Wednesday, 8 March 2017


Hello Mr Vine, Everybody

I will come back to the rent increase shortly Mr Vine. For those new to the blog you will need to read this post and this post 

First I would like to talk about Sanctions by the DWP. When I see tweets like this Mr Vine. I ask myself ''Why haven't the three devolved administrations gotten together and challenged Sanctions in the law courts?''
After all The Welsh People like to consider themselves champions of the oppressed. They are despisers of bullies, especially those with power over others. Given Mr Jones background you would have assumed that he could raise an arguement in favour of the UN decision. So that no DWP employee in Wales ever dared sanction anyone. Or else risk imprisonment for Human Rights abuses.

You might find this an interesting read Mr Vine. 

Especially the part on cost of monitoring versus what they save by sanctions. It cost more to police than it ever saves. I'd call that an exersize in futility. Or to quote a phrase ''Vulnerable adults just cash cows for the professional elite'' In this case employing DWP staff that they would be better off making redundant. To tha tune of £100Million a year.

(Inner child) ''You sure knows how ta save money qwazydwave'' Thass right kid!

So to the rent situation Mr Vine.

Yep they really pushed the boat out this time. A 4.89% rent increase. I've been wondering if the Chancellor has done any projections on the increase in cost to the Housing Benefit budget 2017/18. If other councils are following Cardiff County Councils lead on their ''Notice of Rent Variation'' Odd how it never goes down the longer your a tenant isn't it?

Mines gone up £3.90pw. Nice work if you can get it eh Mr Vine? Guess its time to see what last years rent yeild was, not sure if I can screen save the page.

On page 9 of The Statement of Accounts for 2015/16 it reads as follows:

Housing Revenue Account (HRA) The net surplus for the year, prior to transfers to earmarked reserves, was £716,000. This included income from rents and charges for services totalling £67.636 million and repairs, maintenance,supervision and management costs totalling £40.602million. Increased volume and demand for repairs to Council dwellings were offset by savings in a number of other areas including employees and insurance costs, contributing to the overall surplus. This surplus has been transferred to earmarked reserves for use in future years in tackling overcrowding and reinvesting in the housing stock. The HRA balance as at 31 March 2016 is £8.438 million.

During 2015/16, the Council made a one off payment of £187.392 million to exit the Housing Revenue Account Subsidy System (HRAS), which is recognised as capital expenditure and shown as an exceptional item in the Comprehensive Income & Expenditure Statement, within these accounts. The HRAS was a funding mechanism introduced many years ago by National Government whereby, in Cardiff’s case, circa £15 million of net rental income received from dwellings rents had to be passed back to HM Treasury, via Welsh Government. Under the new self-financing regime, the Council can now retain and reinvest all income. However, it is required to make annual payments for additional interest and to set monies aside towards the repayment of loans taken out in order to make the one off payment.
I find the one off payment to exit (HRAS) totally astonishing. That's 12 years at £15million in one hit??? What the heck are the interest repayments on that loan Mr Vine?

Cant do a screen shot as yet Mr Vine. But here is the link to the pdf Page 99 for the HRA figures. 

Total rent income for the year £67.636Million of which £41.398Million were the cost paid out. I've neglected to add the depreciation (Still running that fiction I see) or the loan payment for the (HRAS)(What a scam that is). 

In a Stand Alone Bank Account we would be showing a profit of £26.238Million. Quite a considerable difference to the £8.4Million balance they are trying to 'Fob Us Off On' Don'tcha think Mr Vine?

So rents increase by 4.89% projected increase on £67.636M = £70.943M for 2016/17. Or a £3.307Million a year increase.

I did so like this tweet to you Mr. Vine.

If you've read the previous blogs. You will know that I have grave concerns, over the speed with which these annual percentage rent increase. Make the doubling of the rent over time shorter and shorter. So far its taken 19yrs next time if left unchecked, and this type of rise go ahead. The rent for this below minimum building standard regs flat will go from now £83.70pw to £167.4pw.

It was either £42 or £44pw when I moved here in 1999. If I rummaged I'd probably find the exact figure. But it's not like anyone but me cares, isn't it Mr Vine. So now the rent is at a house charge for that time.

Will the minimum wage rise to meet that for 2033? £83.70 x 4.5% annual increase takes 16yrs to get to £169.27 Mr Vine. That's if the MSM don't ask the likes of Theresa May, Jeremy Corbyn, Carwyn Jones or Nicola Sturgeon. Given the current financial climate don'tcha think Crazydave's plan is worth implimenting? 

You know the plan Mr Vine from the previous blog. The lets Slash that Housing Benefit Budget plan. As mentioned in this tweet on budget day.
Or to members of the opposition at the Senedd.
Certainly not the £26Million that would be in a Stand Alone Bank Account eh Mr Vine. People are to busy doing other things Mr Vine. To be concerned at the robbery taking place under their very noses. But then the professional elite don't care, do they Mr Vine. I'm just a cash cow for 'em.

Heck no Crazydave or else they might have emailed ya back with a ''We are on the case, of the roof needs looking at. Mr Gabriel''.

Oh, and lets not forget BBC Wales. Getting a little reminder, of the things they ought to be quizzing. The First Minister over but alas and alack they fail so miserable on.
Just so you don't feel unduly put upon Mr Vine. Luckily your safe on facebook Mr Vine. As my account has been temporarily closed. As they don't like the title Mr Spookydude. I'm arguing it's my brand name, and after 10 years of ussage I'd very much like to keep it as such. I had my reasons then, and now for that choice. When Crazydave was denied me.

If push comes to shove, I will change it as I don't like political interference. Which is what it amounts to from my viewpoint. Plus, I wonder how much money I've made Mr Zuckerberg's company. In Ad revenue over that period of time!

Time to notify you of this missive Mr Vine. 

Well that's you notified Mr Vine 
As have these 
and these

Here's a timely link Mr Vine DWP WCA assesors asking ''Why havent you committed suicide yet''  

I have been experiencing all the other things mentioned in that post Mr Vine. Its not funny its not pleasant and long term Mental Health claimants really should not be put through these WCA.

Austerity is just a means of inflicting misery on the impoverished. All because Government refuse to take enlightend decisions. While the fat cats are getting all the cream. Like the self same MP's who voted for a £30pw benefit reduction for new ESA claimants. While last month they gave themselves a £1,000 a year rise. Its wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong Mr Vine.



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