Hey Mr Vine
Regarding the visit from the last blog. It turned out it was Eskimo man they were in need of speaking to. Complaints about his section of the garden. Plus ask what were the maintenance department leaving a card for my address. Regarding the roof when it's Eskimo man they need to be contacting.
To the main part of this blog. Finding a forever home for Handsomeboy. Remember this Mr Vine?
I am looking for a forever home for 'Handsomeboy' He's been coming for food most of the year. He was in a right state to start with. But regular food and fusses have done their trick. With the cold weather he's moved in. But he's making my other cat Mr Tiddles very nervous.
He would be best going to a quiet home with no children. As life on the hoof has made him self protective. ie if you approach him in the wrong way your gonna catch some claws. He has very big feet
:) Plus I would have to know that he has shelter from the rain if the right person is out.
He has been good as gold. Very appreciative of having a warm dry place to stay, with regular grub and fusses. So if you know anyone. He's not a young fella over 7 at least. I call him a cheeky monkey. Cos when he's had food he struts just like a very proud monkey.
DM me if your interested.
I really want to make sure who ever takes him has the time to give him. To make up for that which he has missed. He adores a head fuss, but don't try for the belly even if he rolls on his side. Which is the position he likes to take up for a head fuss.
I doubt he will ever be a lap cat. But you never know with the right person such things may happen. Here's his image outside of a tweet.
Onto the art then. I havent shown these paintings before . . . they are part of the black n white series I've posted before. Some are of a similar size but most are smaller than those previously posted. I call it my Christmas gift Mr Vine.
I have a few others I will add soon. I wonder if I was in full time employment Mr Vine. How much I could have invoiced Cardiff County Council for wasting my time, on Weds 14th December?
Or was I expected to lose my temper on their visit Mr Vine? With someone who thinks it's OK for vulnerable adults to freeze due to the whims of another? No mention was made of my complaints however?
I've yet to made the sign ''Hey Jeremy Vine tell the people of Cardiff how much would have been in a Stand Alone Bank Account. Compared to the monies shown in the annual budget for the Housing Revenue Account''
It's to long to be punchy. Over £70Million with the subsidy (Price fixing) or £170Million without it. So much different to the what £2million they claim. So much money to invest in Social Housing. One day people will wake up to this fraud our Councils have been perpetrating Mr Vine.
The implications of the damage allowing Local Authorities to have housing stock has caused. The real cause for the Housing Crisis in the UK. Either our political leaders are as thick as two short planks not to comprehend this. Or they collude in this crime. Well obviously they aren't the former Mr Vine. So it has to be the latter. Just like the BBC because it has an adgenda of home ownership, and private landlord heaven. Rather than one of a long term Social Housing domination of the housing market.
Shame on all the political parties for allowing this fraud to go on for so long. I wonder if I was a Nigel Farage people would take more notice? Shame that prejudice stops people doing the right thing isn't it Mr Vine!
I havent heard of any investigation into corrupt Council accounts practices. But hey maybe never eh? I broke some barriers painting these Mr Vine. Barrier nummer eine 'The fear to start' . . . enjoy!
The Moonlit Wedding.
By The Pond.
Public Baths.
High Tide.
Doggers Moon.
Another Bankster Bites The Dust. (cept I couldn't fit that all in)
All Rights Reserved n all that jass Mr Vine . . . copyright of Crazydave etc etc. I hope the nice listeners like 'em. All products of the un-conscious mind Mr Vine.
Been singing ''I'm just a cash cow for the professional elite'' lately. Wot wiv one fing and anuvver.
Time to send you an early morning tweet. Vive Crazydave Social Justice for 2017. The end of homelessness cos housing is out of the hands of the Council. We can dream eh Mr Vine!
Regarding the visit from the last blog. It turned out it was Eskimo man they were in need of speaking to. Complaints about his section of the garden. Plus ask what were the maintenance department leaving a card for my address. Regarding the roof when it's Eskimo man they need to be contacting.
To the main part of this blog. Finding a forever home for Handsomeboy. Remember this Mr Vine?
Here's what I put out on my facebook page. Kinda sums up the situation.@thejeremyvine this week I am looking 4 a #foreverhome 4 handsomeboy I'll tell u more when I update the blog https://t.co/jz6bac3Zob #r2vine pic.twitter.com/UBfvzTPxuB— david gabriel (@david_o_gabriel) December 19, 2016
I am looking for a forever home for 'Handsomeboy' He's been coming for food most of the year. He was in a right state to start with. But regular food and fusses have done their trick. With the cold weather he's moved in. But he's making my other cat Mr Tiddles very nervous.
He would be best going to a quiet home with no children. As life on the hoof has made him self protective. ie if you approach him in the wrong way your gonna catch some claws. He has very big feet

He has been good as gold. Very appreciative of having a warm dry place to stay, with regular grub and fusses. So if you know anyone. He's not a young fella over 7 at least. I call him a cheeky monkey. Cos when he's had food he struts just like a very proud monkey.
DM me if your interested.

I really want to make sure who ever takes him has the time to give him. To make up for that which he has missed. He adores a head fuss, but don't try for the belly even if he rolls on his side. Which is the position he likes to take up for a head fuss.
I doubt he will ever be a lap cat. But you never know with the right person such things may happen. Here's his image outside of a tweet.
Onto the art then. I havent shown these paintings before . . . they are part of the black n white series I've posted before. Some are of a similar size but most are smaller than those previously posted. I call it my Christmas gift Mr Vine.
I have a few others I will add soon. I wonder if I was in full time employment Mr Vine. How much I could have invoiced Cardiff County Council for wasting my time, on Weds 14th December?
Or was I expected to lose my temper on their visit Mr Vine? With someone who thinks it's OK for vulnerable adults to freeze due to the whims of another? No mention was made of my complaints however?
I've yet to made the sign ''Hey Jeremy Vine tell the people of Cardiff how much would have been in a Stand Alone Bank Account. Compared to the monies shown in the annual budget for the Housing Revenue Account''
It's to long to be punchy. Over £70Million with the subsidy (Price fixing) or £170Million without it. So much different to the what £2million they claim. So much money to invest in Social Housing. One day people will wake up to this fraud our Councils have been perpetrating Mr Vine.
The implications of the damage allowing Local Authorities to have housing stock has caused. The real cause for the Housing Crisis in the UK. Either our political leaders are as thick as two short planks not to comprehend this. Or they collude in this crime. Well obviously they aren't the former Mr Vine. So it has to be the latter. Just like the BBC because it has an adgenda of home ownership, and private landlord heaven. Rather than one of a long term Social Housing domination of the housing market.
Shame on all the political parties for allowing this fraud to go on for so long. I wonder if I was a Nigel Farage people would take more notice? Shame that prejudice stops people doing the right thing isn't it Mr Vine!
I havent heard of any investigation into corrupt Council accounts practices. But hey maybe never eh? I broke some barriers painting these Mr Vine. Barrier nummer eine 'The fear to start' . . . enjoy!
The Moonlit Wedding.
By The Pond.
Public Baths.
High Tide.
Doggers Moon.
Another Bankster Bites The Dust. (cept I couldn't fit that all in)
All Rights Reserved n all that jass Mr Vine . . . copyright of Crazydave etc etc. I hope the nice listeners like 'em. All products of the un-conscious mind Mr Vine.
Been singing ''I'm just a cash cow for the professional elite'' lately. Wot wiv one fing and anuvver.
Time to send you an early morning tweet. Vive Crazydave Social Justice for 2017. The end of homelessness cos housing is out of the hands of the Council. We can dream eh Mr Vine!
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