Tuesday 28 May 2024


Hello First Minister

That's right and it's been happening for the last 25yrs of the Labours tenure at the Senedd Mr Gethin.

I've had the unfortunate experience to apply to the Dental Hospital for treatment, as 29mths since registering to be put on the waiting list for a NHS dentist and still no reply.

I'm in need of a set of dentures Mr Gethin. I've also invoked The Equality Act of 2010 and the right to a reasonable adjustment, for those with mental health issues, with regards to appointment times. When making the initial contact.

This appears to have caused push back, and all forms of excuses as to why this cannot be accommodated by them. So far the latest possible morning appointment time has not been given me. And while at my initial screening appointment on the 22/4/2024 at 15.00hrs. I stated that the earliest possible appointment I could make would be 11.00hrs. Subsequent events will have me pushing that to Noon. This was eventually accepted I signed some paper work and was on my way.

During the discussion I mentioned that I don't like slavery in any of it's forms. The third year student who was inducting me didn't know the charging system that NHS Dentist use. I found that pretty remarkable given they would use this system of charging once qualified. Or that out of natural curiosity and a questioning mind, they had not found this information out for themselves.

I have since found out that the health questions she asked and the mouth examination she undertook would be classed as a Tier 1 charge of £26.80 by an NHS Dentist. (Yet she is being made to pay £9,000 a year in fees, for providing this service to the public?).

So it came to pass that on the 30/4/2024 I received a second appointment for the 17/5/2024 at 09.30hrs. I hand noted WTF next to that time on the letter. And as I had business to attend to via a number 9 bus decided to go and ask for that 'reasonable adjustment request' to be upheld in person at the dental hospital.

Another issue they appear to have, is with those who suffer from Mental Health issues, having no contact phone number. Or nobody they could phone on our behalf. I guess it's because they don't know the impact having people randomly calling 'us' can have on our tenuous grip on some semblance of peace. 

I gave up on personal phone usage over 25yrs ago Mr Gethin. And I fail to see how it is in anyway is a detriment to my being treated.

The other issue is why wasn't the 'reasonable adjustment' on my notes, so that the student I'd been allocated to was aware of the fact. Because this is what reception told me, that the information wasn't on my file notes, and the supervisor at my initial appointment who was brought out to verify me, didn't have any answers to that?

Why had we spent 10mins discussing it at that initial appointment, for it not to be added to my notes?

A new appointment letter duly arrived for Thursday the 23/5/2024 at 14.15hrs. Which I just about made, one of the feral cats I feed turned up just as I was about to go, and it's needs come before anything else, cat people will know what I mean. So I just about made it, without the buffer time I'd allocated myself.

The student I'd been allocated to was off sick that day, and ''if we'd had your phone number, we could have let you know''. But they transferred me to another student, and that is when I really got cheesed off.

I was asked the same stupid health questions again, that bare no relevance what so ever to the procedure I am to undergo. They claim it's because it's a teaching hospital, but they appear willing to learn nothing what-so-ever from customer feedback. As a mental health sufferer, having to answer non-relevant questions is irksome, having to repeatedly answer them is triply so. Why oh why don't they simply ask 'Has there been any change to your health status, since your last visit?'. It would save everyone's time, and me and others like me from needless irritation.

Then there was the self-same mouth examination that happened at the initial appointment, and that was it? Excuse me? Nothing that has been done today, is any different than what occurred at my 1st appointment! 

During the process I'd asked the student if she knew that this induction was classed as a Tier 1 charge to the NHS = £26.80 or that the making of a impression on which to build the dentures would be classed as a Tier 2 charge of £73.50 or that the dentures themselves would be classed as a Tier 3 charge of £319.10.

Assuming that an NHS dentist will charge for each impression separately, and that the bottom set and top set will each be charged for separately. We are looking at this student saving the NHS £811.80 All the while paying £9,000 a year to do so. Her service therefore, is nothing but another form of 'Indentured Slavery'.

She also didn't know if, all the procedures she has carried out on behalf of members of the public were, on her file. If she was being paid a % of the charge an NHS dentist would make, I'm sure she would know down to the last Tier 1 intervention, don't you Mr Gethin?

I asked to see the head of the department, because Mr Gethin my time, being a pensioner whose lived a not to healthy lifestyle, is precious to me and I resent it being wasted.

That's when I met Mr. 'Don't Call Me Edward' Williams. Whose favorite phrase for the conversation was 'I'm being paid whatever I do' I've always had a dislike for the arrogance of Slavers, and their wealth off the backs of other human beings. Mr Williams did not disappoint in that regards. 

He brought up student of Geography into the 'Slavery' discussion. I pointed out that, Geography students aren't carrying out medical procedures for the general public, on a daily basis.

I also asked him if he thought his students ought to be given 50% of an NHS charge for all Tier1,2 and 3 services they provide. He said that he 'Did not'. I wasn't sure at the time, if this was due to his poor teaching abilities, or his low opinion of his students capabilities? I know, if I was one of his student hearing that, I'd be a tad pissed off.

He also intimated that I had yet to be accepted onto the programme, and that my application had to go before a committee. Which I reacted to in an incredulous manner, repeating his words back to him 'Before a committee?'' I did not say this at the time but ''Excuse me? isn't a second appointment letter evidence that I had been accepted onto the programme?'' Subsequently, rummaging through my file to write this blog I came across the 22/4/2024 paper I signed titled 'Acceptance to commence a course of treatment' First line reads 'You have been accepted for a course of treatment etc etc'

I'm not sure if this was 'Don't call me Eddie's' attempt to rile me, so that I might say or do something inappropriate, that would give him an excuse to kick me off the programme. 

That and his inability to process customer feedback that, 'Today has been groundhog day for me Mr Williams, a complete and utter waste of my valuable time'. I had been anticipating the impressions would have been taken that day, and progress made towards the completion of the dentures. ''Don't call me Eddie, I'm being paid regardless'', failed to take this onboard, and I found myself during the rest of the day, muttering. ''If they had a customer satisfaction form today Ed, you'd have got Nil Pois fella''.

On the web site for the department, they claim over 100,000 patients seen per year x Tier 1 payments that would be £2.6million As each one is likely in need of at least 1xTier 2 treatment that would equal £7.3million saved by the NHS. A total of £9.9Million, how many of that 100,000 need Tier 3 treatment Mr Gethin as a former Health Minister you should know how to find that out. Or will will I have to make a freedom of info request to discover that.

How much money does the average student save the NHS from Year three to five, when they start dealing with member of the public? 'Don't call me Eddy' is happy for them to be £45K indebt before they pay any living expenses for the 5 years this course takes. 

I wonder is it possible to significantly reduce that time, to qualify Mr Gethin? And seeing as you have difficulty responding to emails from me Mr Gethin I shall be printing this off, and delivering it to the Senedd, with copies to each of the opposition parties. Because to stop this abuse (Slavery) of young people, will no doubt take cross party support.

While Mr Williams might not like the legal obligation he and the Dental Hospital are under, to provide a reasonable adjustment for those with Mental Health issues. I am here to ensure he does comply with that obligation. I am also here to end the 'indentured slavery' of his students. He might like to call it 'volunteering'. Yeah well most people don't pay £9,000 a year to volunteer do they Mr Gethin?

So what are you intending to do upon receipt of this blog post Mr Gethin? Is it business as usual ie The continued 'Indentured Slavery' of these students, or 50% of an NHS fee to the student, tax free to help with living costs. And what does the data say regarding, how much a student can expect to earn, based on previous years figures. ie Can they expect it to match their fees? Or fees covered, plus living expenses eaten into?

What amazes me most Mr Gethin, are the parents of these students never bringing this 'Slavery' to light. 

Being a Christian country the Master words were 'A labourer is worthy of his hire'. These students currently labour for debt. Let's end that shall we?

It might help if, rather than waiting more than 26mths on the list for an NHS dentist. That after 12mths on the list, people are automatically offered a referral to the Dental Hospital for treatment. More customers, more wealth to the students to pay their living expenses, win/win eh Mr Gethin?

Update 30/5/2024

I figured I'd use the good old 80/20 rule for calculating the Tier 3 figure. 20,000 x £319.1 = £6.382Million So the estimated total saving to the NHS by these students is £16.282Million. The profit out of this Slavery is not unsubstantial is it Mr Gethin?

As it happens I've had another appointment letter arrive yesterday, this time for the 2nd floor with a consultant. So I popped over to the hospital to double check that at this one an impression would be taken, and yes this is what I am down for.

I guess I must have been to much of a disruptive influence for the students, asking questions. Rocking the boat Mr Gethin?