Saturday, 26 July 2014

Cardiff County Council Threaten Blogger With Eviction

Hi People

You couldn't dream it up could you. Well Cardiff County Council have and though I've been told not to I shall. Because this is 50 shades of wrong!

Dear Mr Gabriel  

Re: use of recording equipment 

On the 15th July 2014, two officers from our Tenancy Management Team visited your property to discuss a Conservatory that you were erecting. The reason for the visit was that in accordance with your Tenancy Agreement you are not allowed to erect any structures at the tenancy without the permission of the local Authority (Paragraph 3.18).

As the visit was coming to an end, one of our officers became aware that you were using videoing equipment to record the visit. It has since come to our attention that you subsequently downloaded the recording to "Youtube".

We refer you to your tenancy agreement. We refer you in particular to the following:-

              "3.6    You will ensure that personal surveillance/recording equipment is not used which may intrude upon the privacy of any other person"

##therefore we would confirm that given that you used personal surveillance equipment when oficers attend your property that there is a breach of your tenancy agreement. At no point did you ask the officers if they were happy to be recorded and then you proceeded to download the same to Youtube. This is also an infringement of their privacy rights.

On our request, Youtube have confirmed that the aforementioned material was removed from the site as it was a "privacy violation" and against their guidelines.

We now request, as per your tenancy agreement, that you do not use any such equipment to record the visit when Cardiff Council officers visit your home. Should you feel it necessary, you are welcome to have a personal representative  at the appointment but I must stress that we are not happy for our Officers to be recorded against their will. Should you fail to do so the same Local Authority will have no option but to take action against your tenancy.

We also request that you remove and refrain from using any specific information about Cardiff Council Officers such as names and email addresses on your blogs.

The remedies available to the Local Authority are possession and injunctive relief. Possession can be sought on the basis of breach of your tenancy agreement as set out above. Also it is the case that should you continue to record, we will be unable to visit your property. This will affect the Local Authority's ability to be able to manage the property appropriately such a visiting your property for Gas Checks which are a legal requirement. This in turn means that you are affecting the housing management function of the Local Authority; including carrying out a proper inspection of said conservatory which means that we would not be able to grant permission for the structure and would therefore ask you to remove it.

In the alternative the Local Authority can seek injunctive relief against you. This is a preventative measure and would impose sanctions upon you not to video or use surveillance equipment at your property. Were you to do the same you would be deemed to be in contempt of court and could face imprisonment or a heavy fine.

Therefore should you fail to remove the downloads as requested within 48 hours of receipt of this correspondence, we confirm that we shall refer this mater to our Legal Department who will take the appropriate action.

Should you have any queries obviously please do not hesitate to contact me on (blah be blah number)

Yours sincerely

NT Tenancy Manager

Oh Hum Crazydave . . . I bet those people caught beating up elderly people wish they could write letters like this. So Tenancy Manager what part of :

'In order to protect myself from Local Authority Officers saying one thing to my face and another in their reports. As has happened in the past. Ask my current MP Jonathan Evans if he has received a complaint from me regarding that kind of thing. Bearing in mind that I have the right to protect myself from any future abuses by Local Authority Officers Lying to me I believe I have the right to  collect video evidence'

The video you refer to in this letter of threat of eviction unless I desist also made that claim. It also has Ms E. state that if I submit a written request 'retrospective permission would be granted'. I find your obdurant tone on this matter at odds with her statement. 

A Judge might say 'Tenancy Manager you ought to be grateful you have a tenant who takes an interest in his dwelling'.

Or a Judge who says 'We need more people like Crazydave who deem it their civic duty to point out improvements that can be made by the Local Authority in its housing stock . . . Can you tell the court Tenancy Manager at the time of your writing this letter to Crazydave had any meetings taken place to discuss the option of installing Free Wind Turbines and Solar Panels for all Local Authority tenancies?'

Or a judge might say 'In Crazydaves email to Ms E he states that he is the victim of hate crime, what investigations did the Local Authority make into this matter prior to this letter . . . I suggest None Were Tenancy Manager'

This blogs overall title is was and always shall be Cardiff County Council its Corporate Discrimination of Crazydave I find your letter exemplifies that heading to a tee.

I have always hated bullies TM,  your letter to me is that of a Corporate bully. In the fullness of time I fully expect "Youtube" to reinstate the above mentioned video, that they took down without so much as dedicated email where I could lodge an "In the Public Interest Objection"

While the changes to law in England allow for blogging at council meetings it also wishes to make the Local Authority accountable to the public 

But you would have us cowering under our bed afraid to even sneeze lest it violated some reference number in your Tenancy Agreement TM. I think you will find times have changed, and that if I am to be a test case for a new breed of Scrutiny of the Local Authority. I guess the phrase . . .  "Bring it on!" comes to mind. 

Perhaps the Judge will take a dim view to bullies as I do. Oh and by the by . . . I am in the process of building myself a shed at the bottom of the garden. It will be a free standing structure conforming to normal shed building regs . . . "Could refusal to allow permission be seen as further acts of Hate Crime perpetrated by Officers of the Local Authority Judge?" 

And how many how many times have they been notified. That email is my preferred method of contact and not phone. No email address on this letter once again. "Guess TM was hedging their bets there eh Crazydave!"

Anyone offering free legal services to challenge this on my behalf message me via my Youtube Channel at iamcrazydave.

Remember for a full bibliography of blogs going back years and years and years go here 

Now where are all those Housing Charities when you need them or Mind with Legal Services for Mental Health sufferers who are having trouble with their landlords eh Your honour?

Meanwhile . . . Not one solitary reply from any of the leaders of the political parties in Wales to my last two Chief Constable. Not so much as a 
'Thank you for the email we are investigating the matters mentioned'

As if I was the invisible man with no serious points what so ever that need addressing. Corruption rife in Wales . . . Youbetcha! Malfeasance is a criminal offence Chief Constable as is Constructive Eviction which this letter is yet one more attempt at. 

As is Conspiring to with hold evidence that might lead to a public or private prosecution. Which the removal of my video from Youtube plainly does . . . and is really nothing more than a smoke screen to hinder questions being raised on Hate Crime!

Anyone else want to point out what this letter signifies to them feel free to message me. For the none readers a copy of the letter will be posted on Youtube with me doing the narration. And all living things said "Amen!"

Doing my Civic Duty people, just doing my Civic Duty. 


I sent the following email to Chief Constable Peter Vaugham on monday the 28th July 2014 . . . and some of The Usual Suspect . . . or The Untouchables . . . as they might come to be known as.

Subject: Hello again Chief Constable‏

I hope you will pass this onto whomever. None of the other recipients bothered to reply to my last email. Which leaves me in a situation where last friday the 25th July 2014 I had a letter from a Tenancy Manager of Cardiff County Council threatening me with eviction if I continue to blog and shoot videos of Local Authority officers visits to my property.

You will note that in the cc of email addresses this is going out to, none are to any CCC members like in the last.

A copy of that letter can be found here with some observations of my own on how wrong this is. I wonder if you had been lied to Council Officers before whether you would have your video camera out when they came to visit the next time?

As for the Malfeasance claim against the others in receipt of these emails, well it looks like they are 'The Untouchables'.

I hope that in making you aware of this letter you might just investigate the Corporate Discrimination claim, and maybe ask Youtube to send you a copy?

Yours David Gabriel aka Crazydave
Well that is the list, and this time the Chief Constable isn't as swift on the ball as the last time. Guess The Untouchables have had a word in ear? 

Malfeasance is a Hate Crime! Oh yessum . . . but the Welsh Assembly Government don't appear to being questioned over it Eh Mr Adrian Masters of @ITVNEWS #thesharpend fame. Its not every day a blogger gets threatened with eviction by his Local Authority in Wales now is it. 

But no bloggers appear bothered by Youtubes attitude or that a Local Authority Officers can seek impunity from scrutiny, via video. How very sad!


Hi People

The cops came on the 30th July and they aren't going to do a thing. I guess neglect can continue as usual eh Crazydave. I must I must I must shoot a video for you of the Conservatory its slowly coming along, and believe me when I tell you it has been well worth the time taken so far. In oh so many ways your honour, you could not possible comprehend.

The cops also recommended that I go the Ombudsman for the Council and those who oversee the #Senedd. I told them I've tried that route but that they are wholly unfit for purpose. They sought to imply that maybe because I didn't agree didn't mean it was wrong. I am sure if they lived here they would see things a whole lot differently.

The real reason for todays update is a video I came across today. I've often been teased by the kids on the estate about my 'Free Food In The Urban Environment' videos and what with the destruction of the Guerrilla Garden on the banks of the river Taff. I guess its not wanted to much competition with farmers eh. But in Irvine Southern California they are actually doing it.

Pity that we fail to try, enjoy this short snippet and yes more variety, especially if you have that kind of heat.

Were limited only by our imaginations! Oh and has any journalist tackled the Health Minister regarding unnessasary Chemo treatments of cancer sufferers. With know links to it being the cause of death rather than the cancer? Eh Mr Adrain Masters!

Why the silence about a Council threatening a blogger with eviction Mr Masters but then Owen Jones has been the same. The cops did say that I was well within my rights to video record the Meeting though Tenant Management Team and that a Judge would laugh it out of court.

What I would like is someone to stop them sending me any more threats. I'd like it in writing, and while I'm sorry sorry sorry that I never asked permission. When this property still doesn't meet minimum building standard regulations I think they have a nerve to chastise me, eh Judge!

So any news on the Solar Panels for all Social Housing tenancies Mr Masters umm BBC head of news. Heck the Director General even. Anyone challenging the Prime Minister over a National installation campaign, all paid for from the excess. Because we will be introducing Micro Wind Turbines so that we have greater Self Sustainability? 

Or don't any of you have poor relations who freeze their asses off in the winter. We live on a Windy Isle. We have the technology to store excess for the individual and when that is topped up send the excess into the grid. Why aren't we doing it then? As for concerns for the birds, when sad gits aren't shooting them, maybe we could fine mess the rotor blades so they don't get chopped to bits?

Update over and remember for a full bibliography of blogs go to  


Hello People

It seems the Bs doesn't ever end. Ms East has sent me another letter, and it goes like this.

Dear mr Gabriel

RE: Inspection of the outbuildings at rear of property

As you are aware we need to carry out an inspection of the conservatory you are constructing at the rear of your property. In order to do this I will be visiting you at 11.30am on Tuesday 2nd September 2014. I have also requested an operative from CMS to attend at the same time. If this appointment is not convenient for you please contact me as soon as possible on (blah de blah phone number) to re-arrange.

As this is an alteration to your property you will also need to request in writing permission to carry out this work. Please have this writen request ready to be collected at the visit.

Please can you also ensure that as per your tenancy agreement and as requested in the letter sent to you dated 22/07/2014, you do not use any personal surveillance equipment to record our visit. Should you feel it necessary, you are welcome to have a personal representative at the appointment.

If you wish to discuss this further please contact me on ( blah de blah number)

Yours Sincerely

A East 
Tenancy Officer

Well I guess its time I sent an email to the Ombudsman and make an official complaint of 'Constructive eviction' attempts by unelected officials of Cardiff County Council yet again.

So that no other Vulnerable Adult need be in fear of their tenancies from the likes of Ms East n Co. Ms East ought to know my preferred method of contact is email, and she ought to have it on file that Mr Gabriel only does afternoon appointments.

I'd like to bet that a Barrister could make the case that given this tenancy is 'an illegally let one' since I first moved here in July 1999 and that it continues to be such that the tenancy agreement isn't worth the paper its written on, and have the jury agree.

All this from a vexatious complaint about a thing that any other house hold could do and no inspection as to its soundworthyness take place. Funny how Ms east granted retrospective permission in the video they got taken down off youtube, and she is still harking on that I need supply a written request. Pedantic when you consider its been granted me verbally Eh Your Honour?

Well that's it the Ombudsman online complaint form has been filled in and Ms East emailed as well as a few other of 'The Usual suspects' here is a copy of the email to Ms East.

Dear Ms East
and everyone else, below is a confirmation email of a complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman as I have received another letter from Ms East dated the 20th August 2014 that arrived on my doorstep on Sat the 23rd Bank holiday weekend! Excellent timing Ms East I must say. Other recipients of this email are aware or should be of the blog post That some have not bothered to reply is their affair. Needless to say Ms East until such time as the Ombudsman has made an adjudication on 'My right to video record meetings with Council Officials and publish them in the public domain should I see fit'

Then I think it best we postpone this appointment don't you? You will note in the blog it does say my preferred method of communication is email. How many types have you told them that Crazydave hmmm, and that I am never ever available for morning appointments. That ought to be listed on my file also, how many times have you told 'em that as well Crazydave. To many.

Oh and Ms East the complaint is one of Attempted Constructive Eviction by you and other members of the Tenancy Management Team, along with Wilful Neglect and Corporate Discrimination I really ought to have added aiding n abetting Hate Crime. Oh and attempting to violating my freedom of expression rights as well.

Good day

David Gabriel
You all know the address

All so that no other Vulnerable Adult who does not wish to bother anyone over the machinations of a Council employee can be free to video record such meetings publish them in the public domain and not have fear for their tenancy when they do so, ever again.

Doing my civic duty people just doing my civic duty. Update over.


Seems like Ms east doesn't read her emails. Cos I had the banging of the front door at 11.35hrs. Rudely awakening me. I did not answer the knocking as as yet I've heard nothing from the Ombudsman, and given that I had postponed the meeting via email wonder what it is that you have to do to get listened to.

So I resent it today with this added.

I find it odd that today I have been rudely awakened by Ms east n Co but as I was unprepared for a postponed visit did not answer the persistent knocking of the front door. I would like to know why it is that they attempted this visit given the email below? and shall be forced to phone the ombudsman to ask the same seeing that online complaint forms do not appear to be getting any attention?

I can really do without this kind of harrassment, or the questions that the ignoring of emails raise?

David Gabriel

And lets see what the Ombudsman has to say. Update over


Hi People
I've uploaded the conversation of the video that the council had youtube take down, for 'copywrite reasons'? I've had to upload it througha different account in order to bypass that. Fail to see how they can object to this, but they probably will. This is to confirm that 'retrospective permission' was on the table 'if it comes up to their employees standard of worthyness'

Would you trust that person after all the above. I have yet to publish the complaint proceedure emails but that will probably happen once its all over. 

I wonder once I forward them the link to the video they will once again try and get it taken down? We shall see, and as its now completed I will shoot a video for you all to see what all the fuss is over. Personally I think its fking ace, but then I am bias aren't I. Maybe I will re-edit the video and put an image of the finished conservatory on this vid. 

Its so nice to sit out under, especially when its raining, and its been well worth the going without necessary to afford to make it. 



Well folks here it is same video sound track as above only this time with pics of the finished video. I hope you like it. I hope you wonder like I do. What all the fuss has been about. Enough said enjoy. 


Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Cardiff County Council Investigates 2nd Vexatious Complaint . . . Meanwhile

Does it ever end people?

Hi and thanks for taking the time to stop by and read, 

Doubt if you remember if I mentioned a card through my door, from an Alice East on the 12th June 2014. But I did. I've become phone phobic with those in the Public Sector. how can I put it. To much negative reinforcement to 'never ever wanna call one of those people ever again . . . no thank you very much!'

Anyway Let cut a long story very short, and reduce my time on this by copy pasting all those emails. To this I finally had a letter from her, it wasn't chasing up the . . . 'are we culpable if Crazydave gets bitten by Mr Fowler's dogs' nope its was another VEXATIOUS Complaint against yours truly . . . Oh yes I kid you not.

The song . . . 'and the world . . . and the world . . . and the world . . .  and the world drags me down!' kinda came often to my mind.

So in response to that letter of appointment arranging to 'Discuss the outbuildings at the rear of your property'

The rear of MY property . . . oh how nice if it were true.

I sent this email :

Hello Ms East

I received your letter on Friday 11th July 2014. Having been harangued by the occupiers of N13 on Saturday the 5th of July 2014 I believe I know the outbuildings your referring to. The incident took place between 1630 hrs and 1700 hrs. After I had drilled 3 holes in order to fit a supporting strut to my conservatory. One to my wall two to the side wall that abuts mine and 13 rear gardens.

The harridan started out by accusing me of drilling into her property. I didn't bother to enlighten her as to her error. She then went on to drag up some nonsense regarding my right to paint the front fence on my side over a year ago, claiming that I had ruined it. It seems a few dribbles of paint has her all wound up. She even left a note through my door at the time telling me to ring her. I didn't bother as what was the point a) I was entitled to b) the job was finished. I pointed out the former along with as far as I was concerned I was helping to preserve it.

It crossed my mind as things do about what we don't say during heated discussions. One of those was I should have said. 'Take a look around you Lady, if a few dribbles of paint piss you off, then you must have a heart attack every time you look a the shit hole your back garden is in.' Later when the thought crossed my mind I duly fotographed the eyesore for evidential purposes.

I also pointed out that earlier in the year when the gales were blowing, the said front fence was about to collapse from the winds. So I went out and using materials of my own fitted support struts to stop it from collapsing. I pointed out to her that 'I never got one word of thanks from you did I lady' also that I have never bellyached about her dog howling at 0300hrs or while we are here its incessant barking since its arrival last Xmas. It is noteworthy that just like there appears to be a marked reduction in the Fowler's dogs similar antics (since the publishing of my blog CCC condone hate crime) that since the 5th there has been a dramatic reduction in her dogs daily barking. How very coincidental?

What I fail to understand in all of this, is on the day of your posting the card through my door did you visit with the complainants, and if so why didn't you point out to them that my conservatory meets with all 'permitted developments' under housing Law? or aren't you qualified to make such a call and if you are not, why have a meeting on Tuesday 15th?

However given that this is a vexatious complaint against me. I would like you to call on Tuesday preferably between 1400 hrs and 1500 hrs rather than the 1200 to 1400 as mentioned in your letter. If only that you verify that the holes drilled that Saturday in no way can been seen as being on her property. As I should like you to write a letter on my behalf pointing this fact out to her, along with Mr Gabriel is perfectly within his rights to paint the front fence, and that Mr Gabriel's conservatory in no way violates housing law.

Hate crime takes many forms Ms East, this vexatious complaint is but one, given that the person making it is fast friends with the residents of n17 and the tenant of 15a in fact earlier in the year said person was parking his car in 13's drive. Why that stopped you will have to ask them.

I also wish to know why no one from Cardiff County Council has come back to me regarding the complaints I have made in the following blog and legitimate concerns over being savaged by the Fowler's dogs and remedies that might offset the likelihood of that occurring? Or is it all one way traffic here as far as complaints go now?

For the others who have received this Malfeasance is a Criminal Offence if we could only get some legal representation eh Chief Constable Mr Peter Vaughan with regards to my previous email you all failed to respond to.

Q. Should I be bitten between now and whenever a remedy is arrived at would you all be as culpable as the Fowler's?
Oh and what about the Free Solar panels and Micro Wind Turbines for all homes in Wales Mr Jones are we expecting an announcement on that any time soon. With works to commence before winter? (starting with social housing properties)

Yours David Gabriel you all know the address.

 Well I hope nobody has been offended by anything written above and if you have . . . ask yourself why?

So the day of the meeting arrived with me and my trusted video camera in hand and opened up my sanctuary to unwelcome guests. Last night i posted a video on youtube of the events that then ensued.

So far I have edited this much together, for those who do not read I am thinking of putting a preface of this to that video anyway . . . I trust my ugly mug does not give you nightmares . . . 


Do you think Public Service Employees ought to be accountable to the public . . . Cos I do. In fact isn't it what transparency is all about?

Will it withstand 90 mile an hour winds . . . how the heck do I know . . . its an experiment . . . its using the available resources to me . . . its recycling materials others consider junk . . . its relief from human beings who think its funny they can walk all over someones privacy . . . its somewhere to sit out when its raining . . . its about knowing myself as someone who dreams . . . its about gratitude for my beautiful garden . . . its about giving thanks to the great mother . . . and knowing humanity is her greatest cancer . . .

'Yes . . . make your own Conservatory for less than $150 folkes . . . using the Crazydave design . . . roll up roll up get the idiots guide on How To . . . for only a $dollar . . . !'

Was I to harsh on my neighbour . . . you decide . . . if a few dribbles of paint piss you off . . . why not scrape them off and repaint if necessary . . . but then this is acceptable . . . .

Sorry . . . but I did not deserve the BS on the 5th of July 2014 . . . no feeking way!

The said email not only went to Ms East but to the following:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

So far only Mr Peter Vaughan has gotten back to me . . . must say I was impressed . . . that has to be a first . . . SAME DAY!

How long ago was it you sent the other email to them Crazydave . . . to long ago my friend way way to long ago.

So the fallout . . . we shall wait n see . . . I've tweeted n posted the video on facebook . . . and its had a score or more of hits which is more than my birds video got on release . . . 'biodiversity is my middle name . . . !' (done in my best W.C. Fields impersonation)

And for your easy and to know its not all politics . . . enjoy!


I hope the blurry bits weren't to annoying . . . and the music helped to sooth your troubled brow . . . if you have one that is. Sadly some idiot has been shooting all the birds, and all the ones you see here have been killed.

Well time to publish and be damned Crazydave . . . being hated ain't nice . . . it ain't big . . . and it certainly ain't clever . . . and its a good job that i know the All That Is does love me without ceasing . . . and i am blessed.

Till update time . . . Thank you for sharing your time with me.

Interesting Times Update 20th July 2014

I've had an email from youtube support regarding the Alice East visit video it reads as follows:

Dear iamcrazydave, 

This is to notify you that we have received a privacy complaint from an individual regarding your content:

Video URLs: The information reported as violating privacy is at Throughout the whole video

We would like to give you an opportunity to review the content in question and remove any personal information that may be used to uniquely identify or contact the complainant.

You have 48 hours to take action on the complaint. If you remove the alleged violation from the site within the 48 hours, the complaint filed will then be closed. If the potential privacy violation remains on the site after 48 hours, the complaint will be reviewed by the YouTube Team and may be removed pursuant to our Privacy Guidelines ( For content to be considered for removal, an individual must be uniquely identifiable by image, voice, full name, Social Security number, bank account number or contact information (e.g., home address, email address). Examples that would not violate our privacy guidelines include gamer tags, avatar names, and address information in which the individual is not named. We also take public interest, newsworthiness, and consent into account when determining if content should be removed for a privacy violation.

If the alleged violation is located within the video itself, you may have to remove the video completely. If someone's full name or other personal information is listed within the title, description, or tags of your video, you can edit this by going to My Videos and clicking the Edit button on the reported video. Making a video private is not an appropriate method of editing, as the status can be changed from private to public at any time. Because they can be turned off at any time, annotations are also not considered an acceptable solution.

We're committed to protecting our users and hope you understand the importance of respecting others' privacy. When uploading videos in the future, please remember not to post someone else's image or personal information without their consent. For more information, please review our Privacy Guidelines

Someone must have told them I'd uploaded, maybe it was the twitter #cdfcouncil that tipped 'em off Crazydave, probably. So I emailed youtube support this:

Thank you for your email

I hope that you have reviewed the video? Its title is

Cardiff County Council Employees Not Wishing To Be Held Accountable. I believe very much that Public Service Employees should be held accountable to the public when carrying out their duties. That they dislike this goes against all 'Transparency in Government' claims they like to make. When acting as a Public Servant they automatically waiver the normal privacy claims that they could make as a private individual.

I would appreciate therefore if you would notify the complainant of such, and that on 'public interest grounds' youtube will not be removing this video. The video is attached to the following blog. Whose contents might help you understand why it was shot in the first instance. Here is the link

How ever in annotations I am willing to amend Alice East to Alice E. if youtube deems it necessary. However given the above and the link to the blog I fail to see why it would be necessary.

I thank you for your consideration of this matter as concerned citizen I believe it is our duty to keep those in authority over us under scrutiny. All the best David Gabriel aka Crazydave.

Well that's the update over me thinks Cardiff County Council Try Gagging Order On Crazydave read all about it in the South Wales Echo . . . Haha I doubt that, they have been kissing the backside of CCC and the Welsh Assembly Government to long to change horses now.

Update YOUTUBE PULL VIDEO on 21st July 2014
And everyone went boo hiss . . . don't worry folkes I'll give you the email to send a complaint about that to . . . heck right now

Here is the email I received

Subject: Notification of action taken on your YouTube video
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 20:30:17 +0000

Regarding your account: iamcrazydave .

The YouTube Community has flagged one or more of your videos as inappropriate. Once a video is flagged, it is reviewed by the YouTube Team against our Community Guidelines. Upon review, we have determined that the following video(s) contain content in violation of these guidelines, and have been disabled:

Cardiff County Council Employees Not Wishing To Be Held Accountable
For more information on YouTube's Community Guidelines and how they are enforced, please visit the help center

Yours sincerely,
The YouTube Team

This was sent from the

So I sent support this back it feels alot like repeating myself but hey the cops are public servants and we are allowed to video them and shout out their numbers without their permission. These two individuals are no different to cops, public servants.

Hi thanks for the email

Is there an appeals process, as I don't think that the reply I posted here and sent in email to youtube has been given its fullest consideration with regards this complaint. Or are you going to be taking down all the TV License Goon calling videos so prevalently posted from the UK on youtube as well?

In the meantime I will post your notification to my blog and see if I can drum up some support for Public Service Employees being accountable to the public and their activities just like those of the police being allowed to be published on youtube.

Accountable local government is a citizens right, I had hoped youtube would have found that self evident and supported the video being published in the public interest. As there are many questions to be asked about the situation requiring the shooting of the video, and the things that Alice East n Co have yet to answer.

Having said all that I still love youtube
Yours Crazydave aka David Gabriel

So tell me will you send youtube an email saying 'I support iamcrazydave, and you should publish his video on public interest grounds. Council employees should be held accountable to the public. What are they afraid of?' and remember its to here

And in my best Elvis voice 'Thank you very much'

All the best People 


Thursday, 29 May 2014

Cardiff County Council Condone Hate Crime
Hi peeps
Well they must do Crazydave cos you wouldn't have had to put up with this incident if they didn't, now would you? 

This occurred 14th May 2014 apparently there was a complaint. Alex did say that the complaint was that it was racists. Odd that workers don't use their own judgement in these things isn't it. But then my nuisance neighbours daughter works for the council or used to and that leads to privilege's the rest of us cannot enjoy, plus the councils corporate discrimination of myself puts it in a higher priority status. I mean 24hrs for a complaint to be actioned on by CCC neigh on a miracle!

Big question is who made the complaint? and if it is who I think then Cardiff county Council do indeed condone hate crime. 

I wonder what I have to do in order to get an 'injuction' against Cardiff County Council from its removal of any other signs that I might place on my home as acts of protection and awareness of my plight?

Again I have had to tweet Dick Costolo CEO of twitter about the #senedd page not showing my banners again with this tweet
Hi Dick seems like my banner pics have been removed from the page on twitter like this one

Oh to have the money to sue eh Crazydave. How different my situation would be if that option were open to me. 

More insidious is this on the 5th May 2014 I tweeted Norman Lamb the minister for social care after watching the video in this link:
  May 5
I watched this … Q why don't do the same as panorama when concerns are raised about a

and then sent him this 
May 5

On the 14th of May 2014 I also sent him this 
May 14

No replies made me think 'Its a good job your not being f##ked up in some care home trying to get his attention eh Crazydave' So much for whistle blower's eh Minister?

But then Mr Lamb follows in the footsteps of the many 'so called' Great n Good who turn a blind eye to good ole Crazydave isn't that right Mr Lamb. The new leader of Cardiff County Council for one who received this on the 1st May 2014 via twitter  

Once again no reply or this May 14

So as we are dealing with complaints how about the 3 times so far that I have had the dogs from n17 come charging at me teeth barred and barking ferociously eh mr Carwyn Jones? and why and how might it be stopped in future? 

Here is a pic of the path leading to the front garden. If you think this is the first time I have found a wheelie bin placed like this your sadly mistaken. The most in one day has been 4 times and not just one bin either like in this pic.

Where the 3 other bins are laying down was part of land that I once upon a time a long time ago used to cultivate but had to hand over to the upstairs tenant who if he's spent two hours on it in the last 12 years it would be an overestimate. 

But his 'ownership' of it allowed his best buddy work colleague to totally destroy the top soil so now its more like clay n stone, plus he lets his best buddy leave his wheelie bins on his land. How very nice eh Crazydave. If you look close enough you will see where the chain link fence was cut to allow access for the machine that ruined the soil to do its dirty deed. 

Maybe if complaints were acted upon as swiftly for me as it appears to do for others. Then that fence would be put back and the snarly dogs less likely to be roaming around on my garden paths? Hell I've seen the customers to Mr Fowlers parrot farm and what ever other pies he has his fingers in to frightened to go up the path when those dogs are letting rip, and so to those who this will be tweeted to, should I get bitten in the meantime I will hold you responsible as well as the owners of said dogs.

I wonder how you would feel if the man who threatened to burn down your fences and other intimidatory actions over time was placing his wheelie bins on land that you used to previously cultivate Mr Carwyn Jones?

Meanwhile this week the scumbags from the estate have been making their unwanted unwelcome intruder visitations to the flat above into the early hours. Sometimes I think I ought to raise a ruckus and wake the neighbours so they can be aware of what their little treasures have been up to.

Meanwhile I've been doing some interior decorating and getting some paintings of a non-political nature on the wall these are usually painted over the Xmas my gift to myself as it were enjoy oh and any other council tenant producing something similar would probably be splashed all over the tenant times eh Crazydave! yup.

and then there are these that come from what I call my ashtray drawings maybe one day I might blog on how they are created.

Hope you like them.

Another song I sing to educate the thoughtless is this.

I'm living in a favela in Cardiff Town
I'm living in a favela in Cardiff Town
I'm living in a favela in Cardiff Town
I don't need to go to Brazil 

I don't need to go
I don't need to go 
I don't need to go to Brazil

But they appear not to comprehend the message, and I doubt the Welsh Assembly government do either.

Remember people for a full list of my blogs go to the bibliography found here  


There's been no response from the twitter tweets to the Usual Suspects (see above) but I did come across this FREE SOLAR PANELS from this company 

Well that's raised a whole host of questions. One being why aren't all Social Housing in Wales being fitted with them, with regards to the Heating versus Eating debate?

Can a better deal be done so that tenants might get a % payment not 37% that this company is offering but more a 60% share. Would it be viable for them to do it at that figure? Well seeing as they are getting a lot more volume maybe!

Their system does not appear to include battery storage, not as if we get that much sun lately but a system that did include it and I've seen those videos on youtube from living off the grid American geniuses. So that night time use is also available.

Another question is . . . achem! Why haven't the Welsh Assembly Government in its what 14 years in office never made this so? As ever I would like to see this combined with micro wind turbines 2 at least with options on a third in the garden, cos I get lots of wind at this premises. If there aren't any companies offering free install and a percentage take of the energy generated funds . . . Well why not get the people at A Shade Greener to talk with a manufacturer of micro turbines as a way for them to fund their business . . . so we can be producers of our own energy . . . living a muchcho moro sustainable life !

You will also note that is offering one year free electricity for any referral made that takes up their system. If someone does actually act on this part of the blog is there any likelihood that I might get free electricity for the rest of my life, given that in Cardiff Councils Housing stock there are 17,500 potential installations? A few squidillions wouldn't go amiss either eh Crazydave . . . nope . . . for being such a caring, accountable person . . . n cos Gaia loves me!

Does anyone have a figure on all Social Housing in Wales?

Well time to send an email seeing as tweets don't get responded to Chief Constable Mr Peter Vaughan Malfeasance all over again don'tcha know?
Eh Judge Hickinbottom . . . meanwhile all the free energy available from our rivers continues to go to waste . . . what idiots we are!

Anyone know why google has taken Russia off the stats page? Oh yeah games are being played . . . and the slaughter of the innocent continues around the globe . . . ?

Update over All the best people xx!

Oops here is the copy of the email :

Hello everybody

Some of you I have sent the link to via twitter. As you do not seem to wish to respond to those messages it's time you had it in email form. The link is this

I have updated it today but doubt that the media will question you over any of it. As they have been as complicit in condoning hate crime as much as, all members of the Welsh Assembly Government. Since February 2004 when I first demonstrated outside its office down Cardiff Bay and prior to that when all recieved the redesignate houses of multiple occupancy shared houses letter . . . if they had any intention of reducing poverty it would have been acted upon a decade ago.

So can you have a meeting and at least get the fence fixed for now as I doubt c2c or Sarah McGill and her maintenace department will do it of their own accord.

Yours as ever David Gabriel aka Crazydave

and it went to these people: news@itvwales 

Sent at 16.11 hours time to tweet mwah!

UPDATE 11th JUNE 2014

Well well I recieved this email sent 09/06/2014


I apologise I am trying to trace the fence repair  do you have a reference number we seem to have difficulty tracing the repair

Regards  Sue

Makes you wonder? there were a couple of copy correspondence with the email it being sent hither n thither by various people at the council. I don't know the department Sue works in it didn't say on the email but here is the reply sent on the 10/6/2014.

Why don't you look at the blog and where the wheelie bin is fallen over you will see a chain link fence, open to n17 closing that might just stop their dogs wandering around? There are no reference numbers its a fresh complaint. The dividing fence I have erected between me and Mr Watkins the tenant in 15a G(removed for privacy) is because the council refused to do it themselves! I trust this helps with your dilemma.

David Gabriel

My inner child was asking 'Are they all numb nuts Dwave or just playing stupid games again' it didn't use stupid but the censors would be moaning again isn't that right Kate Berry?

So far Sue hasn't got back to me. But today the nuisance neighbours were up to their summer games. It happens every year, taking a sledge hammer to crack a nut, they seem to delight in cutting the support wires to the Honeysuckle that runs along the front fence, when they trim it back. Hell I've tried showing them by example that our fingers are enough for alot of it, and hand shears for swift cutting but its lost on them. We must use motorised tools. If I had a 10to1 bet on them doing it every summer I'd be a wealthy man by now. 'Don't be swilly Dwave da bookies would have stopped taking bets years ago' chimes my inner child.

No other either acknowledgements or replies although Mr Cameron n Mr Cleggs autoresponder replies came through. 'We're just to busy Crazydave'
yeah yeah.

Update over peeps.


Wednesday, 30 April 2014

More Evidence of Welsh Assembly Collusion 30th April 2014

Hey People 

Here I am again, probably wasting my time but needs must. First I will see how the copy pasting of Tweets go, and add a reminder of a video shot oh so long ago my very first on youtube and end with the latest song that I sing when the unwanted guests arrive to intrude on my right to the peaceful enjoyment of my home life.

 ·  Apr 18
why doesn't 17,500 tenancies n £30 million in payments show a healthy profit

You do really have to wonder why haven't they ever shown a healthy profit in the Housing Revenue Account. Will they show £10 million in profit this year now that they aren't subsidising the Welsh Assembly from that account to that sum?

if I owned 17,500 tenancies with a £30 million in payments I sure would show a healthy profit

You can see I've tried to raise this question with the First Minister Carwyn Jones but he's in hiding as far as questions from me go. Don'tcha Carwyn and the media don't appear to want to question you over this. As if they don't have kids paying over the odds rentals cos the Elite think buy to let is a good thing. Me I think its a blood sucker in lots of ways! I've highlighted those to often to mention.

Then there was this

had to fix the fence again Mr Jones due to corp discrimination see

And as ever seeing as she is the leader of the opposition at the Assembly Leanne Wood 

rents set to rise by 35% over next 10 years any chance of a rent freeze

Public Service Employees are bellyaching about 1% pay rises so why the hell are rents set to rise by over 35% in the next ten years? Its the Assembly that agrees these rises nice when it was creaming off the account, some conflict of interest there eh Chief Constable (you really ought to take this as another official complaint to your department chief Constable of South Wales Police not that your officers or predecessor  took them seriously before)

Then there was this 

seeing as nobody cares I painted this on my flat outer wall today

and no it wasn't a joke. I did shoot a video I haven't uploaded it to youtube. The reason for it, oh they are as many as the blogs I've written but one it is a statement of truth, also that I got fed up with the family next door who like to take the piss, cos if you think that they have stopped from taking the piss just cos of all the videos I've shot and all the blogs I've written you must be a bloody fool. But here's a reminder Mr Carwyn Jones


I've had some odd things happen with twitter over the years with my various alias accounts not showing tweets and stuff but as soon as I started adding pics of my banners direct to twitter an odd thing happened. There were various Assembly members adding pics, you know the photo shoot opportunity not to be missed with this group or that, then suddenly there were my banners appearing in the All Pics on the main #senedd page of twitter. Well that lasted about a week when suddenly All Pics was no longer showing on the page.

Me I would like to know who it was that contacted twitter to ask them to drop it, and who it was at twitter that agreed oh and if I was a wealthy man I would happily sue their asses for aiding n abetting Corporate Discrimination by Cardiff County Council and Welsh Assembly to the detriment of my health n well being. Hence I sent this tweet to Leanne Wood.
 ·  Apr 14
odd that since uploading no ALL PIC show on page public inquiry into gagging on

Well should there be one, seems like something is not right. That they can have such an influence on a so called Social Media Site? But I doubt there will be just like I doubt the media will press Mark Drakeford the latest Health Minister regarding this

is this true if so what are u going to do to stop it in nhs

Do you have loved ones who have been killed by the NHS, because that is the inference from the pic. Unnecessary treatments being used that are shown to cause more problems than they solve?

So when the unwanted intruders arrive I've started singing a new song to myself, there is another and I might take time to add that one day, for now here are the current lyrics to the 'Tough Shit' song, its aimed at all those who have turned their backs on me, refused to do the right thing by me because they have issues with my very existence it would seem.

Verse 1

They are gonna reap what they sow
Tough shit tough shit

They are gonna reap what they sow 
Tough shit on them
Tough shit on them
Tough shit on them

They are gonna reap what they sow 
Tough shit on them


They won't know where and they won't know when
Tough shit tough shit

They won't know where and they won't know when 
Tough shit on them
Tough shit on them 
Tough shit on them

They won't know where and they won't know when 
Tough shit on them


They're laughing now but they won't be laughing then
Tough shit tough shit

They're laughing now but they won't be laughing then
Tough shit on them
Tough shit on them
Tough shit on them

They're laughing now but they won't be laughing then
Tough shit on them

At the mo I go back to the beginning and start over, just like a mantra and tough shit on them, for finding intruding into my privacy some kind of a joke.

Should our housing be so crummy that someone anyone is forced to create something like this, sometimes I find myself muttering 'Shoot the Architect' them and the 'District Valuer' another favourite is 'They ought to be paying me £500 quid a week to live here' and so they ought back paid to February 2002 when I first asked to be re-housed and we all know the reason why, don't we Mr Jones!

Oh and for a matter of fairness I did tweet Andrew RT Davies seeing how he's another leader of a party, not present during my protests down there, in 2004/5 but
did you ever get briefed on this when you got the job at the see pic

Oh you will have to trawl through the All part of the #senedd on twitter and the majority of my tweets end up there rather than as Top tweets. Why that is, how that is is another question a Judge ought to be asking Dick Costolo CEO of twitter on my behalf eh Dick.

and while the Judge is asking questions another ought to be 'Whats the difference between an email message a direct tweet and a letter Mr Jones Ms Wood Mr A. Davies hmmm?' Can't wait for the answer to that one Judge.

Copy of the pic for easy reference

How is Sarah McGill still in a job given my other blogs, frankly baffles the crap outta me her and a few others like the Head of Adult Services. 

About time the discussion on appropriate housing for those with mental health issues ought to be addressed rather than just the funding lovely surrounding for health care professionals to work in hmmm? But that's not likely is it Mr Jones cos you lot really don't give a toss do you? Self evident Crazydave self evident or else why am I writing this now?

Lets see the media pretend the questions this raises don't exist and hold nobody at the Assembly to account over its contents. Just like Adrian Masters of Sharp End fame not so much as a reply . . . collusion well check this out 

No more of this going on at new bill allows during meeting

Do I really have to email it this blog to you Mr Jones or any of the other Ususal Suspect (I did notice the tenant times has started using that phrase . . . imitation is the sincerest form of flattery isn't it ?) . . . they block my emails another naughty naughty very very naughty Chief Constable act on their part. Guess the Labour administration are no different to when Mr Goodway was the top dog but the independant who loves to tweet was served this another Adrian . . . this time Mr Robson

I now hold you as a participant in corp discrimination by and all members

How do I get my tweets rated as a Top tweet Mr Costolo seeing as I am more of a regular contributor than some who get their tweets marked as a Top tweet?

I am consoled only that all involved 'Will reap what they have sown' eventually and tough shit on them when it occurs.

yours toward a humane society Crazydave aka David Gabriel
Update 1st May 2014

I almost forgot this kinda conversation

  1. : when are u going to look at our rivers...” < Have you seen this?
I have seen Greenprint for the Valleys document found here Those who have kept up with my blog and watched all of my videos will see many of the ideas reflected in the document. I especially enjoyed seeing that micro-hydro is going to finally get active in the Brecon Beacon section.

And that Todmorden is having 'free food growing in the Urban Environment' (see my vids on that). Something that Cardiff County Council discouraged although I see that they have planted a grape vine in the Bute park (see my guerilla gardening vids) 

Yep maybe you sowed the seeds Crazydave, cept it ain't happening fast enough is it? The finance is there its the political will that isn't. I mean how many waterwheels can the river Taff take that will not impact negatively on the environment the size of the melingriffith wheel hmmm?

This video was uploaded 18th March 2008 according to youtube  and I still do not know why they havent got it back working only making electricity rather than standing idol as an historical monument. A monument to folly by not using it is my oppinion. 

I am sure this waterwhgeel would out perform the large wind turbine in wentloog over a year.

Well well well Just sent Mr Costolo this tweet 

Checked in on the #senedd page and would you believe it the photos part of the page is back but none of my banner pics are showing. More questions Mr Costolo same as they don't show on the #plaidcymru page either. How is that Mr Costolo?

Oh but someone must have been a busy bee today Crazydave. Well lets see if we add a new pic it shows shall we Dick? Here is the test tweet

The pic is currently showing after that but only when clicking view all. Wonder if that part of the page is to be taken down again Mr Costolo and boy do I wish I knew how to screen save Judge, with time and date stamps on all of 'em current time 2016hrs.

Ah I see the new council leader is a tweeter Mr Phil Bale I just sent him this:

while we're sharing blogs Phil why don'tcha checkout

Never did get a reply, and he's received emails about employees of CCC and nothing back not so much as a 'please do not email me anymore' silence = malfeasance.