Thursday, 8 October 2020

More Threats Of Violence Mr Vine !

Hey Mr Vine
More threats of violence Mr Vine. It's not nice I don't deserve it and I'd like it to stop once and for all.
There I am cutting the sunflower head shown in this pic.
It had grown since this then. When Mr Watkins comes storming up the path. Telling me how he was going to take me to court for redirecting his post. Which he claimed was a criminal offence. I proceeded to follow him. Pointing out that the last time I looked he was the tenant of 15A and me the tenant of 15. 
Apparently he is pissed off because I returned to the DVLA. The registration of a vehicle to my address in his name. He resorted to calling me a prick and how he was going to rip my fucking head off. He's kinda fond of that phrase. I responded to the first by saying. Well that makes three of us. Implying his best buddy Mr Fowler. Who only recently called me an 'Ignorant bastard' for not replying 'Hey Dave' Like I'd wanna talk to that Gaslighting son of a bitch. After all the grief he's caused me over the years.
When I said I'd heard that before. He threatened it again. To which I replied 'Do I look like I'm trying to stop you?'
Who do I blame Mr Vine. People like you who remain silent. People like the Ombudsman. Who refuse to take complaint cos it's not on their little form. Like Assembly Members at the Senedd. Who turn a blind eye. 
As far as I am concerned this individual is owed no favours from me. Given the evidence I supplied to the Court. In my recent case with Cardiff County Council. I'm wondering why the Court did not recommend putting me under 'Special Measures' So that this type of incident was ended forever in my life.
So if I get my 'Head ripped off' Mr Vine will you be culpable. Will the Ombudsman or Mr Drakeford or his predecessor Mr Carwyn Jones. 
Will the three Cardiff County Council tenancy management team members who took me to Court be? Because serious concerns for my safety were raised during the 3 hearings I attended. Questions surrounding 'Well-being' issues with this tenancy. 
What would you do if an enemy of yours registered a vehicle to your address Mr Vine would you just send it back to the DVLA like I did. Informing them of the error?
The only criminal offence committed here. Was the threat of violence. Punishable by 6 yrs in prison or so the sentencing guidelines tell me.
So that leads to these signs I've been forced to create. In order to not have my sleep pattern interrupted more than is necessary.
The latest game I call it. Mr Watkins has suddenly found the joys of online shopping. When the parcels got to big to be posted through the letter box. The front door was getting banged the shit out of. Even though he has an intercom which I declined for good reasons.
And stuff for him was being left at my back gate. It ended up this week with one delivery company guy. Knocking my interior door having gained access to the property via the 'Trade' button. An issue still not addressed by these negligent Council employees. 
Initially this one was stuck to the front door on a piece of paper well taped over with sellotape. But someone tore it off the very first day. I cant imagine it being the postal worker. As that would likely lead to a complaint. There is only one other suspect. Can you figure out who Mr Vine. Ahh yes! You clever man you.

So I painted it on. If this gets removed the Police will be called. No point in calling them over a 'Threat of Violence' is there. They havent done anything in the past over other acts of harassment or threats of arson. Just like the Council did sweet FA the first time I was threatened with violence by him. Way back in February 2002.
In order to stop any further delivery drivers knocking on my interior door. How would you feel 3hrs into your sleep pattern only to be roused by Bullshit that has nothing whatsoever to do with you Mr Vine ? The oddest part of it was. I watched the delivery driver walking down the path arms laden with parcels from my bedroom window. I mean he got access to the property. Yet left nothing? How odd is that ? It should also stop any Council employees doing the self same. So I painted this on it.
The grammar Nazi's will be pointing the finger . . . There ain't no C in Exemption Crazydave. Maybe I should have spelt it eggcempsion or even eggzempsion to really give 'em grief.

The DVLA assured me that it was not a clerical error on their part. Mr Watkins claims it was down to the people he bought the vehicle from. I've found in life people write down what they are told to Mr Vine. It's not my problem and it's not as if this is the first time this has occurred either. It's one of the reasons I got my own post box with the message on the letter box asking for 'any mail' marked 15 to be put in it. Because over the years I've had all sorts of companies using his name to my address. And frankly Mr Vine I got pig sick of it.
I call it attempted Identity theft. Because they cant all be mistakes can they ?
When you know how harassment operates Mr Vine. You have to give them credit for ingenuity. (I cant believe he dreams it all up himself though) From washing machines that shake the shit out of the place. To ordering stuff online to be delivered when your not there. Others I've documented in my journals over time.
Last week it must have been one of his latest purchases. He had an alarm going off. It just didn't go off for 10 seconds but for an hour. Not loud enough to be heard outside the property. But enough to awake me 4hrs into my sleep pattern. With him not being there. I really should have gone and recorded it through his letter box. 2 days on the trot much like the windows left open when the temperature was nearing zero. And him out all day. Do you remember that blog Mr Vine? And the Council claiming they could do nothing to stop him from doing it.
But it's not all doom and gloom Mr Vine. I published these 2 paintings recently. They were done in 2018.

This one almost made me give up on painting altogether. The amount of changes it's gone through. I'm still not entirely happy with it. But there ya go. Title: Female portrait with blue background. It became the inspiration for my 'Blue Period' painting series so not all bad. I started this one to get over the deadlock.

Title: Young Goth female.

More recently I've painted these.

Title: Cynthia and Cedric Arbutnott taking their evening constitutional. The titles come as I paint which is nice. I looked up if there were any Arbutnott's. The nearest was Arbuthnott apparently a Judge dealing with the Assange case is thus named.  Rumour has it she failed to make a statement of 'Conflict of interest'. But what do I know of such things?
There's another human being who doesn't deserve the treatment he's getting. Shame all journalist don't boycott any Parliamentary members statements/meetings/comments until he's a free man once again. But to many sycophants are employed in that profession. Earning a crust while a good man gets fed to the lions.

None of them will be at Boris's next press meeting with placards reading ''Free Assange' will they Mr Vine.

And then there was this. Part of the Star Series meets the Blue Period. With 'Introducing Red' as Mike Oldfield might say.

Title: Rutger Hauer From Blade Runner. I really ought to publish all the paintings done this year on this blog of mine along with the drawings. But that can wait.

Will the Ombudsman do jack after being sent a copy of this blog via his twitter account Mr Vine. Nopeperty nope nope Crazydave. You needs ta fill out da online form. Will Mr Drakeford and his Wales Social Services and Well-Being Act (2014) do anything this time Mr Vine? Nopeperty nope nope he will just make pretend much like you that this blog post does not exist. That he hasn't received this via his twitter notification icon. That Crazydave does not exist.

Well I do and I really don't deserve the harassment or the threats of violence. Or having to send documents relating to road traffic violations said vehicle has incurred. Informing them of the error of address and asking them to rectify it PLEASE!

Shame I have no witnesses. My word versus his and all that jazz. And I guess more silence from you Mr Vine.
Just so people know I got in touch Mr Vine. But to make sure Tenancy Management do. I best send an email today. Because they collude in this abuse by doing nothing to prevent it. Year in year out. By doing nothing to protect me from it since 2002. Ask Mr Drakeford what part of the Social Services and Well-Being Act (2014) they are in breach of.

Just like I asked during the trial when showing the image below. ''Do you think a tenant who painted this is experiencing Well-Being?''. The obvious answer is ''No'' isn't it Mr Vine.

So here I am Mr Vine today's date Weds 21st October 2020 having sent this email.
Sent: 09 October 2020 14:33
To: Tenancy Management <>; ask <>; Jeremy Vine Show-Radio 2 <>; <>
Subject: More Threats of Violence
To whom it concerns

That means you as well Ombudsman. Copy correspondence is a swift form of communication in the 21st Century. That you dislike it is not my problem is it Mr Drakeford?

This is the link to my latest blog. Titled More Threats of Violence Mr Vine. I would very much like it all to end. To have these abusers gone from my day to day life. If that is not to much trouble for everyone.

However that goal can be achieved.

yours David Gabriel
I havent heard a dicky bird from Tenancy Management. How does the claim of 'Complicit in the continued abuse of Crazydave' sound to you Mr Vine.
I sure if the boot was on the other foot. And it was Mr Watkins making the allegation. Those despicable people would have been here the very next day eviction notice in hand. Just like they get a kick out of issuing injunctions on the 19th December. Guaranteed to eradicate any 'Well-being' a tenant might have over the Christmas period.
Just like @cardiffcouncil havent come back to me on their twitter feed. Following this tweet they were included in again.
 I did have an acknowledgement of the email to Mr Drakeford. None from you however. But there has been nothing since. Is he or his team as equally complicit in 'Threats of Violence'. As Cardiff County Council's Tenancy Management Team Mr Vine. I think so.

Do you think there is a happy home atmosphere here Mr Vine following such an incident? ''No'' is the correct answer. However I have tried to not let it stop me painting. As it so often has in the past. Do you remember this drawing Mr Vine?

Title: Gramps with his latest painting 'Denny loved his sleepovers round Auntie Jean's'' 29/2/2020.

Well I decided to make Gramps painting a reality.

A painting is not a drawing and so there some differences. But as you can see it is much larger than the blue period paintings and the Rutger Hauer one. So to scale according to the drawing. Adding to the pantheon that is Erotic Art Mr Vine. Title: Denny loved his sleepovers round Auntie Jean's. October 2020.

I did like your Leicester question. To the Shop Steward GP spokesperson for the Welsh Assembly on your show this week. 100 days in special measures and the infection rate is still rising. What the hell is two weeks going to do? Not a lot is the obvious answer.

Other than more businesses going bust. As if Wales doesn't have enough poverty as it is. Maybe we ought to have a 'Don't get tested' campaign going. 'Save jobs, save businesses, Don't get tested'

Because when I read things like this from a google search. You have to ask. ''Erm. How come there was no lockdown when this was occurring?'' Don'tchew.

CDC estimates that influenza was associated with more than 35.5 million illnesses, more than 16.5 million medical visits, 490,600 hospitalizations, and 34,200 deaths during the 2018–2019 influenza season. This burden was similar to estimated burden during the 2012–2013 influenza season.
When we finally see this 'Scamdemic' for what it is. Will those who have lost livelihoods and businesses and homes be suing the government for said losses Mr Vine? 
Sleep deprivation is a form of torture Mr Vine. Not that Mr Drakeford cares. Time to tweet. Update 5th November 2020

Hey Mr Vine seems nobody has got back to me. Not via email or via Twitter. Seems that government departments ignore replies to their tweets. So much for engaging with the electorate eh!
Like here: 
I also notice that you have changed your email address Mr Vine so today I sent you and Vaughan Gething this. As Mr Drakeford cant  be bothered. All this does is embolden the abusers time after time after time. These complaints are made and systematically ignored.
I forwarded the original  9/10/2020 email posted above. As it contains the link to this post. And gives Mr Gething some background.
Thu 05/11/2020 13:42
Hey Mr Vine

I see you've changed your email. So I thought I would send you this reminder. Discrimination takes many forms Mr Vine. Government departments ignoring emails is another as nobody in the previous email has responded. All it does is embolden the abusers to get away with it again, and again, and again. It really is criminal neglience. Shame you didn't ask Vaughan Gething about the effect of long term abuse of someone. On your show on Weds 4/11/2020. 18 yrs of it is 18 yrs to many.

Read the blog post on the email below. As tweeting you doesn't seem to have any effect. I mean who monitors the First Ministers twitter account? Or does he just ignore replies on it. Afraid of feedback, unwilling to listen? As for the Ombudsman the criminal negligence continues apace.

yours David Gabriel
There really ought to be inquiries into the way Ombudsman use the excuse of 'copy correspondence will not be responded to' or 'We only deal with complaints registered via our online form' If they even deal with them then! Eh Mr Vine.
As for keeping warm at home. I really should post my tealight heaters. They are anti-flaring design ie Do not put them in containers like bread tins. Then there is making ponchos out of throws. Just cut a hole in the middle marvelous! Hoodies with a warm hat underneath(Poncho over the top of them). Two pairs of socks on the first a light pair with a thick pair over the top. And to those who can afford to buy some ski pants. To put over long johns and joggers. That is how I have learned to survive the winters. Living with austerity for so many years.



Monday, 13 July 2020

July 13th 2020 The Eve Of The Attempted Gagging Order Mr Vine

I post this on facebook tonight 13th July 2020

Hey The Jeremy Vine I've tried making the understanding of these accounts real simple. So even Welsh Labour or Plaid Cymru can comprehend what I have been saying for Oh so many years. 

If you or I owned these 17,500 properties Jeremy. We wouldn't have any £30+Million in rent rebates to worry about. Neither would we have any Housing Revenue Account Subsidy to concern us. So let's delete those and see what we have left shall we. 

Well in the first year pre-tax profit would be £11.875 Million post 25% Tax we'd have £8.906 Million. 

In the second year pre-tax profit £11.818 Million post 25% tax on profits £8.863 Million. And our balance going carried forward would be £17.769 Million. 

Enough for us to invest in a whole lot more properties . . . And that Jeremy should have been the story of Social Housing in Wales. 

A Society where people weren't sanctioned by the DWP when they've been living on £75 quid a week. Or one where private landlords are being paid £1,000 per month for renting a 3 bedroom  house no questions asked no sanctions given. For renting to zero hours contract tenants. 

Isn't that right Mr Drakeford. I hope this makes it easier for you all to understand we've been conned. With this designed to fail BS set of accounting systems and funding.

Being a litigate in person is no fun at all Mr Vine. I am hoping after tomorrows hearing I will be free to post my defence freely online with no bullshit from anyone.

Oh and for those who havent seen any of my latest art works here's some I've posted on twitter.
Here are some of the drawing as well as the first of my 'Blue period' paintings. The title: Look Dada's here. 


I also like to pass on the things I have had to learn when dealing with the DWP.


Well time to tweet this for you to ponder on Jeremy. The world according to Crazydave would be a much better housed one at least.

Wish me luck people!