Friday, 27 August 2021

The Scumbags have been at it again Mr Vine

Hey Mr Vine Everybody

Long time no bloggy. I mean what the hell good has it done me up till now Mr Vine hmmmm? 'Not a frigging lot Crazydave' is the correct answer.

So here we are once again and, lots to catch up on that I would much rather not be doing. Here's a video I shot on the 12th August 2021. The Fowlers have discovered the destructive power of 'Weedkiller' ''Oh the joys . . . Oh the joys'' their friends could hear them cry Mr Vine.

While all I could repeat on that 12th of August 2021 day was. ''The dirty rotten Scumbags''

Anyway the sound is crap on this camera of mine. But as ever Mr Vine 'What more would you do if it didn't need to be perfect' and all that jazz.

The delight they must have had swishing it up against the chain link fence Mr Vine. It's called 'Malicous intent' designed to cause me distress, annoyance etc etc. Killing off a number of things as they did so my side of the chain link. I wonder if they were hoping to kill the roots of the Honeysuckle they so despise while they were at it.

Not that I bothered reporting it to the cops, or to Cardiff County Councils Anti-Social behaviour department, let alone The Tenancy Management Team. 

If you have the time Mr Vine, Mr Drakeford, Officer Reis. You might just want to have a listen to this Solicitor. She covers 'Malicious Intent' to bring you up to speed on the topic. And of it's relevance to 'Hate Crime'. Here is the link skip to 9 mins in, if you are pushed for time. 

In my ecoverse such product would be banned. Because as you can see they are anti-life. The opposite end of the spectrum to me. Which is Life in Abundance Mr Vine.

So what has prompted me to dance my fingers across the keyboard Mr Vine. Well it's this. 

While having to once again get in touch with the DVLA. To inform them once again that Mr Watkins is the resident if 15A not 15. And for them to resend the notification to the correct address . . . Once again. I ought to be charging fees for my trouble Mr Vine. I came across this email from Mr Barnett of CCC.

Tue 17/08/2021 16:35
Dear Mr. Gabriel,
Further to your complaint, I’m writing to inform you that I have finally been able to make contact with and discuss your complaint with your neighbour following an outreach visit with a police officer. I discussed the allegations with your neighbour in his flat.
During our visit, I recounted the allegations to your neighbour but he denied the allegations in entirety and told me that he does not have time to cause or indulge in any behaviour that could be described as anti social.
Your neighbour further told me that he was hardly home and even when he was he has no engagement(s) with anyone and that the allegations were malicious and without foundation.
Having said that, I communicated with you by email on 8th January 2021 and in that email I explained that a referral was made to South Wales Police and in a response the Neighbourhood Beat Manager advised as follows “…I understand that David is alleging threats however he needs to report this via 101 or 999 if deemed necessary. I don’t mind calling around for a chat as a neighbourhood officer and potentially speaking with Steven should he wish. Please can you get David to contact 101/999 in the event of an emergency of contact me direct on 07584883612 should he wish to report this as this is third hand information as it stands…”.
I further mentioned “…I will encourage you to communicate with PC Natalie Reis your Neighbourhood Policing Team’ Manager direct on 07584883612 regarding your experiences”. Regrettably, you didn’t make contact as advised.
Please note that I can no longer keep your complaint opened without action especially your refusal in contacting the Neighbourhood Beat Manager and with that in mind your complaint within the Anti Social Behaviour Team has now been closed.
You will appreciate that it may be difficult for officers to actually witness when the Anti-Social Behaviour is most likely to occur. Secondly, it is essential that an accurate diary is kept including dates, start and finish times, brief description of the behaviour. Upon receipt of the completed diary, it will be assessed and the content may be incorporated into a sworn witness statement should formal action become necessary.
So, should you experience any behaviour that causes you harassment, alarm or distress please report directly to South Wales Police on 101 (non-emergency) or 999 if you and/or someone in your household is threatened. You can also report to Cardiff Council by calling 029 2087 2087.
Yours sincerely,
Michael Barnett
Anti Social Behaviour Officer

It seems Mr Barnett didn't bother reading my 24/5/2021 email which you were a co-recipient of Mr Vine. The email was posted in my previous blog. CCC Don't Care About Mental Health Week Mr Vine.

Nobody responded to that email Mr Vine. I guess they all wanted me to go to court and get an injunction served. In order to have the trade button de-activated. Why should I have to do such a thing. Especially when the door as it is configured is used as another tool of abuse?

There are only 2 ways to close it Mr Vine. Either silently with a key. Or slam it noisly. Ever since they changed it to it current state. (See my 2017 blogs). Mr Watkins has chosen to slam it. Knowing full well as he did so that I would generally be in bed. More ''Fuk you'' behaviour that Uncle Tom n all at Cardiff Council think is 'perfectly acceptable'.

I call it his 'putting his blame on me' Mr Vine.

But given Mr Barnett's email. Mr Watkins is likely to deny that as well. So I will state once again that my version of events that day are true and correct.  That Mr Watkins denial are just more lies.

They make much of there being no 'incident numbers' logged with South Wales Police from me about these Scumbags Mr Vine. Well PC Reis didn't provide me with one regarding 'Threats of Violence'. Nor has she bothered getting in touch about the 18 emails left at Fairwater Police Station on March 1st 2021. I wonder if PC Reis will say she never received them. Or never visited me?

Seeing as Mr Barnett is implying I make shit up. I wonder if Kimberley of the DVLA will tell him ''Mr Watkins form was incorrectly filled out to 15 and not 15A.''

We have little messages at the end of forms the Council wish us to fill out Mr Vine. Where giving false information could lead to dire consequences. You know 'Loss of tenancies, criminal charges' 

Wonder what you get for being so out of touch with something you are supposed to be investigating. That you write the kind of email Mr Barnett has sent to me Hmmm? . Makes me wonder if there was ever a meeting held by them with Mr Watkins. Given the rest of the errors it contains.   

Is it more 'Same old, same old criminal negligence' Mr Vine

It's how I've come to view such replies over the years. Luckily for me at least the Ombudsman replied. If only to tell me to 'Do one will ya!' 

Just to remind everybody. This was the email forwarded with the link to the blog in question. It was initially sent to the Social Lettings Unit on the same day 24/5/2021.

Hello Louis

The following link will take you to my latest blog post. Which acts as my Section 3 reply to the 'Request for a Review'. The first part of the blog deals with nothing being done about yet more threats of violence to myself from Mr Watkins. (Reasons to move) and then why the offer of 56 Lydstep Crscent is totally inappropriate to my needs.

I trust this will suffice. And that 'Reasonable adjustments' will be made to accept it as such. Even though it is not on the form provided.

Yours in anticipation
David Gabriel.

I've since had a reply to this as well Mr Vine where the Council employee justifies that. ''This is a reasonable offer''

All I can say to that is. ''I would like an independent investigation into all allocations of Bungalows made by the Council since 2002'' What criteria did they use Mr Vine?  Oh and the cops and the Ombudsman are not independent bodies in my eyes. Colluders in abuse most certainly. After all the Ombudsman like Mr Barnett couldn't be bothered to read the blog.

Was it past employees get first dibs? Especially in light of the letters they have had from GP's of mine supporting my application on health grounds.

Here is the email sent 15th Sept 2021

Hello Mr Vine, Barnett everybody

This is my latest blog post it's not entirely finished. I've been procrastinating on it. Well over 20 years of neglect can do that to someone.
Here's the link maybe you will read this one Mr Barnett seeing as you couldn't be bothered reading the previous one.

I'd include Natalie Reis address in the email cc. But for some odd reason SWP block my email. I wonder why? Maybe I shouldn't have given her mine on the day of her visit. I guess I will just have to send a DM via twitter. Maybe the commissioner will look into it eh Michael? Not that anything will be done will it Mr Drakeford. No cautions, no arrests for hate crime. Just suck it up Mr Gabriel. And sweet fa done about the door entry system?

Yours as ever
David Gabriel

These were the recipients

Tenancy Management <>; Barnett, Michael (H&NR) <>; ask <>; <>; <>; Housing Complaints / Cwynion Tai <>; <>

This is a blog post from November 2006 Maybe Natalie Reis and Alun Michael will maybe this time investigate the allegations it makes. That was not done at the time it was made   From the list of blogs prior to this one being created.

(To be Continued).



4mths later and nobody from anywhere chasing anything up onn my behalf Mr Vine. Is the rope long enough yet?

Other than a bot generated email from the Commissioners Office and of course this from the Ombudsman. 

Dear Mr Gabriel


Thank you for contacting the Ombudsman’s office, the Ombudsman, however, does not act on copy emails.


Please could you and all others in this email thread refrain from copying in the Ombudsman's email address - or as the Ombudsman does not act on 'copy' or 'reply all' emails.

And they sent it out to all cc'd. The old ''Do as we say not as we do'' I almost hit reply ''Mr Gabriel does not act on copy emails'' They are totally unable to make a 'Reasonable Adjustment' under The Equality Act 2010 and read the blog and draw up an action plan to stop all this, neglect and abuse. But ''No'' My guess is they secretly read it and have a good laugh to themselves.

20 yrs in wouldn't you come to that conclusion Mr Vine?

I DM'd South Wales Police via twitter on the 15 Sept 2021 the following.

Hi there I would appreciate Natalie Reis of the Neighbourhood Policing team at Fairwater. Having a read of this blog post. It contains another incident of Hate Crime by my neighbours an act of Malicious Intent. This is the link I'd email her but for some reason my email is blocked from your system? Curious eh!

I had the following reply same day 2hrs'ish later.

Good Afternoon. If you wish to report a crime, please could you use our online reporting tool at or if you prefer, I can take the information from you via DM Becky swp57595

I replied as follows.

The link I supplied constitutes a written statement Officer. Saves me writing it all out as a DM. Thanks for getting back to me tho!

No further reply was received neither have I heard from PC Reis since. The Commissioner would have me put in a complaint first off to SWPolice. Rather than step in and by-pass that need.

Given the outstanding claims made in the blog above. From Negligence, discrimination by Cardiff County Council employees, hate crime, to intellectual property theft. Let alone the neglect via the Ombudsman based on it's inflexibility in dealing with complaints.

I am going to attempt to see if the new CEO of Cardiff County Council Mr Paul Orders. Can explain why 3 departments within the Council refuse to reply to my emails? You know The Tenancy Management Team, The Anti-Social Behaviour Team and Housing Complaints Team.

Is it due to direction from the Council, or just cos they cant be arsed?

In the mean time, I've had 2 no shows for maintenance work. The operative said they would get back to me. Nobody did and frankly I've gotten fed up of being jerked around by it.

This is a DM via twitter sent 15th Feb 2021 to CCC.

Hi there I need to speak to someone regarding this overflow from the flat above mine. While the person above is a leaseholder. This has impacted on my life by water coming into my bathroom. I would like to have the pipe fixed so that it guides the water to the ground. Can you ask the dept responsible for this to email me at (e-address) So that I am never bothered by it again. Thanks

An image was supplied of the frozen water. It has forced the sewage pipe seals to be significantly damaged. That was requested in a further DM. But the operative didn't bring a set of ladders to replace said seals.

I've also had a blip with my gas boiler. The water was hot but the radiators were not. Turned out it was a stuck diverter valve. What was really annoying was 8 days after first pointing out the issue. They send someone around without giving me a single days notice. I've tweeted about being given notice previously. It's obvious lessons are never learned. Cos I'm still having to ask for afternoon appointments still??? Because they still automatically giving out morning ones.

I had to ask the operative (a sub-contractor) to wait 5 mins while I sorted out my bedroom. Because stuff needed moving that I stash underneath the boiler. Then other things needed moving, and I was in an unwashed state in dirty clothes. A days notice would have hurt no one. And I would have been washed and dressed in clean clothes, with stuff moved and the room aired.

I think they deliberately try to embarrass tenants. Because they have been made aware of these issues. Too many times and never learn.

Then there was this. Maybe you could have an opt-in system in predominantly English speaking Counties in wales for those wanting info in Welsh. While in predominantly Welsh speaking Counties you have to opt-in for English versions. Saving everyone shed loads of money.

Is 'Wasting public money' a act of malfeasance Ombudsman? Or a criminal offence Mr Commissioner? ''Oh but we are simply complying to legislation Mr Gabriel'' What! 10 sheets of a survey that you don't want returned? I think not.

No point in sending this to the 3 departments mentioned eh Mr Vine? No point in sending it to the Ombudsman either. At least not via copy correspondence. Even though they expect action when they do the self same. Did anyone at the police commissioners office bother to read. Both this blog and the intellectual property theft one? 

This was included with the survey. It's this years rent increase up by 3.1% from April 2022. My initial thought was. If politicians were really concerned about inflation, and household bill. Wouldn't they be demanding a 'Rent Freeze' by councils, housing associations, and private landlords?

The new estimated rent will be £99.76. In the 22yrs I've lived here it's gone from £42pw to this new figure. What am I receiving as a tenant for that increase? Negligence Mr Vine. Discrimination Mr Vine. £58 quid a week more for neglect. 

The only reason it's risen that much isn't what they claim, that's for sure. 

As for their comparison with private rental levels. The difference is due to incompetence from Central Government for decades. Even the Welsh Assembly tell me they are happy to see a thriving private rental sector. They might but the tenants wont. 6mths contracts no security of tenure. Nothing more than lab rats is how they are treated. 

And nobody objects that subsidizing private landlords cost the treasury £12Billion a year in housing benefit payments. How many mortgages would that pay for Mr Vine? While hindsight is a wonderful thing. It would have made a difference if only one buy2let property could be owned by a landlord, and that Councils had first option to buy properties that came on the market. By now the Councils would own the majority of properties in the Country. And the tenants would have that security of tenure. That rents would be oh so much cheaper. And the HB budget so much less. 

But because they left it to market forces, you have the insanity of the cost of housing compared to 40years ago. Maggies legacy doesn't work for the majority. Or for Society at large.

Anyway enough for now. DM me on twitter if you want to arrange to see me.

end of update.

UPDATE 23/5/2022

Last Thursday I sent the following DM via Twitter to @cardiffcouncil at 2.52pm. 

Could you send the following link to your tenancy management team, and your anti-social department one as well. As they no longer reply to my emails. perhaps you can send the link to Paul Orders secretary as well for his attention. He might ask the questions of them, that I would like answered. Because it seems like a whole lot of discrimination by them to me. Todays other complaint is that Mr Watkins is once again using my address for his post. This time not to the DVLA but Simply Cook packages. Yesterday was the third in 3 mths. I did not fotograph the first but I did the second and the third. He lied when he claimed he was going to get the vehicles registration to my address changed. He lied when he said he did not threaten me with physical violence when he discovered my complaint to the DVLA about that. I've given him sufficient opportunity to change the address with Simply Cook. What I would like is the Council sending him a letter with the threat of an injunction being sought against him if he persists in using my address for his post. Just the same as I would like one regarding his slamming of the front door at 0700hrs or doing it again at 0900hrs as well. Because it is guaranteed to wake me. That also is hate crime but nobody at CCC seem to care. In fact it appears like the cops they aid and abet him or else it would have ended over 2 decades ago. I would also like answers as to why Bro Taff Health Authority send letter to my address for him. Has he also signed on to a GP using my address. I have emailed them enough about this matter, but their system doesn't appear to have been updated. I should not have to be dealing with this once again. Yours with thanks David.

Today due to no reply I messaged them via this tweet. Well come on Mr Drakeford when the Ombudsman write telling people not to respond to issues raised in a blog post, by sending out a cc email, that has to be guilty as charged. Wouldn't you say so Mr Michael with your Crime Commissioner hat on?

I've more to say on the rehousing issue. But that can wait we shall see if the don't reply to Mr Gabriel extends to the Twitter Team at Cardiff County Council, alongside the three other departments. 

Oh I wonder if those Simply Cook people sell their members list, to other companies and then I have the unsolicited letters arriving at my address but using the wrong name?

End of update.