Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Cardiff County Council Don't Care About Mental Health Week Mr Vine

Hello Mr Vine, Mr Drakeford Everybody

As you should be aware if you follow your Twitter feed Mr Drakeford. It is now 7mths since I was threaten with violence by the upstairs tenant. And Sweet FA has been done. Other than email correspondence and a visit from the Police Neighbourhood Policing Team on the 18th Feb 2021 a PC Natalie Reis. 

But as her email address would not accept mine. I ended up printing off 18 pages of emails and delivering them to Fairwater Police Station on the 1st March 2021. The irony of the date was not lost on me. I handed it to PC5119 Bradley (Her of the blonde hair and fetching pale blue eyes). The envelop was marked for PC Reis and so far I have heard nothing back.

Even though R. Sinclair of the Complaints and Communications Office. Said in their defence of Michael Barnett in their 13th April 2021 letter. (There were three previous letter from him/her. The first dated 22/2/21 acknowledging the complaint. Then two others 25/3/21 and 31/3/21 telling me how they were unable to respond within the time frame allowed) The last paragraph of their Investigation/Findings section of the letter reads as follows.

On the 18th February 2021, a PC visited and it is understand that, there was some confusion as to whom she was taking to. She noted some concerns regarding yourself and arranged a joint visit with our ASB Officer, due to to take place this month.

(I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who makes typos Mr Vine. The error above are as per letter) They were responding to the email below. As you know given that, you were forwarded a copy of this 9/2/2021 email to Mr Barnett.

Hello Mr Barnett

It's now the 4th months since raising the complaint of threats of violence from Mr Watkins. I take it you didn't get intouch with PC Natalie Reis. As I've heard nothing from her. Like I've heard nothing back from you followng my 8/1/2021 to you.

Do I take it then that you have no protocols to follow under the Wales Social Services and Well-Being Act 2014 ? With respect to Vulnerable Adults being abused at home.

I can only conclude that your do nothing attitude. Makes you complicit in Harassment and Threat of Violence by both Mr Watkins and The Fowlers.

I think if you were in my shoes you'd see it the same way.

After all yesterday Mr Wakins found it a fun thing to drop his junk mail on my front garden path. Those little acts of disrespect that i have come to expect from that Clown. Just like a couple of days after his threat to rip my fking head off. When he bust the wire that closes the gate here. Then the ''fk you if I'm going to pop the temporary fixed wire over it every time I come back and forth''. It's not the first time he's bust it. It's not the first time he's gone through the 'I ain't closing the fking gate'.

While I am probably wasting my time. This claim of mine that you are complicit in threats of violence. Could you escalate that to a corporate complaint please. Could you also provide me with a Corporate complaint claim number.

And while you are at that cn you also provide me with PC Natalie Reis's email address. I presume you have it?  As I would like to send her a copy of this email. For her to chew on.

Yep today's date 12th May 2021 and no combined visit. I mean to say Mr Barnett isn't the only one whose Enabled these abusers is he Mr Vine? Successive First Minister at the Senedd, various MP's and AM's who cover the constituency I live within. Then there are County Council Members and employees of the Council. Who have all turned a blind eye because they Looooovvee to discriminate against Crazydave don't they Mr Vine.

Not unlike certain MSM employees.

As yet neither Mr Drakeford or Mr Gethin have bothered to respond as to 'Why isn't Ivermectin being utilized in the fight against Covid19 ?' Page 14 of the 18 to PC Reis was my 5/2/2021 to you Mr Vine and MrD and MrG and to Cllr Shaun Jenkins.

The final paragraph I highlighted for PC Reis's attention with the following comment ''Not using this treatment is criminal negligence by our NHS'' 

For Everybody's interest this is the final paragraph of that email. 

Look on your twitter notifications Mr Drakeford. I'm sending you links to Ivermectin videos. I think todays will be of interest. A judge having to instruct a hospital to continue prescribing plus. Nigeria leading the way in trials. But then they are familiar with it's use. Billions of perscriptions handed out by Merck. No side effects. Unlike some I've seen of the Pfizer vaccine, from deaths within a couple of days of getting the jab. To uncontrollable tremors. Given the history of Pfizer court cases how anyone would trust them is beyond me. But they can afford to pay their way out of jail. Multi-million pound fines but still in business. Truely remarkable. 

As a concerned individual I really am wondering about no response to the claim of Criminal Negligence by the police. I mean those who took a test and it came out positive. They didn't receive any advice as to 'What to do if you've tested positive for Covid19' Not so much as a 'Take some lemsip'. The questioned asked in this video from a Texas hearing ought to be asked of the NHS and Boris Johnson's government in the Inquiry don'tcha think Mr Vine?


R. Sinclair also stated in their letter ''You also referenced incidents from 2002 and 2009. These are classed as historic cases that we would not investigate further.''

I wonder what Dr Sarah Jarvis of 'Medical Monday' would say to R. Sinclair regarding the effects of long term abuse and negligence? I think she would be telling R. Sinclair 'How damaging that can be on an individuals mental, emotional and physical health' Don'tchew Mr Vine? That dismissing them is just more criminal negligence by the Local Authority.

That was from my 19/1/2021 email to Mr Barnett. I posted some of it in my initial blog on this matter. Here is some more of that self same email. 

I have another video where I accuse South Wales Police of. ''Aiding and abetting the Welsh Assembly Government in it's criminal negligence of myself'' and by extention Cardiff County Council.

Not only that but a few months prior in 2009 the year the above offence took place. SWPolice took me to court on a 'Common assault' charge. The person bringing the claim had a criminal record for violence. That individuals of his ilk like to brag about. Who also liked to boast being the brother in law of Mr Fowler. The resident of n17 XXX who has been 'Mr Nasty' to me and 'Mr Lovely' to his mates. You know the one who threatened to burn my screens down. All because Cardiff County Council refused refused refused to put up a wooden fence all along the pathway. So I wouldn't have to make do it myself. To save me from seeing their ugly mugs, or them damaging my honeysuckle/support system. Their annual summertime perverse pleasure.

They failed to see that the individual in question was part of systemic harrassment of myself. By Mr Watkins and by Mr Fowler. Just as they failed to see that the incident above was just more of the same old same old.

In a world where females are having murder convictions quashed based on 'historic claims of partner abuse' that part of their covering a workmates backside makes me wanna puke.

But it's not the first time they have used this excuse is it Mr Vine. The 2009 incident they refer to is this 


Another threat of violence this time by another one of Mr Watkins mates it was in the 'evidence' Mrs Coralie used to try and have her name expunged from my blog. At each of the three hearings I asked the Court 'Has anyone watched this video? 'No' was the reply. Simply staggering that! It's only a shame the Court did not provide internet access so it could be viewed.

So lets look at Mr Charles reply from Mr Drakefords office shall we dated 5/2/2021. In it he sent a link to the pdf Safeguarding Adults at Risk

On page 20 of 37 you will see the heading Reporting the case of an adult suspected to be at risk. With the sub-heading Immediate threat to safety or suspicion of an offence. And then this.

71. Anyone who has concerns about imminent danger to an adult or if there is suspicion that an offence may have occurred should make an immediate direct report: to the police without delay in order to protect those from imminent serious harm; and to the 999 service if urgent medical attention is needed. 

Not that Mr Barnett did that did he Mr Vine? Nopeperty nope nope Crazydave. He waited 2mths before doing so. But then neither did anyone at Mr Drakefords office or the Ombudsman. On being made aware of the incident via my email dated 9/10/2020 Titled More Threats of Violence. Unfortunately I used your old email address in that one Mr Vine. But then I did post this on twitter on the 8/10/20. 

I imagine R. Sinclair will claim they weren't aware of this requirement under law. A bit like the head of the Tenancy Management Team Mr Ahmed. Who in court having acknowledge he'd had training on the Well-being act 2014. 

Claimed he did not know what the term 'Accountability' meant within it's framework. I should have called perjury on that. But being litigate in person, and getting the bums rush by the court. To complete my questioning of the witnesses asap. Well I let the opportunity slip by.

There was also no mention in R. Sinclairs defence of Mr Barnett. Of the self same Tenancy Management Team failure to respond to the initial email. Why is that I wonder?

And finally in closing R.Sinclair adds insult to injury in their closing comments.

This represents the Council's response to your complaint. However, if you remain dissatisfied, you are free to contact the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales about your complaint using the following details: (link to ombudsman website)

The Ombudsman like to violate the Equality Act 2010 as much as employees of Cardiff County Council. With respect to adults with Mental Health Issues and their refusal to make 'Reasonable Adjustments' ie Their 'We don't respond to copy correspondence complaints' The initials WTF seem most appropriate on that remark.

But The cops don't think so. Successive First Ministers of  The Welsh Assembly Government don't think so. Obviously MSM outlets don't think so either, Eh Mr Vine? Am I the only one who considers it 'Aiding and Abetting Hate Crimes. Or aiding n abetting Criminal Negligence by Cardiff County Council towards me'? Given the information they have been privy to?

The First draft is over with for today. The next section will deal with: The Re-Housing Department another department of the Council. Who don't mind torturing people over a long term basis. And think sub-standard housing reasonable, abuse acceptable and Mental Health Issues a joke.

Just so you and Mr Drakeford and The Ombudsman know of the blogs existence Mr Vine via twitter.

So here we are Mr Vine Weds 19/5/2021

No response to the tweet, shameful. I havent sent an email yet just to remind everybody.

On Friday the 14/5/2021 I had someone knocking my interior door at 11.00hrs. You know the one that has this written on it Mr Vine.

5hrs into my sleep pattern. I don't know who they were or who they think they are. But to knowingly disregard that WARNING is harassment. When I checked my mail box later on. There was no message from any caller, so what was so urgent that they had to disturb me? 

What it has made me resolved to do is. Ask that the trade button be deactivated within a certain time frame. ie Give me a date following receipt of a copy of this blogpost link, that is within a fortnight or I shall be seeking my own injunction to get it deactivated. So that clowns who have no respect for others wishes. You know 'Let's harass him today cos that doesn't apply to me.' 

As you should be aware by now Mr Vine. If you have ever read these posts of mine. I operate on a 'Seen by appointment only' basis. And there are a number of reasons for that, which I will leave up to the readers imagination.

So to the Re-housing dept then.  

On the 27th of April 2021 I received this email.

Good afternoon,
Please find attached an offer of Council Accommodation. This offer has been made from your application on the Housing Waiting List. Please read the attached letter for further details on the address offered to you and information referencing the Allocations Policy. Please could you respond to this email by the 29/04/21 confirming if you wish to accept this property subject to viewing or refuse. If we do not receive any contact by the end of the day 29/04/21 then this offer will be considered as a refusal and we will shortlist for another suitable applicant.
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to ask
It was the purest chance that I opened my email that night. Just to see if The Anti-Social behaviour department had sent me one arranging an appointment with the Police to see me.
While I do say that email is my preferred method of contact. That is after contact has been initiated. Needless to say I was not impressed with their offer. More of the same old same old Mr Vine.
The first part of the letter contains this:   
There may also be some minor repairs required to the property and these will be rectified once you have moved into the property, any repairs that are required will be carried out within a reasonable timescale.
Following my move here in July 1999. I initiated a series of complaints. On the 8/3/2000 I received a letter with a document enclosed from a David Collins for Head of Services (Scrutiny) It contained the Stage 3 review of Corporate Complaint number N99-3-2 written by J.J. O'Brien. (That was in the days when you could get a Corporate Complaint Number Mr Vine. As you can see none was provided by R. Sinclair)
In 8.2 of the report it states. ''Since moving in on the 19th July 1999 Mr Gabriel to date has had approximately 30 repairs carried out within a very small one bedroom flat, The site visit on the 8 February 2000 highlighted a further six urgent repairs that were needed to be carried out. Action taken to complete by the middle of March 2000.''
In 8.3 Mr O'Brien continues: ''A repairs in occupation list will be supplied at the commencement of the tenancy. As an observation it would seem logical to have carried out the repairs undertaken in this premises prior to the installation of a new tenant.''  
In 8.6 it reads ''Before letting a vacant premises the formV4 - Vacant Repair Schedule and post inspection forms must be checked and found on file. Repairs in occupation should be minimal and sensitive to the use of the property and the occupants.''
From the wording of Ms Houldey's letter it would appear that Mr O'Brien's Observation has been totally ignored by Cardiff County Council. I've been living under the illusion that 'Repairs in occupation' for all new tenants had ended with Mr O'Briens 'Observation' 

After all Mr Vine isn't when they are empty the best time to fix them up? Well isn't it Mr Drakeford. Waste of time asking the Ombudman eh Mr Vine?

Although I am aware that the Council do repairs out of occupation for the Physically disabled prior to them taking a tenancy.
In his Conclusion and Recommendations he states:
9.1 Vacant premises should be in a good state of repair before reletting. 
I've also been under the illusion all these years, that my application was solely for a Bungalow. I mean they kept stringing me along that they were only available for the 55's and over. When I was under 55. Now that I am a couple of years past 60 they come out with this. Email dated 29/4/2021 from Louis

Dear Mr. Gabriel,

The Allocation Scheme has been designed to ensure fairness and consistency in allocating housing, through setting a fair and transparent framework for assessing housing need. In allocating social housing, we do not discriminate against any person on the grounds of race, gender, sexuality, age, disability, class, appearance, religion or religious beliefs, responsibility for dependants, unrelated criminal activity, being HIV positive or with AIDS, or any other matter which causes a person to be treated with injustice. We adhere to the Equality Act 2010 and have completed an Equality Impact Assessment on this Scheme.


Allocating is completed in line with the applicants housing need. On the application form we ask of types of properties you are interested in such as Houses, Flats, Retirement accommodations which include, complexes, flats and bungalows. When retirement accommodations are selected there is no option for a specific type e.g bungalow to be selected.

Offers are deemed reasonable and defined as ‘an offer of a property which is a suitable size for the applicant’s household (based on the relevant Partner’s matching criteria outlined in Appendix 1) and is located within one of the applicant’s chosen areas’.


The offer of 56 Lydstep Crescent is considered a reasonable offer under allocations policy and as this is your first offer you will only have 1 reasonable offer of accommodation remaining. You have the right to review this decision, in which case we could send out a review form for you to complete to give you an opportunity to state the reasons why you disagree with our decision. Please respond to this email confirming your decision.

That was in response to my email 29/4/2021 ( Sent in the early hours that morning)
Hello Louis

My re-housing application form specifically request 'Bungalow' as my choice for re-housing . This is for various reasons one being my dislike of human beings in general. Partly due to the neglect and discrimination I've experienced at their hands during my lifetime.

So can you explain why oh why are you offering me a 1st floor flat? Is it negligence? Is it incompetence? or is it more of the same old same old discrimination? I trust this reply will not make this a first refusal on my part. But an error of an offer on yours.

On the 27th of this month. I sent back yet another form (No envelop provided for return) So It's been sent to county Hall. In it I have mentioned that I am willing to consider 'any area' that has a bungalow vacant.

I would appreciate an email of apology for the error of this offer and confirmation that this will not be classed as a first refusal on my part.

Yours with thanks
David Gabriel
So I've asked for a review. I have until 25th of May 2021 to complete it apparently. Maybe I shouldn't have ticked that retirement option Mr Vine. But contrary to Louis statement the form does include a tick box for bungalow's.
This blog post is my Section 3 response of the review which they ask ''Why do you think our decision is wrong.'' And the Re-housing department will be sent the link. 
I would like you to note the last paragraph of Louis's email. To save you scrolling back up it read.
The offer of 56 Lydstep Crescent is considered a reasonable offer under allocations policy and as this is your first offer you will only have 1 reasonable offer of accommodation remaining.
This is at odds with Ms Houldey's 22/4/2021 letter (Received by me on the 15/5/2021 That sure is some snail mail Mr Vine) . Where she claims ''It will count as the second of  two reasonable offers'' and all the dire consequences that entails. Which is contradicted in her 7/5/2021 letter (Received by me on the 17/5/2021 snail mail is speeding up) where she tells me ''This was your first offer''
So lets take a look at 56 Lydstep Crescent shall we Mr Vine. First the front.

And here is the rear. I call places like this 'The Dead Zone' After all there is no abundance of life-forms are there?

Maybe Dr Sarah Jarvis could chat with the Re-Housing Team after she's had a chat with R. Sinclair. And how people with anti-social behaviour issues. You know those who find others intrusion into their lives stressful. That moving here would exacerbate their symptoms on a daily basis.

You'll also note there is no garden space out front. And just tarmac at the rear. I shot a video in front of the flat in question.

And as a comparison what I have achieved here over the last 22 yr  Mr Vine. The side of the property is Mr Watkins section. That Cardiff County Council made me hand over to him, after 3 yrs of my cultivating it. It's a daily reminder of the 'Despite' of him and his buddy Mr Fowlers in their contempt for me. 

I wonder what price can be put on this view from my lounge window Mr Vine. The first of this years baby sparrows coincidentally shot on the 9/5/2021 (You know 7mths later and still Sweet FA done Mr Vine). Something I would be denied by moving to Lydstep Crescent.
The same as this would be taken from me. By the 'One size fits all' Re-housing Team. Who care little for their tenants. Just like their Tenancy Management don't give a rats arse for them. A week after the baby sparrows, the baby Starlings arrived, such cuties Mr Vine. The look of wonder on their faces. Jackdaw looks like it has babies too. I am blessed. 

In my supplementary evidence to The Court at the final hearing. That Mr Grigg the Lawyer for the Council failed to include in the Trial Bundle ??? ( I did ask in my claim for damages and cost. That the Trial Bundle be updated to include it. For posterity purposes Mr Vine. I still have to appeal the judges decision to deny my claim. But I would prefer a legal representative to do it on my behalf) I included images taken from my blogs on how this place looked on the weekend of my move here.
The greenery along the house wall are some of the plants I brought with me from my previous address. As you can see it had been unattended for quite some time. A blank canvas if you will. Sometimes I view the garden a an ever changing collage.

Note the broken window Mr Vine. I mean who lets out properties with broken windows? You got it Cardiff County Council.

So the transformation began. That was in the days when the front gate would close on its latch. That is until the Fowlers had their breeze blocks delivered and the truck bashed the post out of alignment. I tried hammering it back in place but that didn't work.

And time moved on.

From this to this prior to the 2009 incident and my trashing of the garden. That the anti-social behaviour department interviewed me about but did nothing to extricate me from the abuse.

When I was cultivating the side of the property. Pallet wood comes in so handy Mr Vine. (Sorry about the image quality in this one).

A couple more of when I took responsibility for the side of the property. Before the Council made me hand it over. Scurrilous B's that they are.

Should they ever offer me a Bungalow Mr Vine. Do they care about the cost to me of my moving my garden ?  They would probably demand that I complete a move over a weekend. Hardly enough time to transfer it.

In my defence of the injunction. One of the remedies I asked for was for the Court to demand they do re-house me in a bungalow. And that the Councils Parks and Baths department help with the transfer of the garden to my new home. After all they have the equipment and the expertise. Plus I'm still pissed at them for the destruction of the guerilla garden I created along the banks of the river Taff. Senseless seeing as the locals who passed by during it's creation, commented on how much they liked it.

Are these sufficient enough reasons for the Re-Housing Team to acknowledge that. 'We are sorry Mr Gabriel. We realise now that the offer of 56 Lydstep Crescent is wholly inappropriate for your needs.'
Which would be something of a miracle, given my history.
As a reminder of the money I have saved Cardiff County Council over the years. Even though I still get charged maintenance cost is this from Mr O'Brien report.
8.1 Blah blah . . . The fact that Mr Gabriel is willing to undertake the garden responsibilities does enable the Council to save on leisure and amenities garden maintenance costs.
Well those 22yrs of charges saved ought to cover the cost of helping to relocate the garden don'tchew Mr Vine?
Now we have to see if they will accept this as good enough reasons. On the last application I wrote in the explain why you want to move. 'What is the point in explaining it's not like anyone cares.' Well it's obvious that they don't isn't it Mr Vine. How many doctors letters do they need to receive? How many times do they need to be told. 'Excuse me I'm being abused here.' Too many times, all studiously ignored isn't that right Mr Drakeford ? 
Well time to send the email Mr Vine. This will have to suffice. UPDATE 2/6/2021

Here's a copy of the email dated 24/5/2021 Just so everyone knows, eh Mr Vine.

Hello Everyone

The email below is self explanitory, and contains the link to my latest blogpost. I trust that you will all read the blog and get back to me. Please note the specific request regarding the trade button. If I do not hear anything regarding that by the 4th June 2021 I shall be seeking an injunction of my own.

Ivermectin Mr Drakeford it seems Mr Gethin refuses to comment on it's non-inclusion as a therapeutic in the 'fight' against Covid19. I call that 'Criminal Negligence' by the NHS. Just as I'm sure professor Borody does.

Yours the man everyone loves to ignore
David Gabriel.
And of course the list of recipients.
To: Tenancy Management <>; Barnett, Michael (H&NR) <>; ask <>; <>; <>; Housing Complaints/CwynionTai<>
 So far only the Ombudsman has replied. The usual BS Mr Vine. So I sent them this reply on the 28/5/2021.
Hi there

I appears from your email that you have not read the blog post. As in it R. Sinclair of the Council asked me to get in touch with you. If I was not satisfied. Well I'm not and as any form I might fill in for you would just include the blog link. Why waste my time eh?

Based on my past history with the Ombudsman. I not hoping for much joy bothering you with these things. But feel it is my duty as a concerned tenant of Cardiff County Council.

I wonder sometimes what you would do if I was your father?

Yours praying for a miracle
David Gabriel
So the deadline date to hear, if they are going to deactivate the trade button looms ever closer Mr Vine. It's symptomatic of their neglect that nobody has replied by now. And time to tweet South Wales Police regarding that 18 page document handed in 3mths ago. Or are unnecessary deaths of no importance to them?
All spurred on by Mrs Fowler engaging me in yet another unwanted, unneeded confrontation yesterday. I really don't enjoy being blamed for her incompetence. They must have read the blog. Cos she was being her destructive evil little self again. I had to remind her that. If Cardiff County Council didn't discriminate against me as they do. There would have been a wooden fence along there 20yrs ago. 
So I've DM'd @SWPCardiff with this.
Hello there. On the 1st March 2021 I left a 18 page document at Fairwater Police Station for Natalie Reis of your Neighbourhood Policing Team. I've heard nothing since. Could you ask her to read this blog post and DM me via twitter. If she has anything to say or wishes to arrange an appointment as her email doesn't work. Thanks
Well, enough for today Mr Vine #IvermectinWorks. Ooops I thought I'd send this.












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