealing with the DWP.


Well time to tweet this for you to ponder on Jeremy. The world according to Crazydave would be a much better housed one at least.

Wish me luck people!


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