Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Some Of My Jeremy Vine Moment Tweets For The Record

Hey Mr Vine Everybody

After Twitter blocked one of my tweets on Ivermectin. I thought it wise to place them elsewhere. Seeing as I'm a tech dummy and am finding it a wickle bit difficult to save the moment. One day I might 'get it'. So the slow process.

This is the offending tweet. I was offered the choice to delete it or put in an appeal. So I appealed on the Monday by Tuesday night and still no reply. I removed the tweet which I didn't like doing but wanted access. to In order to put pressure on the BBC presenter to discuss it's use as a viable option to 'The Jab'.

But this doesn't appear part of the BBC agenda. So they refuse to discuss it's efficacy. To the detriment of the population at large. Some might call that 'Criminally Negligent' and I for one would agree with them.

Jeremy had a week off and Vanessa was taking over. So I shot her a few tweets. We all know Boris tells fibs Aaron is great at identifying them.

Then there was the threat of trialing under 16yr old with the Covid19 'vaccines'. Seems to me and others this is a breach of the Nuremberg Code. How can they make an informed choice? Or consent? Especially given the concerns over Mrna Experimental biological agents?

 This one chases up Dr Sarah Jarvis a regular guest on Medical Monday. Not appearing cos Jeremy is on holiday. I mean she has plenty of time to brush up on the topic?

This was the initial invite to have Professor Borody onto Mr Vines show. Obviously they cant be arsed but we try.

You really have to ask. 'Why the hell haven't they earmarked a building to distribute this hot food from?' Don't you Mr Vine. Do you think these people would care about Social Distancing not being observed. While they get their hot meal because I really really don't think they would give a damn. But Ms Sturgeon would. This is 'Shameful' Not only for the recipients but also for the volunteers who have to endure the same conditions. There are enough empty buildings to provide this service in a warm dry environment. Aren't there Mr Vine?

It's nice seeing people question the MSM narrative. Some are more adept at it than MSM researchers. To get to the truth of a situation. While some say 'comparisons are odious'. In this instance they are very illuminating. Aren't they Mr Vine.

I will keep saying this to my dying day. If England were perpetrating this type of activity in Wales. I would hope to God that 'SANCTION' would be placed on them till they desist. How there can be a Labour Friends Of Israel group is beyond me. When they must see these type of images. How would you like to have to demolish a home that you had built Mr Vine. All because the occupation forces tell you to? But Israel is America's best buddy in the Middle East and can do no wrong. So no sanction for them. I bet if it was Iran doing it there would have been sanction decades ago.

This one says it all really. The 'What iffery of it all baby' I don't have the virus, I am not asymptomatic. I'm a vit D, zinc and Vit C adherent. I'd be taking Ivermectin if it was freely available at 2 cents a tab in the UK. (Note to Self: I really must research if it is available in the UK).

Then there is the blame game. Funny how the Common Cold has vanished. 'Oh that's due to the Mask Wearing and the Social Distancing Crazydave'. 'Oh it is is it? So how come #CovidIdiots are getting the blame for the rise in Covid19 infection rates then Hmmm?' It's not as if it's a paradox is it Mr Vine.

Then there is the First Minister Mr Drakeford. It's not as if he interacts with the people of Wales via his twitter account. It's just there for him to post and hide. You would think he'd employ a team to deal with any issues that might be highlighted on there. wouldn't you Mr Vine I mean you do on your show don't you. They drip feed you any tweets that fit the narrative you are promoting, don't they? But long term abuse Mr Drakeford turns just like the Ombudsman a blind eye to that.

This is when I was emailing the First Minister and Mr Vine on Professor Borody's Ivermectin treatment. Fell on deaf ears then still appears to to this day. What is it with Brits so slow to take on board fresh ideas, new perspectives. Is it some kind of cultural arrogance. Or just happy filling the coffers of Big Pharma and Tory Chums pockets. It makes me wonder how many lives could have been saved between then and now. If they had taken action on new information?

A Judge in America forcing a hospital to put a patient back on Ivermectin because she had made great progress while using it. Then moved to a different ward because of the improvement and they refuse and she declines. Big up to her family for taking it to court. The once again making an improvement when re-administered. Are we just thick as two short planks in the UK not utilizing Ivermectin? Because it sure does look like. Shame that Twitter appears to ignore these things.

More information on Ivermectin in this one. Like the evidence isn't there eh Mr Vine.

Seem that Former President Trump was right on HydroxyChloroquine after all. (The Lancet retracted the hatchet job they did on it. Remarkable that but the damage had been done).

 Back to chasing Mr Drakeford 'scuse me Sir but Cardiff County Council don't give a fig for your Social Services and Well-being act (2014) Plus they don't give one for the Equality's Act 2010 for that matter.

Raising awareness of Israel's continued abuse of Palestinians. When is anti-palestinian going to be a criminal offence? Should members of the Labour Friends of Israel be charged with it? I think so.

Then there is Dr Mike Yeadon a former Pfizer Big wig saying sack 'Sage' members who havent a clue about what they are doing. Who would you trust Mr Vine. Someone whose spent the majority of their life in the field. Or Matt Hancock. It's a nobrainer isn't it? Yet this man has been deplatformed for speaking his truth.

I added this to the moment to remind me about Mr Barnett of Cardiff County Council. And his insistence that I phone even though my preferred method of contact is email. I had to remind him of the Equality Act 2010 the right to a 'reasonable adjustment' Seems I'm not the only one who has difficulty in this area.

Mike Yeadon again and the floored PCR test. Stop mass testing. Not as if the government listen though is it Mr Vine?

These aren't all the tweets odd how you cant embed a moment on twitter. But here is the page link while it's still available. 


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